
I’ve Lost All Faith

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Good evening.

I have no faith.I might have thought I had when I was a child. But it’s gone.

Kishna, born 1000 yrs BC, son of a carpenter, was baptised in river. Mithra, born 600 BC curiously enough on December 25th, performed miracles, was resurrected on the 3rd day. He was known as The Lamb, The Way, The Truth, The LIght The Saviour, The Messiah.

The big hitter though has to be the ‘rather popular’ Egyptian god Horus who in 1280 BC was known the son of Osiris. He was also born to a virgin, baptised in a river by a bloke who later had his head chopped off. Horus did a stint of desert business, getting tempted, all that jazz.

He was an absolute whizz at healing the sick, blind and cast out demons like it was going out of fashion. When he wasn’t recorded as having walked upon …water. Pity none odf his descendants were involved at the Sunderland game today, eh? Horus also raised a guy called ‘Asar’ from the dead. The translation of this name is ‘Lazarus’. Horus had 12 (count ’em) disciples, was crucified, then was discovered by 2 (count ’em) ladies who declared him ‘risen’.

That said, faith isn’t for schmucks.  If something gives you comfort. I’ll be the very last to suggest you’re a fool. It’s vital part of the way humans go about their business.

But all I ask of people is don’t try and pass it off  faith as being either truthful or …factual. It isn’t an imaginary friend tending to the sick, it’s scientists and doctors. And if my own Living Will is executed to the very letter, coked up Vegas showgirls. 

Spurs fans carping about André Villas Boas after 2 games need to jack it in and find themselves a new god. Because dealing with reality is clearly too much for them to cope with.

Do you know the last time I watched a game close to where we passed so deftly, tackled with such spirit? It was the UEFA Cup Final against Anderlecht.

I was genuinely proud of us today. The best analysis you will ever read and player ratings for you in the morning.

Of course it was heartbreaking to watch them equalise, but I have absolute faith in intelligence, wit and guile. The boss is building something rather special here. The result today hurt, but I’m still so excited about this season.

So in my headline I lied.

Confused, upset?

Oh you must be new…

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 2 by hotspurshalfhour

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  • Kk says:

    Livermore will be new Jenas lol and Defoe is shite

  • Smoked Salmon says:

    Has anyone else seen our odds shortening on Signing Kaka?

    • Smoked Salmon says:

      7/2, we are also shortening odds on Dzeko, in case anyone is interested. I always enjoy odds when there are no stories in the papers to support them. Someone somewhere is getting information

  • Spur of the moment says:

    Livermore and Sandro as CM at home to WBA? One word………clueless

  • Spur of the moment says:

    Annoys me that once again we have allowed the first few games of the season to be viewed as ‘practice’ to see who we need to sign (when everyone else on the planet knew exactly what we needed to do before a ball was kicked) when will Levy realise the season starts in August and NOT September? If we’d have got any kind of result at the start of last season then we’d have been in the CL this year….simple. But have we learnt our lesson? 1 point from Newcastle and WBA is pitiful and we are already playing catch up. AVB has an impossible job and Harry must be pissing himself as there is no chance this team will finish top 4, not a hope in hell. So to the outsider looking in, we have killed ourselves once again…….Tottenham are Tottenhams own worst enemy, always have been and always will be.

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