
Sunday Sermon

Image for Sunday Sermon

Good afternoon.

You may or may not be aware of the horse manure in this mornings Sunday Express. It’s difficult to feign surprise that a paper like this would run such a piece.

The Express’ columnists include its former editor, Peter Hill a man who according to Nick Fagge, a former Express journalist himself  who in evidence at the Leveson Inquiry said of Hill, ‘He was unconcerned with the accuracy of McCann related stories, so long as they managed to sell papers.’ 

Next up is Anne Widdecomb. Boy, here’s bag of tricks. An entrenched anti abortionist who denies the existence of climate change. Anne’s personal website features a page dedicated to the cats she has shared her life with.

Anne’s other contributions to making the world a better place included opposing the repeal of Section 28 as she didn’t want schoolkids understanding what homosexuality was.  Anne was an Anglican, but the ordination of women was ‘the last straw’ and she bailed and went Catholic. 

Elsewhere we have Frederick Forsyth who’s politically aligned slightly to the right of Vlad The Impaler and adding to the eclectic mix we have last and indeed least, the intellectual heavyweights that are Richard & Judy. 

Anyway, back to the piece in question. 

Colin Mafham is the author and you have to ask yourself what his motivation was. Is he simply one of Arry’s mates, or just a chancer? 

Facing fierce opposition from both players and fans alike, the new man will be greeted by dressing room unrest that will test him from his first day in the job.

Eh? Now I know that there are are few Spurs fans kicking about who didn’t want Arry fired. 38% of you on this blog’s poll said you wanted him to stay. But I would describe the mood among this minority of supporters as fierce opposition, rather concern that we don’t ‘do a Ramos’ or ‘a Santini’ to ourselves. This is a long way from the burning effigies  Mafham hints at.

A string of players are waiting to tell him they want assurances or want out, led by injury-jinxed captain Ledley King, whose contract is up and who doesn’t look like being offered another one – as a player at any rate.

Er… Ledley has publicly stated he wants to remain at THFC is some capacity or another and it is ambitious to suggest that Levy & Co will reward his sterling service with a carriage clock and some vouchers for the Megastore. The chairman let him use his own swimming pool to exercise in. 

In the meantime, it is difficult to find a Spurs fan who welcomes the appointment of a rookie coach rejected by Chelsea after just eight months.

Who carried out this search for fans who were prepared to welcome AVB? Inspector Clouseau? Keith Harris and Orville? Anne Widdecomb?

And his inability to relate to the senior players during his short reign has similar alarm bells ringing among the squad at White Hart Lane, where rival candidates Laurent Blanc or Didier Deschamps would have been preferred.

Hahahha, yes that adds up. I can imagine AVB coping with Azza Blud and Jermain J**** demanding to know who has hidden their eyelash tinting kits will eclipse anything John Terry and Ashley Cole threw at him.

I don’t know if Colin Mafham has a career ahead of him as a journalist, if he wants one then he needs to stop typing out turds like this and have a long hard look at himself. And Colin,  finding yourself an employer that doesn’t creep most people out will be another distinct advantage.

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  • melcyid says:

    Lazy journalism in the above Express headlines. Can it be actually proved that Lady DI was indeed alive seconds before she died.As all witnesses that were with her at the time are dead ,how could one prove that statement?

  • BrizzleSpur says:

    You tell ’em HH! I’m so bored of blatant lies built on tenuous and circumstantial rumours. What I find ultimately depressing is the sheer amount of people who click links or worse, buy newspapers believing their getting some actual information. And then, these poor saps start going round mouthing off thinking they are now privy to information that others aren’t!

    Stupidity is a cancer that ruins everything.

  • R-type says:

    I’m seriously considering giving up newsnow, but it is addictive so I may need some professional help. It’s great when something is actually happening and you get to know a few seconds sooner than if you just stuck to the main news channels. It’s when you’re in the doldrums, it turns into a sea of bullshit and you end up reading tripe like that express article, a rag I wouldn’t even read for free waiting in the barbers.

    Also saw “news” that joe Jordan thinks he & redknapp shouldn’t have been sacked. In other news turkeys not so hot on Christmas.

  • thenight says:

    Get investment, buy everybody, and win the league, it’s easy. Ask city. No more 5 year plans, please please please. After waiting 50 years i don’t care where the money comes from anymore. I used to be so proud we were a well run club but we never win anything.
    Graham Roberts { legend } was at the lane in 84 for the 2nd leg of the final and he was a one man team.
    £35k from down here in dorset. What a signing.

    • MarseilleYid says:

      never one to disagree with a fellow Dorset man, but Robbo had a bit of help from Tony Parks that night….

  • LH says:

    Yes it’s the mail, and yes there is a tinny tinny quote in there… but there is not much else going on so thought I would post it. Dzagoev is an interesting one… Had a good euro but our luck with Russians Is not great.

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