
Shut Up & Finish Your Happy Meal

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Good morning.

The old ‘lots of people attending The Games dressed up as empty seats’ gag was doing the rounds yesterday. It seems that Olympic jingoism only extends as far as telling everyone how simply marvellous and breathtaking the festival is. 

Actually buying a ticket to go and sit through a minority sport that only exists at ‘this level’ thanks to The Stupid Tax™ lottery funding is stretching things to far. Lord Coe has emerged from his crypt to get to the bottom of this situation as Great Britain now looks certain to medal in the ’16 Day Fiasco’ event. 

A LOLOG spokesman said,

Where there are empty seats, we will look at who should have been sitting in the seats, and why they did not attend

I a move that is surely to be imitated at publicly staged events globally,  Culture secretary Jeremy Hunt suggested the vacant seats could be offered to members of the public.

I was at the Beijing Games, in 2008, and one of the lessons that we took away from that, is that full stadia create the best atmosphere

Metropolitan Police Det Supt Nick Downing said:

My team has been working tirelessly to clamp down on ticket touts.

You see, that’s the difference, right there. You can see why these guys rise to the very top can’t you? These fellas don’t mess about. It’s all up there, you know. Downstairs for dancing.

Here’s an alternative tip. If they can’t give the seats away …try The Lonely Guy’s store at 81st and Lex. 

Did you know that ten thousand children in Hackney live below the poverty line, a rate of 39 per cent. For Tower Hamlets the rate is 52 per cent – more than half the population and double the national average. I wonder how many were tucking into their Happy Meal during the Opening Ceremony thinking those GOSH beds looked clean and fun and …welcoming.

Football. We played Liverpool last night. Oh yes we did. 

The heat was oppressive. The grass was about a foot long. The overall effect was like one of those kids games. You know the one. Ping pong balls with velcro strips and that felt dartboard. 

As with the LA game it is ambitious to try and draw any earthshaking conclusions here. What we can say for sure is that they for the most part all look fit and strong. Thud looks at his most lean and lithe since …forever. 

Charlie Adam was trending within minutes of his foul on Bale. Someone Tweeted ‘it’s never walk alone, not never walk again.’ He really isn’t fit to play in the Premier League. That said, it’s tough to know who you’d really wish to inflict him upon. 

***** featured and I swear he’s doing it on purpose. Earnest of face,  sideways of pass, tongue out like a strategically shaved red setter. What the hell is going on? Yes it’s fair that guys get a second chance, but …not him, please.

Now there was a thing on the OS about preseason shirt numbers not being a reflection of how they would be once the season proper kicks off; but Bale in the 9 shirt? I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s a good idea, if and only if there is someone to take his place on the left wing and we don’t have anyone on the books.  Pushing up Benny, isn’t the answer. 

The high line which everyone is suddenly an expert on hasn’t actually existed so far. Anyone who can explain to me the difference in the way Benny for example was playing last night and last season …is welcome to. 

Positives? Kane and Gylfi mostly.

Harry Kane I would be really very keen to see play next season. Of all the ‘kids’ he looks like he could be something special. Sigurdsson may well score a lot of goals for us next season. There is a determination, an opportunism about him I really warm to. 

Liverpool? They looked even less mind blowing than we did. 

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  • Gary B says:

    Adam seems to be on a mission to put Bale out of the game. The last time he went for Bale’s standing foot, the ball was 30 yards away at the other end of the pitch. As it’s the same two players and the same thuggish tackle, the FA should, at the very least, send out a warning to Adam about future conduct.

    • mystic arnold says:

      Nothing will happen Liverpool have often had a mid field phychopath who s allowed to see how quickly opponents can limp,I still remember Souness clogging Galvin in the 82 milk cup final

  • danny says:

    I read today that spurs backtracked on deal to get ade from City. Obviously don’t k now if this is correct but i am increasingly alarmed at the lack of progress we are making in purchases. WE have no decent strikers at all at the club at the moment. Kane is not good enough for a team fighting for top 4 and Defoe is past his best. For all those who laud ‘tough guy’ Levy’s stance on deals isn’t it time he backed us and AVB up with some cash. By my calculations spurs are way up in transfer sales (see Krankie, Pav, palacios, crouch, peanut, Corluka, and Modric eventually!). The desire to rinse the last penny out of every deal is making us a laughing stock and destabilising any attempts to ‘hit the ground running’.

    • Colin SC says:

      I am getting increasingly worried about Ade. He seems to be following a pattern and we are next, if we take him in. He has left a trail of angry people behind him for a reason, he has bags of talent, however he plays well to get into a team then goes through a ‘lazy’ stage, than gets benched, then sold(which is increasingly harder as he costs too much to sell). With the wages he demands we could probably have several younger not as well known players without this kind of agenda.

      • essexian76 says:

        I’ve been saying that since we got him, he’s got history..lot’s of it, and IF he does sign for us, he’ll be sulking again in no time because he’s on considerably less money and is ‘doing us a favour’ by signing for us…leave well alone..we’ve got our year out of him and it’s been comparatively cheap!

    • Dani Boy says:

      Why does trying to do the best possible deal for OUR club make us a laughing stock?

      Harry Kane is 18. Give him a break..

    • AllWhiteMark says:

      Dont write Defoe off yet, he scored 17 goals last season off a fraction of the chances afforded Ade. How many of those sitters missed by Ade would JD have netted,probably enough for cl qualification……

    • Gary M says:

      Think you forgot about the sale of Keane and the saving on the wages of Nelson, Saha, Ledley and a croup of youth.
      Plus the supposed impending leaving of Pienaar and Dos Santos, methinks someone knows exactly what the new stadium is going to cost and what is going to suffer.

  • Sid Trotter says:

    Kane looked good. The little boy Carroll did okay two, one nice turn. Thudd, what a delight to have him back.

    • DannyBoy says:

      When Cameron Lancaster is fit I think he would fit as a striker into a fluid front 3. Thought he looked quite good when he came on last season.

      • essexian76 says:

        Very impressive, still raw but looked the part, could be a season or two away yet, perhaps a championship loan will be in the offing?
        A Millwall supporter mate of mine, thought Kane was superb and a star in the making, but then again GDS looked impressive playing for Ipswich.

  • JerseySpur says:

    ***** was shocking, how he stayed on that pitch after the tenth backwards pass with arms waving at the rest of the team was beyond me.

    Thud looked like a purring rolls royce, tok the ball beautifully and stroked it aroun the pitch – one bad pass but other than that looked good.

    Bassong needs to be shipped out to Le Arse – its the only way I can see him performing well for us!

    Sigg did look good, Kane promising and Carroll could be something special (just needs Thuds previous diet!)

  • mikki says:

    im not a big jenas fan but do spurs fans hate him so much. I thought he had a good game yesterday and i think he would be a very good squad player next season. Dont 4get it was jenas freekick pass 2 woodgate 2 win us the league cup in 08.

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