
Arsenal’s Frimpong May Be Retarded, But He’s No Racist

Image for Arsenal’s Frimpong May Be Retarded, But He’s No Racist

Good afternoon.

I see this Emmanuel Frimpong Twitter thing is still kicking about and it needs a line drawing under it.

The Arsenal player responded to a negative Tweet with equal force in my book and whilst it wasn’t clever to reply as he did it’s unfair and a rather desperate move to manipulate matters in an attempt to slap a charge of racism on him.

The whole ‘Y word debate is tedious. The only two people care about it, one is THFC and you can understand that a company of their size doesn’t want to be associated with anything vaguely controversial.

The second is the ponce David Baddiel who as a Jew is clearly tormented by the fact that he supports a club with so many openly racist supporters.

Frimpong is only guilty of being a a bit mentally subnormal. He punctuates every sentence with the word ‘Dench’ and famously told viewers live on Soccer Am that he was, ‘soft for the ladies and hard with the men.’

I heard he recently had an anus transplant, but the anus rejected him.

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