
Midget Gem Negotiating Out, Kaká Negotiating In…

Image for Midget Gem Negotiating Out, Kaká Negotiating In…

Hello young lovers.

Jermain ‘What? What? I didn’t see you! Bruv, it was on so I took it’ Defoe has been in talks with Reading. 

I’ve mixed feelings about the Midget Gem. He’s scored so many goals, so many important ones. Specifically ones that got us out of schtuck. Yet his spiel his routine lacked variety. Receives ball, turns, shoots, winces. 

Where would he fit in under the André Villas Boas high line? I do not know. What I do know is that he was struggling to get starts under Arry, the manager that has been a fan of his since he was knee high to linesman’s flag.

The interesting mumble – and mumble is all that it is at this stage – is the name of Kaká. Hold tight on the upper deck.

It’s well documented that Real Madrid has been somewhat of a career cul-de-sac for one of the world’s greatest players and I’m told that Los Blancos are looking for compensation of ballpark £20M for him. Bare in mind he was sold to them for them for a reported £59M in 2009.

Will it happen? Hahahaha. What I can tell you is that serious enquiries have 100% been made. This club is not mucking about any more.

The gloves are off. 

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  • Razspur says:

    Midget Gem needed too many attempts to get one on target though and rarely spotted better placed team mates, some great goals but that miss against City cost us a whole season.

    • Dannyspurs says:

      The Man City miss was so painful……then the crazy one caught Ledders outs and it made the miss even worse.

      I dont have the stat’s but a great striker does not have defoes penalty taker miss rate.

      Give the boy time to think and he wont score.

    • The Tottinghams says:

      I reckon he spotted better placed team mates all the time, duly ignored them, and shot anyway. If you put him in midfield (stupid idea I know) he would simply shoot from there

  • JoshSpurs says:

    Just going to pass on this email I received at work. Apparently written by a gooner:

    For those of you that are interested and have been wondering where the spuds have been getting their money from read on… for those of you who are not interested skip this post!!
    I am currently on holiday in Mauritius staying at the Le Saint Geran and today i met Nico Van Ditmar, a director at The Tavistock Group which is owned by spuds “sugar daddy” Joe Lewis.
    A piece came on the BBC World News about AVB and how he plans to take the spuds forward and we started talking footy. He started by telling me how he is a big spurs fan to which i retorted that i am a gooner, his next words were “Oh, we’ll soon be overtaking you guys in a big way” I asked him what he meant and he said “Lets just say that the gloves are off!!”
    Apparently, the one and only reason spurs de-listed themselves from the stock market recently was so that the The Tavistock Group i.e Joe Lewis, was able to pump funds and liquidity into spurs in a big way (non disclosure). They are just about to open a 67acre £45 million world class training facility in Enfield, this is the reason they have been able to attract AVB, Vertonghan and stole Sigurrdsen from Liverpool. They did not borrow any money to fund this build and it is considered that it will be one of the best if not the best facility at any football club in the world.
    Bale is now on £105,000 per week and spurs are willing to pay Ade £140,000 to prise him away from City. City want £7 million but spuds only willing to pay £5 million.
    Worst still, Modric (currently on £105,000pw) will not leave for less than 40 million euro’s and Real Madrid are his preferred option. Real are trying to dilute the transfer fee with Carvalho but spuds stance is that they want 40 million euro’s and will negotiate for Carvalho separately as he is one of AVB’s targets anyway. Modric is contracted until 2016 so spuds hold the upper hand in negotiations, if he leaves they WILL replace him with Moutinho who spuds think is a better player anyway, captained Portugal at 20 yrs old and more aggressive.
    Hugo Lloris has chosen spurs over us, personal terms agreed but transfer fee is stumbling block, Lyon want 20 million euro’s spuds have offered 15 million, this Nico fella assured me he will be a spuds player by July 15th.
    Their new stadium build is at a cost of £450 million but they will only have to borrow £180 million!!!! Big daddy Joe is funding the rest!! To make things even worst AVB has been given a transfer kitty of £100 million to spend which must also include wages. This was the one and only reason Redknapp was sacked, it was decided that between Daniel Levy and Joe Lewis that Redknapp could not be trusted to take spuds forward in the way that they want given the commitment in funds the board are now making.
    So there you have it maybe not from the horses mouth but definitely from near the arsehole area!! I asked him he if he could shed any light on Kronke and all he said was “He’s a very conservative fellow and keeps himself to himself so i can’t tell you much about him” He carried on by explaining that Lewis is a massive spurs fan and has always been spurs “petty cash” tin when they’ve needed it and that “you could not have a better owner of tottenham hostpur football club than Joe lewis”
    Apologies if some of the transfer info is old hat as I’ve not been able to keep up with things and please don’t shoot the messenger!!
    It does beg the question what the f*ck is going on at Arsenal though doesn’t it?

