
£31M Release Fee For Mooted Modric Replacement

Image for £31M Release Fee For Mooted Modric Replacement

Good morning.

Ten days to go, a new manager at the helm and yet we’re scratching for transfer news. The Mirror are taking a punt by naming Bentley, *****, Gio, Bassong and Gallas amongst those who Villas-Boas isn’t interested in keeping on.

Bentley’s linked with Fulham. Apparently Bentley’s knee is fixed now and he’s ready to rock. Judging by this image from the preseason, it was the steak and kidknees that he has really been been battling against.

The Modric and Adebayor sagas appear no more advanced that they were months ago. ‘The Journalist’ who’s record is close to abysmal suggests that enquiries have been made for Alex Witsel as a replacement for the Croat.

Witsel is a 23 year old Belgium currently plying his trade at Benfica. This seems ambitious from a number of perspectives but none more so than Benfica’s president Luis Felipe Vieira being quoted last month as saying:

“We want every club to know what is the release clause for Axel .

“If they want him and if they come here and pay that fee, then there is nothing that we can do.

“But we are very happy with Axel and we do not think about selling him.”

The release clause he was referring to is thought to be about £31M.

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  • Jameson says:

    Lets face it, modric will leave on deadline day and we’ll panic and sign Steven Fletcher and Charlie Adam #ITK

  • HoxtonBoy says:

    We’ve got as much chance of signing a top striker as Harry has of becoming PM. We won’t pay the price required. Our only hope is a young gun who wants to try his luck in the Prem. Adebayor is out of our price league and he is only so-so. We’d better hang onto VDV and Defoe because we will need them.

    • Boy Charioteer says:

      Is there anything to choose between HR and the current incumbent?

      • Clarkspur says:

        Dave makes Arry look like a novice when it comes to bullshit and spin.

        • Dannyspurs says:

          Could you imagine Harry as PM. He’d be all the over the expenses, back hander’s for days, rosie47 would be sitting pretty.

          Can see him hanging out the back window of the PM Jag, telling Sky Sports News ‘just spoken to the president of Syria, triffic bloke, I first spotted him when he was 18, working for the local regional minister. He’s a top top politician’.

          There would also never be a cabinet reshuffle, stick with the starting team regardless of results, form etc…….triffic.

          I’d take Boris Johnson over Harry any day of the week.

  • HoxtonBoy says:

    Well Modric has displayed his true colours as a right tart. Pity because he our kind of player. I expect Levi will unload him for 30 mill when pysh comes to shove but Levi is a bad man to cross – he might just let him rot on the bench like REbrov.

  • rob thfc says:

    come on levy just hurry up and sign damiao! Just spend what it takes to get him at whl asap! He’ll b worth it! Coys……

  • mazzo says:

    obviously senor perez doesn’t know who hes dealing with here, either pay up or shut up, the ball’s still in their court, and just for spites wee should snap axel from under their noses for playing silly baggers with us.

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