
An Ode To The King

Image for An Ode To The King

So farewell then Ledley Breton King

You gave us your all …your everything.

A callow youth debuted for us in 1996

Was even then a thoroughbred with wily tricks.

Cut from Captain cloth from head to toe

We prayed that you would never go.

But no one knew what was to be

Blighted by that bloody knee.

Your training regime was quite unique

A dozen laps in Levy’s pool – sometimes twice a week.

But this isn’t goodbye old pal, just au revoir 

We need you as our Ambassad0r.

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  • Jol 5:5 says:

    You’ve probably heard the story before. Thierry Henry was asked who was the best defender he ever played against, thought about it, took a swig from his water bottle and said that it was Ledley.
    I was gutted for him when big bad Dunc broke his foot before the World Cup – Ledley had found his groove in the England team. I hope that we can get him working with our defence coaches. One club man – in the same league as Maldini.

  • “I have been here since I was a boy, I have always considered it my club and have always found it hard to imagine wearing the shirt of another team,”


  • picasosdog says:

    long live the king. a true gent

  • Gus says:

    Total farkin legend. :wub:

  • LevTheGooner says:

    You are a top idiot. Big news like this and instead of a good pic of Ledley as a tribute you post a pic of a random woman, then talk rubbish as you always do on this stupid blog of yours. Are you OK? Cant you talk modern English for once?

    Anyway, though I’m a gooner, Ledley is a legend, not many one team players these days, showed great character playing through his injuries at the highest level. Salute.

    • LevTheGooner says:

      I mean why would you write a poem ffs

    • Dont want to take up too much space on this blog article but dont talk to us about one player teams.
      You have lost your only half decent player.
      Its that inept management group you have

      • LevTheGooner says:

        I said one team player, not one player team you retard. As in a player that spends his entire career with one team, for which I respect.

    • beggars belief says:

      He has a point.

    • dixta says:

      the pic is of a woman with a west country accent whose name escapes me but she was famous in the 80s for her homely little poems and odes similar genre to Alan bennet and his fireside remeniscences of a provincial england long since gone.
      HH help me out here..

    • Mark T says:

      The random woman is Pam Ayres. Youtube her. The poetry is poor but it is at least a little different. Is not the terrace song ‘we’ve got Ledley at the back’ really a poem?

      The thing about this silly blog, is that it’s generally well informed and well written, although often a bit bitchy queen. I like to trawl around the opposition blogs sometimes to delight in their misery (Arsenal-Mania) and I’ve yet to find one that comes close to this.

      • LevTheGooner says:

        I disagree. This blog is more a place you yidos all meet to discuss all things Tottenham via the comment section, which is good! BUT the site and content is poor. Poor humour and language written as if we are in the Shakespeare era

        • Mark T says:

          I bite my thumb at you.

        • ‘My Kingdom for a Test Tube’?????

          ‘They came,they saw and they went home”
          Arsenal after seeing the Tottenham line up,White Hart Lane 2012-2013

        • Mark T says:

          Poor language! Written like Shakespeare! Gadzooks I spy a contradiction in terms. Read more young man – it’ll improve your ability to communicate.

        • anto says:

          they came…they went ahead… they went home wipin their ass with the mind the gap t shirts after gettin hammered 5 2

        • Savour it my friend. The good times for your lot are over.
          Harry’s parting gift was to give you the CL.
          Actually he did more for you than your manager who completely lost the plot.
          You know that though.Why am I telling you that.

        • hoofing says:

          ‘Poor humour and language written as if we are in the Shakespeare era’

          The agony of choice to either endorse these fine scripts or banish them to memory.

    • Razspur says:

      Thank you for dropping in Lev, I agree with your sentiments entirely, you have raised my opinion of Gooners immeasurably. In appreciation I must add that I see RVP as a superb striker and wish we at Tottenham had his like, you are indeed lucky to have such a talent.

      • Hartley says:

        He won’t get it Razspur unless you place the :shifty: Zsmile on the end…and even then would more likely still think you’re giving him a compliment..

    • moe says:

      Lesson 1 – that random woman is Pam Ayres, satirical peot.
      Lesson 2 – HH used a picture of her for the purpose of something called humilty, which means not taking yourself very seriously, unsurprising you missed that point considering your colours.
      Lesson 3 had HH posted a picture of Dylan Thomas (he was another poet) than that would have been pretentious, something that you WOULD fully understand considering your colours.
      Here endeth the lessons.

    • mynameisluka(pending) says:

      Dear Lev,
      I am writing this slowly for you, as I know you cannot read very fast…
      HH does not “do” random…
      That is the wonderful Pam Ayres, who used to read her “odes” (which is a type of poem) out on a popular TV programme many years ago.
      I am giving the benefit of the doubt to you, as
      1. you did not recognise her, and therefore must be under 30 years of age, and
      2. you are a Gooner, and therefore guilty of limited mental capacity in your choice of football teams.You have our sympathy!

      But you have at least taken the time and courtesy to come on a Spurs Blog and praise one of our best players.
      so, Thank you Lev for your contribution.

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