
[Video] Covert Modric Tape Released

Image for [Video] Covert Modric Tape Released

Good morning.

So Shakattack Don’t Ask have turned down an initial bid for Willian. What a shock. With four days to go prices aren’t going to be reduced, are they?

On a positive note I’m hearing that the slow burn negotiations for Birmingham City’s Jack Butland have advanced.

Anyway, Modric is done and we’ve gone into partnershhip with Real Madrid. Does that make Spurs the John Lewis of football? I could live with that. Anyone know the Latin for ‘Never Knowingly Undersold’ ?

What does this actually mean? Who knows, but it’s all rather exciting. A Ronaldo loan would be a result. Buckle up baby, this window just got interesting…

“The partnership agreement will see the two Clubs working together in respect of players, coaching, best practices and commercial relationships.”

This was sent in by a HH GilSpur this morning. Possibly one of the most bizarre and pointless pieces of Spurs footage ever committed to film. I nearly dislocated something ensuring that you lot got to see it as fast as I possibly could.

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 2 by hotspurshalfhour

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  • Finn says:

    Some folks are like kids just before Christmas: “I want the biggest and best present in the world and I know you’ve got the money” they cry. But there’s no thought to “well we need to keep something back to fund this project and that project for the long term good of the club”. No, spend the mortgage money now and then wonder why there are so many debt consolidation ads on telly.

    Every club now is salivating at the prospect of a call from Levy so they can whack a crafty 5 million quid on the real value of their players.

    Maybe there’s a case for paying over the odds for a specific name, but we have several names for each position we are looking to fill. so the game continues; 33million won’t go far and even if it 50 million would we prefer 3 top players at a hard fought 16/17 million a piece or two by paying over the odds. By the way pay much more than 16/17 million and guess what happens to the wages; people will tempt agents with doubling the pay of their players and we have to deal with the disgruntlment, match the offer or sell.

    Levy has doubled the money on Modric, picked up one of the best defensive prospect in Europe, signed a quality attacking midfielder in the Gylf and secured Adebayour, a tried, tested and compatible striker. He will likely get a keeper (Lloris) a quality mifielder (Willan/M’Vila/Dembele/Moutinho etc etc) a Striker (Daimio/Llorent/Remy etc etc) and may be able to move some deadwood in the process.

    Behind the scenes we have several top quality prospects waiting to come through and a manager willing to get them involved. We are planning for the loss of the Friedels and the PNBs and the VdVs who are approaching the twilight of their careers.

    What the hell are people moaning about?

    We have dropped a few points but our situation come saturday is likely to be a far cry from where we started the summer. The transfer window timing and the market forces would not have allowed us to seriously get where we will be by going all out, purses a-blazing in June. Well not at least without writing a few of the debt consolidation numbers down on a beer mat.

    Levy is doing a great job.

    • Hartley says:

      That’s some good shit you spout…. :daumen:

    • Astro Spur says:

      I think most fans would be delighted with Lloris, Dembele and Llorente to be honest Finn. I would be anyway! :winke:

    • melcyid says:

      Levy is doing a great job, I agree :daumen: still want a striker though :dizzy2:

    • Ronnie Wolman says:

      Finn ‘He will likely get…..’

      Well that is what we are waiting for.Everything else is intellectual blah blah

      Levy will not be judged by his maybes. As far as he financial acumen goes,yes most accountants would agree Levy is not doing a bad job.Everybody else wants to see a winner and in the off season of ups and downs where we started off like a house on fire and ended up with most of our rivals strengthening (not those bastards) the reality is ‘Show Me’ not the money but the talent.
      The Jury is still out.

      • Finn says:

        Well Ronnie we’ve not ended up anywhere yet as the close of the window is still a few days off.

        “He will likely get” was preceded with “he has…” which had no buts or maybe’s and was entirely devoid of Blah, intellectual or otherwise. But don’t let me stop you cherry-picking….

        The jury is not still out on what has been accomplished so far and juries tend to weigh the evidence: the evidence thus far is that we will likely get…..

        As far as the Blah Blah goes, do you see yourself outside that? Is that not the nature of the blog?

    • nobby nobbsl says:

      Lot of if buts and maybees in their pal. If levy had bought a decent striker in Jan we may well have been in the CL despite Redders.
      Levy is the wheeler dealer. It will have to be Dembele to replace Modric as Moutinho will cost as much.
      levy just fucken loves it the blinkers go on and that is it eyes down look in.

    • Ade says:

      Get out of my head.

      Simply put, factually correct, non-commital, no emotion, more of the same ilk and I’ll keep coming back.

  • RoosterBooster says:

    Can I ask a question please?

    Why does everyone keep banging on about Lorente? We’ve got Adebayor and are looking to play a loan man, 4-2-3-1 ..?

    Do you think we’d have signed Ade, knowing he was going on the bench? Do you think Adebayor would have signed, knowing that too?

    As much as the passion from some fans is pleasing, some of it is rather misguided and it would appear some fans want us to go into liquidation, buying players who will command first team football and wages, even though we have those positions filled and they may not get game time.

    Also, Juventus are leading the Lorente chase and we have no chance of competing with them. They are unbeaten in over 38 league games and in the champs league too.

