
Exclusive Picture: What Was Daniel Levy Discussing Here Then?

Image for Exclusive Picture: What Was Daniel Levy Discussing Here Then?

Good evening.

Despite trying to take a what I had hoped was a thoughtful approach on the Charlie Adam business the abysmal contributions from Liverpool fans frankly ranged from mind numbing to migraine inducing. 

So let’s make like Madonna and get back into the groove with a good old fashioned caption competition. 

First prize is a fortnight in David Sullivan’s cellar, second prize a weekend and so on. 

  • Funniest caption suggestion wins the major prize.
  • HH’s decision is final. No cash alternatives.
  • Your home may be at risk if you go out and leave all the doors and windows open.
  • Lines close at midnight tonight although if I can connive some way of charging you afterwards, rest assured I will.

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  • al Gibbins says:

    Robbie and Dan work on there new idea to replace fantasy football. Robbie on fantasy wine drinking and Dan on fantasy page three girls.

  • Funny bugger says:

    PSB: If you buy me back I’ll suck on your doodle like this.
    DL: Cup my balls at the same time and I’ll consider it.

  • Chris says:

    Leve: So Robbie, how are you finding it here at LA Galaxy?
    Keane: Its a dream come true, I have always wanted to play for Galaxy as they are my childhood club.
    Levy: F**k off!!!

  • Spurs 37001 says:

    DL: So I said to him, I’ve taken us into the Europa League for the second year running, designed a new stadium, hoodwinked Boris Johnson into funding a regeneration of the slum, moved Sainsbury’s closer, taken 10% of the wagebill got rid of that awful Skysports leaking hammer and replaced him with the next “special” one – can I have a pay rise.

    RK: And what did Joe say?

    DL: What’s the average weekly pay for the average Oompah Lumpah these days?

  • M2S says:

    RK – I grabbed his c**k like this..

    DL – Did you cup the balls like this..

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