
Lloris Deal Collapses, But We’re In For Inter’s Julio Cesar!

Image for Lloris Deal Collapses, But We’re In For Inter’s Julio Cesar!

Good afternoon and may I firstly say, ‘ARBEIT!’

Tancredi Palmeri is a CNN italian correspondent and Gazzetta dello Sport contributor. He has  Tweeted in relation to a possible Tottingham transfer target Julio Cesar. 

Cesar 32 years old and plays in goal for Inter. He has to be one of the best goalkeepers in the world. Oh yes and apparently in 2010 he had a car crash as he lost control of his Lamborghini.

Tancredi Palmeri said:

“Julio Cesar: the contact between Tottenham and Inter strengthened. Spurs made Julio Cesar as first choice after the failing the negotiations for Lloris.

Inter wants to get rid of the gk before than anybody else, and Villas-Boas already approved the possible deal.

The signing could be done for some easy 6m €, and Julio Cesar already accepted the idea to move to London. Update this week”

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  • UnkleKev says:

    If this is true I hope it means we’re also looking to recruit Jack Butland with a view to sending him back to Birmingham on a year-long loan.

  • Jamie says:

    I get the feeling our transfer strategy is responsive to others. It’s clear we’re looking to avoid bidding against City and Chelsea, as once they’re interested the selling club puts the price up.
    So all selling clubs are holding out for those two before they will deal with us. That seems to be holding deals up.
    The Moutinho deal (IF it can be done) is being held up by Real offering the price of 1.2 Stewart Downings for an elite player. If we got the Mout in earlier Real would be in the driving seat for Modric as we would HAVE to sell.
    Ade is frustrating as we need at least 1 striker signed soon. No use taking brinkmanship till the end of August if you can’t put a team out to start the season! If we’d taken heed last season maybe we’d have got 1 point from our first 2 games and be in the CL right now!

    • kojac says:

      also PSG,russians even chinese clubs these days,before the money is just too big or we get a world/euro type NFl system the fa and premier need to make sure fans can fill the stadiums as the you can’t really beat what full stadiums give you week in week out

  • ItalianSpurs says:

    no,no please
    he was great in the past but he’s simply awful now!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • bill says:

    looks like rat face might be staying at the lane.

  • Peter4Spurs says:

    Pat Jennings is ready in the wings!!

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