
Oh No, My Twitter Account Hasn’t Been Hacked

Image for Oh No, My Twitter Account Hasn’t Been Hacked

Good evening.

As ODM and I ran through our three hundred and forty seventh rehearsal this evening it emerged that I hold professional footballers in my ethical value system somewhere between concentration camp guards and concentration camps guards who are up for a bribe.

They’re in in for the money baby. If it isn’t nailed down they want to nail it down. If they can nail it then they want to film said nailing on a wireless hand held device. If that thing isn’t actually another human then they want to plate said thing in platinum …and possibly precious stones.

Add to this, these intellectual high flyers ordinarily keep for company the class of confidante that is usually more associated with crafted arts such as prostitution and racketeering. 

Adbayor’s Twitter account has been hacked! No really, it has. 

Hey footballer, stop doing whatever it is you’re doing that’s distracting you from being useful to Spurs, shut up and get on with it.

This blog is amused to death.

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  • Yido123 says:

    Someone tell the p*** to sign for PSG

  • Minionas says:

    The Daily Mail really is a two bob read. They say AVB is undecided on Sandro ….he’s going to give him more time because of his olympic duties. All he he had to do was watch him!

    • UnkleKev says:

      No, they say he hasn’t had a chance to look at him yet. Which he hasn’t. Same with Caulker and Gio.

      • Minionas says:

        That’s not how I read it. It seemed to imply that Sandro was close to the exit. Hence all the comments ( on the DM website).

  • david says:

    It’s funny how some people love to dish it out but start bleating when they get a little back.
    You listen to the abuse some players get during the course of a game and yet if they make even a gesture to the crowd you find hundreds of them making formal complaints to the authorities.
    “If you can’t take it don’t dish it out” is a very old saying but it still appears to hold good today.

  • Razspur says:

    Twitter is for idiots without a life like rich g whose height of ambition is level 4 at Championship Manager.
    He clearly missed English along with many other subjects during his formative years.

  • Hartley says:

    I couldn’t care less in regards to Twitter, it’s a free country after all. What does get on my nerves is Spurs fans defending the piece of shit that is frimp*ng and for that matter any other “celebrity” that choses to use it as a medium for expressing their simple views….

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