
Talks Underway …This Should Be The Catalyst

Image for Talks Underway …This Should Be The Catalyst

Good evening.

So what we have here is more fuel to an already unlit fire, some might argue. But Jermain Defoe/and or representatives of said person have been in speaks with Sunderland. Is it done? Who knows? I dread to imagine what figure Levy &Co might have in mind for a very effective penalty box striker but a man that lacks so very much elsewhere in his game.

On paper you’d snap up a Jermain Defoe. Of course you would. He scores goals. But upon even the most casual scrutiny he not only fails to fit the Andrè Villas-Boas template, but he couldn’t regularly sustain a first team place under his all time fan manager.

I won’t be as rude as to dig out Jermain here, as he’s done too many good things for us. But should he ‘hang on in’ then he’s risking the accusation of trading on his ‘He’s a Yiddo’ reputation. Should he move, he’ll get more game time and more goals.

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  • Mattspurs says:

    Jermain whilst Spurs just isn’t a team player when he’s on the pitch and isn’t a squad player when he’s left on the bench.

    You’ve got to question why we are the best team he’s ever played for (if he’s really that great) and why he’s never cemented a place in the team with five managers at spurs.

    If he was happy to contribute when needed it would be fine but he always moans to the press when he’s not selected.

    New strikers would be great – kind of given up caring who

  • Yiddogaz says:

    Sell Defoe and have Kane left?

    I think it’s butchers tripe…I’m not a massive fan of the midget gem but I’m sure AVB will not want to let his one “proven” striker!

    I like Kane and think he should get a few games this season but we need 2 strikers at least unless god forbid, as mentioned above, AVB sees the chimp as a striker! Keep him on the left, try and get 2 strikers from somewhere, god knows where because they’re like common sense in the MOD, but don’t let Defoe go and stick the Tom Daley wanna be chimp up front…

    He plays on the left, he plays on the left!

  • Spurs 37001 says:

    After watching the Olympics I have come to the conclusion that we should buy Jesus Coruna the Mexican / Glasweigan goalkeeper/ sweeper for our high line defence and Oscar Pistorius so that cnut Charlie Adam can enjoy a 50:50 challenge with him.

  • danny musichall levy says:

    Ave a banana..who is this Mediocre wheres me wash board

    • Justin(SydenhamYid) says:

      LOL. Are you serious? Who is mediocre? FFS.

      • Justin(SydenhamYid) says:

        I use the term to describe the striker we will end up with. We bn linked with everyone of quality and there’s no chance of any of them being in our team. I’m not interested in naming every shite striker we could end up with so mediocre will cover his identity.

  • pjp says:

    Lloris not picked to play for OL this evening… could it be because he’s coming to Spurs?

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