    We need a keeper, cover for full-backs, a replacement for Modric and only if we get rid of Defoe, should we even think about buying another forward.

    Lorente & Damiao are dreams. I would be surprised if we shelled out for Lorente. We don’t need him.

    • RoosterBooster says:

      Lone, not loan LMAO .. sorry.. haha

      Money is getting to my head.

    • Alspur says:

      Although AVB plays a 4-2-3-1, his preference is for a “wide” striker (eg hulk at porto, sturridge at chelsea), so ideally you’d still have 2 strikers on the pitch…

      Harry Kane is not cut out to play wide (not mobile enough). JD could do it, but distribution isn’t really his strong suit…

      That’s why I think we will try to sign another striker, but that’s just me… :)

    • Finn says:

      The simple answer is “options”.

      Firstly, Ade could get crocked or suspended; he picks up a few cards. Secondly, a second tier one striker would not be a perfectr double so there would be variations to use. Thirdly, another striker could offer a combination up front…. every now and then players will click and the whole becomes greater than the sum of the parts; think Crooks and Archibald, PSB and the Bulgarian, Toshack and Keegan etc etc.

      If Ade gets suspended or worse injured Defoe is it…that would be a worry! My own view is that we should buy two and ease Defoe as I simply don’t think he’ll fit the AVB system…..but then I’ve been wrong before.

      • RoosterBooster says:

        Thanks for the replies :-p

        I can see what you are saying – tbh, I thought AVB was going down the Lennon/Bale route, for wide play forwards. Typical flying wingers. Lorente is a target man, deadly in the air and the same mould of player, as Dzeko and Cavani. It doesn’t strike me as the kind of signing Spurs or the player would make, if play-time wasn’t guaranteed, or if he was expecting to play a different role.

        I would be more inclined to go for a two footed winger, somebody more natural to the role, to keep Bale and Lennon honest. I also think VDV can play upfront – he is superb at holding up the ball, can finish easily and his distribution is class as we’ve all seen. He can be the cover striker easily. I think if not for the chances we scuffed so hopelessly in the first half on Sat, we’d have been out of sight and the extra striker topic would be less on the agenda. Defoe was given no service in his defence. Bale and especially Lennon need to improve their entire assist game. Lennon rarely finds anybody from outside the box, unless he runs into the penalty area and then releases it. Defoe needs better service imo – he wasn’t found once in the box on Saturday.. he had to come deep and fashion his own chances, which ended up being left foot pea rollers.

        I’m amazed we didn’t sign Adam Johnson. Amazed.

        That is a missed opportunity of mammoth proportions in my eyes.

        • LLL says:

          No way on earth that VDV can play a lone striker role. 9 times out of 10 he’d be 20 yards from the penalty box when the ball goes in.

    • LLL says:

      Very simply because we effectively only have one striker that fits the lone man role. If they land another striker then Defoe will be sold and I’m sure there will be any one of Sunderland, Villa, Fulham, Reading etc etc all lining up to pay 10m for him.

      Adebayor could get injured and either way we lose him for a month to the African Nations.

      • Spurstacus says:

        Please can you at least try to say something positive about the club/ team today? :winke: :daumen:

      • RoosterBooster says:

        Disagree about VDV not being able to play a lone-man role. He first and foremost plays a free-roaming type of game. Give him a chance in the area and he normally scores. I am not saying he should start in that role – but if things need freshening up, or Adebayor is having an off day, VDV can do it. It saves us the stupid money, that all these clubs want for players that have one good season in their respective leagues. :-)

      • RoosterBooster says:

        Adebayor is retired from TOGO internationals, after the shooting incident?

    • Ronnie Wolman says:

      Llorente is a goalscorer.Ade is a supply player who occasionally scores

    • Gary B says:

      We were only looking at strikers when the Ade deal was up in the air. As soon as we signed him, AVB said “We’re not interested in any more strikers”. That’s clear enough for me.

      That leaves a keeper, a replacement for Modric, an attacking midfielder, getting rid of some deadwood and it’s job done.

      That will be 5 new faces added to last year’s team (minus Modric). Bring it on.

      • LLL says:

        AVB was covering himself. 100% they were looking at another striker, specifically Damiao, but that appears to have fallen on it’s arse. So AVB has said ‘we aren’t looking for any more strikers’ meaning ‘we are, but we probably won’t get one now so we will stick with what we have’.

        If Damiao had come in, Defoe would have been up for grabs imo.

  • melcyid says:

    dont know why Joe Jordan didnae have a go upfront while he was here :ermm:

  • xildnparadise says:

    We have a thing in USA called Groundhog’s Day (see great Bill Murray movie)… Have decided in Spur’s case, every year Puxhatony Phil (the groundhog)does not see his shadow…Because every year season starts two weeks after he’s brought out… BTW… No hurricane in Florida but lots of rain…No DL in SoFla but damn everyone I know (including me) is drinking up a fucking storm…COYS….(burp)….

  • melcyid says:

    we dodged that hurricane to ,just lots of wind and rain/it was 600 miles wide so we were lucky. :whistle:

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