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Interesting stuff mate!

    • Dublin Yid says:

      Very fucking Interesting !!!!

    • Razspur says:

      There you have it !

    • MitchellThomas says:

      Jaysus, just had a bad bout of Deja Vu

    • JoshSpurs says:

      I know. Can’t help but feel an overwhelming buzz about the upcoming season! Getting business done quickly and quietly, what’s all that about?! I love it!

      • Razspur says:

        Tell the wife to leave the Vibro on the table, you’ve just rolled onto it and somehow accidentally switched it on.

        • Razspur says:

          If the kids see it and ask any embarrassing questions she can just tell them “That’s you’re new Daddy.”

    • chiversmetimbers says:

      WUM……SSG posted this 2 days ago…it came from Facebook pal #toshspurs

      • Razspur says:

        And I just thought it was a recurring dream, every night I see my wish list and now we are pencilling out the items accrued.

      • JoshSpurs says:

        As I said, just passing on what I received, pal. :)

      • Clarkspur says:

        Definitely a Spurs fan writing pretend Le Arse fan bollox from their own opinions linked to urban-internet-legend about Mr Lewis and the gang.

        We’ve known for years about Joe Lewis’ billions and whenever we spend a bit of cash, the same ‘new interest from our sugar daddy’ stories get rolled out. I remember this same story being the talk of the south lower when we signed Rebrov FFS.

        All you need to add is that we’re investing in this training facility, stadium and squad because we’re about to be bought by rich Americans/Middle East Oil Barons/Martians who will invest trillions there afer…same old stories.

        The only thing that has changed in many a year is that we have fricking decent squad.

    • Its Goonhog day all over again

    • Dani Boy says:

      All of this sounds as though it was written by a Spurs fan. They’ve just substituted ‘Spurs’ for ‘spuds’ where necessary. For an ‘Arsenal fan’, he sounds a bit too chipper for my liking..

    • jfdit says:

      Interesting, hopefully true too

      the bit about lewis being a massive spurs fan is a bit far fetched, it took him 9 years of ownership before he came to a game, apparently he doesn’t like football, big golf fan

      The home grown funds for the ground would be welcome with the alleged smaller hopefully cheaper borrowing. If that actually happens then the man will be a legend anyhow.

    • kenny powers says:


    • Habib says:

      Where do I get a Spurs’ shirt with Joe Lewis’ name on it?

  • Dublin Yid says:

    Nah !!! Just give us the £40 Mil or piss off. Sahin or nothing. We are the benefactors of a price war for the little imp, so the highest bidder wins………….except those jammy bastads across the way :-)

  • MarseilleYid says:

    I loved Kaka in his prime, but the money would be better spent on Moutinho imho. Kaka doesn’t fit the profile of a DL signing anyway – no sell on value.

  • Dublin Yid says:

    Jesus interesting read Josh !! Very interesting. It all fits, especially when you look at our wage ceiling was at £70k for top players now we are offering over £100k without blinking

    • Clarkspur says:

      The football-finance biffs have linked that wage ceiling rise to the (standard) delay in Champs League revenue and the renegotiated EPL TV rights. So it’s still coming out of normal revenue streams rather than any benefactor.

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