
£31M Release Fee For Mooted Modric Replacement

Image for £31M Release Fee For Mooted Modric Replacement

Good morning.

Ten days to go, a new manager at the helm and yet we’re scratching for transfer news. The Mirror are taking a punt by naming Bentley, *****, Gio, Bassong and Gallas amongst those who Villas-Boas isn’t interested in keeping on.

Bentley’s linked with Fulham. Apparently Bentley’s knee is fixed now and he’s ready to rock. Judging by this image from the preseason, it was the steak and kidknees that he has really been been battling against.

The Modric and Adebayor sagas appear no more advanced that they were months ago. ‘The Journalist’ who’s record is close to abysmal suggests that enquiries have been made for Alex Witsel as a replacement for the Croat.

Witsel is a 23 year old Belgium currently plying his trade at Benfica. This seems ambitious from a number of perspectives but none more so than Benfica’s president Luis Felipe Vieira being quoted last month as saying:

“We want every club to know what is the release clause for Axel .

“If they want him and if they come here and pay that fee, then there is nothing that we can do.

“But we are very happy with Axel and we do not think about selling him.”

The release clause he was referring to is thought to be about £31M.

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  • jolsgonemental says:

    Levy is fucking it all up again. Been here before, he never ever learns.

  • bumfudgemacsnot says:

    My next poo which is likely to be a hedgehog has a release clause of 40 million. I will not allow this dirty spine to leave myrectum unless the adequate financial laxatives are administered. Either way my bowel is in turmoil.

  • Spurs 37001 says:

    Re: Modric’s transfer did THFC allow Modric to negotiate his personal terms with RM before they had agreed to pay THFC the transfer price? If so hasn’t this wasted a lot of time and excluded other clubs that might have been interested ?

    • Gary B says:

      It seems the Abramovic and Real Madrid way is to offer the player a hefty deal and then go to the club with a derisory offer for their ‘unsettled’ player, on a ‘take it, or have an unhappy player in your squad’ basis.

      It used to be called tapping up and was always considered illegal (don’t know if that has changed or just not enforced), as the correct procedure is for the clubs to negotiate an acceptable price before the buying club is allowed to contact the player.

      • Ronnie Wolman says:

        they obviously dont have strong enough fines for this behavior

        • essexian76 says:

          It should be a points deduction and future transfer bans not just financial penalties imposed, then it’ll stop in an instant.

        • Gary B says:

          Or maybe they just turn a blind eye when the rich clubs break the rules.

        • essexian76 says:

          Yeah, like the FFP is going to change things!, I think not.Can you imagine UEFA throwing out Barca or Real? Those teams will continue to bully the rest of Europe and teams like ours will do the same to those below us in stature-nothing will change. As soon as there’s an issue, FFP will be thrown out the minute the legal eagles get their beaks into it.

        • essexian76 says:

          I’ve suggested this before as a workable plan for all concerned. Taking a 5 year contract as an example. The player cannot move in the 1st year under any circumstances, and a buy out clause, which reduces each subsequent year must be inserted and made public, before a player is assigned to the club. Any direct approach during the 1st year’s would be deemed illegal and a points penalty and a future transfer ban would be imposed, and the players agent suspended for a prolonged period, that covers all bases I think?

  • Gary B says:

    Interesting tactic from Benfica, maybe we should do the same with ***** and Bentley:

    “Hey, everybody listen up. We just want you to know that both ***** & Bentley have buy out clauses, which if met, we couldn’t stop them going. But we don’t want to sell them…Just thought we’d let you know. We accept cash, Paypal, M&S vouchers, etc. etc.”

  • Ronnie Wolman says:

    This whole situation from the beginning of the AVB era feels like we got AVB,got the training facilities,new kit and got a couple of good players along with juniors leaving all the big clubs for us….linked to every major player that even sneezed like he wanted to leave….and now…..its like we went out and bought the best clothing in the world at Harrods,top end gear..Armani suit,Versace Tie,cuff links,Bruno Magli shoes and a few weeks later took the whole lot and shoved it in the washing machine.

    Maybe next time we should think polyester.

    • essexian76 says:

      Harrod’s players at Primark prices…it’s what we are I’m afraid. We’ll either invest in potentially good players and risk losing them when they’ve blossomed as we have with Bertatov and Modric, and sooner or later Sandro and Bale with follow as we cannot compete with the ‘super clubs’..blimey, even the Goon’s struggle to compete and they can offer better wages, CL football and a state of the art stadium to play in!

      • Ronnie Wolman says:

        Id like to fly over the Emirates stadium and let out a bog one right now right over it.
        The only problem is nobody would notice.

      • melcyid says:

        yes but they have no class.

        • essexian76 says:

          This we all know is true, but the fact remains when we thought Oscar was in the bag, Chelsea put in an offer and blew us away and with it probably months of negotiations and wasted effort, all time we simply haven’t got if we’re to push on.

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