
He’s Signed & I’m Delighted To Hear It

Image for He’s Signed & I’m Delighted To Hear It

Good evening. 

I come bearing better than half good tidings. 

Emmanuel Adebayor the man they couldn’t hang – no matter how hard they seemingly tried – is a Yiddo. The source impeccable to the extent we’ve agreed his execution will be broadcast on a live stream from this very site if it doesn’t happen.

I know that opinion is a little divided on Ade. I’m down with that. There are always going to be good and wise people that don’t understand everything. 

So in the softly spoken words of Thatch Denis, I’d do anything for love but I won’t do that rejoice!

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  • Stu Barney says:

    Harry, the news gets better and better. The 4-2-3-1 formation played last night had me tinkering in excel with possibly AVB’s first team whilst at work.

    Assuming the 2 holding midfielders of Pathe and Sandro fills me with delight, that with Lennon, Sigurdsson and Bale supporting Adeybayor will be a true delight, the old Spurs of push and run football beckons.

    Roll on the first game against the barcodes for the first test, I’ve already told the missus that we are not entertaining guests or going out so I can watch it.

    HH, any chance of a brief analysis of yesterday’s game? Sigurdsson’s goal looked very much the poaching chance I saw when he was at the Swans. What a difference a few months make!!

    • Acton_Yid says:

      With VdV on the bench ?? Almost cunning…

      • Stu Barney says:

        As it looks like we will not play out and out wingers then VDV or Lennon playing right midfield, fair play Acton, your comment shows we have a very talented squad.

    • devonshirespur says:

      I don’t like 4231.

      Against probably 14 of the 19 clubs we do not need 2 DMs.

      Teams come and park the bus. Half the time last season, esp. at WHL, teams show such little ambition we didn’t even need Parker on the pitch, someone like Hudd would have much more effective & creative.

      2 DMs in the big games….YES

      Most weeks we need players to take it to the opposition not players to stop the opposition.

      • Stu Barney says:

        I don’t know Devonshire, I would rather have a midfield “wall” to counter any times where we lose possession and so be able to pass it straight back to someone in the oppositions half.

  • Mark says:

    He is not the Sky Sports source who said we had agreed a fee and Ade was signing on the dotted line last weekend is it? I will beleive it when I see him smiling next to AVB wearing the shirt. Probably a load of rubbish.

  • CheltYid says:

    I DON’T WANT MODRIC TO GO!!!!!!! :(

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      I do. The romance died last summer. Bye rat. :-D

    • BrizzleSpur says:

      If the current rumours about his behaviour are anything to go by, then I think it’s best he leaves asap. Don’t want another berba in our squad. We have plenty of options in midfield and even with Ade on board we badly require more options up front. He wants the move and we want the cash.
      It’s also been great hearing the players talk the squad and coach up, Modders will put a massive downer on things.

    • Happy hamster says:

      But he must go
      He’s been a very naughty boy

    • Gary M says:

      Fink rat out the door…..oooh do my last club really get a sell on fee :angry:

  • hoofing says:

    ‘we’ve agreed his execution will be broadcast on a live stream from this very site if it doesn’t happen.’

    Yours also I would wager. :gaehn:

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      How terribly attentive of you.

      I survived the ‘Benzema Scandal’ and so I think I’ll survive this.

      No, no, please I beg of you.

      Don’t thank me for Bale, Bentley and Bent.

      It’s okay.

      No really.

      It is.

  • kojac says:

    well if true,he is a handy big man and lets be honest any striker will do the season is bearing down on us fast now
    peanut played yesterday so that would say his deal isn’t exactly busting through,i mean they don’t want an injured player do they

    i’d assume most fringe players would bust a gut to impress the new man with a new system,modric is just about how much money now isn’t it,i’ll be sorry to see him go but if someone doesn’t want to play for us i’ll always show them the door

    • Gary M says:

      Keys in the door, port cullis raised, drawbridge lowered! Levy present with steel armour size 9, kicking said Fink up the nadgers, hasta la vista :winke:

      • WelshSpur says:

        Size 9? Not Mr Levy, He’s only big enough to fill a 6 surely!

        • Gary M says:

          Got to pad a few lines out a bit…certain people seem to be doing that tonight :whistle:
          Besides think of Levy sitting in a chair with armour for legs, pulling on a lever dispatching rat fink like in the Beano :-D

      • kojac says:

        ha,we just want to know how much,but i’m not sure i’ve seen anything other than undisclosed for years now

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