
Positively AVB

Image for Positively AVB

Good evening.

At this stage if Andreas Villas Boas isn’t unveiled as our new supremo very very shortly I’ll be genuinely shocked. So as we mark time I thought it would be helpful to have a discussion about the man. 

Now I don’t mean a happy clapper fest – I mean what would you base that upon? Rather a consideration of what you feel he could bring to the party.  

For me he’s the right man for the job for some very simple reasons. He has a CV. You can sneer at it, but it to deny he’s of a certain pedigree isn’t being entirely honest. It’s sneering for sneering’s sake.

Once you discount the Chelsea fiasco it makes compelling reading. And discount the Chelsea fiasco you must. John Terry & his grotesque gang undermining his every move to one side and the interfering mother in law picking the team for him on the other. 

Boas apprenticed in his trade beneath distinguished masters. Sir Bobby Robson was evidently impressed by him. Jose Mourinho made him his permanent wing man from Porto to Chelsea to Internazionale. He speaks English fluently. 

Some of you will naturally want to compare and contrast the guy with others. Can just I say at this point that when you do this you’re perfectly entitled to express an irrational contempt. But it will be a dull blog if it is plagued with fortune tellers, seers and other assorted two bob soothsayers.

To prevent your contributions looking uninformed or thoughtless, you might just wish to expand upon why you believe that we’ll a) watch all our players hand in transfer requests and b) return to the dark days of Santini…

As I said repeatedly during my campaign to get rid of that last chancer, I can cope with poor results. I can cope with no Champions League. I’m not a child. But what I can’t tolerate are stupid people and untrustworthy people.

This is an industry all about results, but equally I want to see Spurs exploit a cracking squad and play to a standard that matches our pride. I want to see the boys managed with insight, intelligence, passion and wit.

I think this chap’s just the ticket for the task.


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  • pezza says:

    sorry but AVB will be a complete disaster. Oh dear just when we were finally getting somewhere. Mark my words if appointed prepare for a painful season… maybe that whats were use to! Personally I’d rather have the success and great football of HR

  • MarseilleYid says:

    HH, personally I still think that Blanc has a better pedigree, but I’m willing to give AVB a chance. I bet we don’t know the half of what went on behind the scenes at Chelsea. I’ll admit the fear of failure too. If it goes belly up under AVB, the ridicule is going to be intense.

  • Bobspurs says:

    Have to say i will be pleased with this appointment. Have been predicting it to anyone that would listen since AVB got the sack and looked like Hazza was off to England. Never had a chance at Chelski with their ageing ego’s and Harry was always fairly inept tactically lets face it.

    Dont want to bash Harry but before the Arsenal game saw Paul Merson say there was no way on paper for that Arsenal team to beat that Spurs team…well they managed it and a whole lot more besides..and that for me was down to the manager. 4th a success??? not for that squad with that competition last year. Welcome AVB hopefuly and good luck.

  • cheddar-green says:

    Hold on. His CV without Chelsea is effectively 1 year isnt it? The Portuguese league (akin to the Dutch) is rarely won by anyone other than Porto – and having only been there for a season, he effectively inherited a team, not built one himself.

    Also – is no one else concerned about the fact most the Chelsea squad disliked him. I imagine most of them dislike John Terry equally – but you can’t tarnish their entire squad becasue of one notorius scum bag.

    He is probably ONE of the leading candidates. But I’d still prefer Moyes…

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      No. He was at Chelsea for one year.

    • Parklaner says:

      Why should we care what the Old guard at Chelsea thought about the man who was brought in to move them on from their comfortable positions, earning shit loads of money each week. He was given the task but not the backing by the owner. Doomed to fail from day one. He obviously didn’t get any help from his assistant, who jumped into the seat before it was even cold
      Could be fantastic for us, could be a total balls up, who knows. The press will hound him but it’s up to us to give him the support and stick two fingers up to Harrys red top brigade

  • Azza's Eyebrow says:

    I’m just off to watch a certain football match on the telly but I just wanted to say that this transfer window is likely to be 10 times more miserable than they usually are, unless we get a boss in pronto and stop some of these ridiculous rumours – get AVB asap if he’s deemed the right man and let’s move on to the ridiculous player rumours instead.

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