
Liverpool Need To Talk To Charlie Adam Before It’s Too Late

Image for Liverpool Need To Talk To Charlie Adam Before It’s Too Late

Good morning.

Brian Clough addressed his assembled new charges, the Leeds United players and told them, 

Well, I might as well tell you now. You lot may all be internationals and have won all the domestic honours there are to win under Don Revie.

But as far as I’m concerned, the first thing you can do for me is to chuck all your medals and all your caps and all your pots and all your pans into the biggest fcuking dustbin you can find, because you’ve never won any of them fairly.

You’ve done it all by bloody cheating. 

I was thinking about Charlie Adam and once the colourful stuff subsided I came to the conclusion he was an anachronism. In the 1960’s they would have called him Charlie ‘Chopper’ Adam – or something equally trite.

But the desperately sad thing is Adam wouldn’t have made grade to play for Revie. Adam has won nothing and it’s highly unlikely he ever will.

When I say nothing I meant nothing of any worth. He has a Carling Cup winners medal where Liverpool after what seemed like days eventually beat European heavyweights Cardiff City on penalties.

Adam’s main contribution you might recall was to hit his penalty kick past the goal with such force the ball eventually landed in a car park.

In Hammersmith. 

Cheating and getting nowhere has got to be even more lamentable than cheating and getting away with it.

Liverpool owner John Henry fired ‘King’ Kenny Dalglish for a number of reasons. One was certainly the commercial damage and general disrepute that was achieved by backing a racist. If Adam pulls another stunt like the tackle on Bale – that took place in a friendly – in a Premiership game …it’ll be Brendan Rodgers taking the call from the States. 

Adam’s disciplinary record isn’t in itself eye-watering. You start waving stats about and you automatically get involved in horse trading. No, this is just as when Wayne Rooney sees the red mist it’s the chilling execution of the fouls that is the cause for concern.

Liverpool Football Club used to win lots of medals and pots and pans but they won’t return to winning ways anytime soon employing cheats and thugs like Suarez and Adam. It won’t happen.

Adam needs to be sat down and told; the modern game is too fast and too athletic to accommodate ‘old fashioned’ hackers. And football needs to make sure that Adam is strictly monitored from hereon in, or someone’s going to have their career ended. 

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  • Michael says:

    Harry hotspur you douche

  • Michael says:

    Harry hotspur who are you

  • seattlespursguy says:

    So even though the FA and the Team GB doctors agreed Bale was injured weeks ago—when the Olympic Team was selected—thus, he was unfit at that time and consequently not selected by Pearce, it is Bale’s fault he isn’t at the Games, even though he isn’t on the Olympic squad. Therefore, Adam is freed from any culpability. Nice bit of stupid logic. It ignores time, space, causation, accountability and self-awareness.

  • hoofing says:

    Adam is strictly monitored from hereon in..

    For a minute I thought that read the medicine gear used in Danny B’s Trainspotting, the smacky stuff.

    As for Adam he’s been found out. Referees know his ilk.

  • Cozzer5 says:

    I see Andy Carroll is moving up in the world – he’s ditched the bin dippers and gone on loan to the Spammers. He says he’s only going to West Ham because he didn’t fancy a releagtion battle with Liverpool.

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