
An Ode To The King

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So farewell then Ledley Breton King

You gave us your all …your everything.

A callow youth debuted for us in 1996

Was even then a thoroughbred with wily tricks.

Cut from Captain cloth from head to toe

We prayed that you would never go.

But no one knew what was to be

Blighted by that bloody knee.

Your training regime was quite unique

A dozen laps in Levy’s pool – sometimes twice a week.

But this isn’t goodbye old pal, just au revoir 

We need you as our Ambassad0r.

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  • stujam says:

    Why waste time arguing with a half-wit, this is about one of the finest defenders to play in the Premiership, just ask T. Henry, I for one will miss his all-round play, anticipation and as often as not his brilliance. The only advantage Campbell had was that he was stronger in the air, not better but stronger. A central defender who never got a red card, unheard of but in his case true.

  • Alspur says:

    Never was a player so aptly named as Ledley – the true King of White Hart Lane for over a decade…

    An incredibly complete footballer: power, strength, speed, balance, timing, vision… not just a defender but an outstanding footballer, equally at home in midfield as in defence: able to tackle, pass and head the ball, brilliantly…

    You will be missed, Ledders – you are one of the true greats and, in truth, you deserved more success in our shirt…

    If only you were starting your career, now, just think what we could achieve, together…

    …but, in some ways you are starting, now: starting to mould the next generation of Spurs defenders in your fashion: if Steven Caulker, Younes Kaboul and Jan Vertonghen become even 80% of the Spur that you’ve been, we will be in safe hands for many years to come…

  • dixta says:

    how come we never sang Ledley’s The King of WHL? i guess we were so shi* for so many of Ledley’s great years that we couldn’t muster such a traditional Spurs song even tho the lyrics wouldve been mint.
    Led was some player that’s for sure, graceful, intelligent, inspired, unplayable against on his day. Our Fred Astaire gliding accross a glass dance floor (as Michael Parkinson described Spurs many years ago). And yet always modest. Shame for him that he had such rubbish round him for so many years. and of course the injuries, which stopped him being best in Europe and lets face it he would likely have left for Utd had he been 100% fit and gone on to win 100 caps. We salute the King, what a top man.

    • dixta says:

      you may be interested to know how Parky described our rivals in the article (from one of the broadsheets back in about 94 i recall, i used to have it stuck on my wall at uni). Woolwich: an oak-panelled boadroom; west am: arthur daily with a bunch of reddies in his back bin; chelski: flanagan and allen strolling down the Kings Road.
      i liked ours best: fred and ginger gliding accross a glass dance floor.

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