
Was A New Spurs Striker In The Crowd At Watford?

Image for Was A New Spurs Striker In The Crowd At Watford?

Good morning?

If you were to take every collective drop of inner calm, tolerance and inner peace from Spurs fans at the moment you’d be lucky to fill an egg cup.

Here’s a snippet to encourage many to pick up that piece of breakfast crockery and hurl it into the middle of next week.  Spurs supporter @slkofficial has told me that Louis Saha was with the Tottenham playing contingent in the crowd at the Watford game …sporting a Spurs tracksuit.

This has to indicate that his relationship is more than a friendly face that just happened to be in the area and popped along to watch the boys.

I maintain I’m excited enough by the thought of goals coming from Gilly, Bale, vDV, Gio and Coulibaly all being played in an intelligent system by an intelligent manager, but my guess is I’m probably in a minority…

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  • Razspur says:

    Hey, a ginger won the long jump at the weekend, maybe this is their moment.
    As Martinez sang , This is my moment, this is my ginger moment with yuk…….oh yuk….oh….oh yuk.

  • MysteriousStranger says:

    Moderate my comments H!!!!

  • Chris says:

    What I don’t understand is, why has Kane managed to squeeze his way into the first team (as it stands) and not Coulibaly? I know he’s only 17, but from what I’ve seen he’s got more to offer than Kane and could be the second striker to bring in.

  • Yachtsman says:

    HH you have my support [4:55 pm].

    1. AVB has impressed me with the way he communicates about planning and performance. In the former he is thoughtful and balanced; avoids rocking the corporate boat. In the latter he takes pains not to cause offence to individuals in the squad; keeps his options as open as possible. What a contrast to our ‘Arry!

    2. This transfer window business is partly a lottery but mostly it’s pretty predictable. When you have a fixed time period and (this year especially) a combination of the Olympics and difficult economic conditions, teams will hold back until the last moment. Which means we may get whom we want or we may not. That’s the lottery factor.

    Ergo. Invest in your own. Blood them in as many competitions/leagues/divisions as you can. Rely on yourselves and let the “market” etc. go to hell.

    Coulibay, for example. Think of Rooney. He was playing for Everton (I believe) at age 16. Why not Coulibay for us? He’s older.

    Brave (?) words from a peripatetic armchair…

    • Investing in your own is good but I dont think we actually know where we are at exactly.
      We are looking to sell players except we having sold so many.
      We cant rely on untried players without quality back up. Very few Spurs fans want to suffer through another Totteringham mess.
      They have to edge their way into it.
      We are not being proactive enough and losing opportunities.We dont need a lot. If we lose Modric we need a replacement and if we dont sign ADe and one more striker I think that the fans will turn against the management quickly if nothing works.
      I like the fact that Levy is clever.But you can be too clever.

      • Yachtsman says:

        Yes, but what about my Rooney analogy? Everton took the risk. So can we, and who knows, we might have a star in our constellation.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      HH you have my support

      Thank you sir. I shall wear it with pride :happy:

  • Ronnie Wolman says:

    Yaghtsman Everton were never Tottenham.Although our records are not that much different in general I think,Tottenham has always been considered a big club and the fans always expect more than Everton Fans (Of course they both want the same).
    Everton were always more desperate I think than we were (yes there were times…)
    We never really worked the kids into the team that much and the fans are not as confident.We have always bought players. Yes we have been buying younger players over the last while but still have not put that many of them in the team. A one of player that could be great maybe,but not as ageneralpolicy up to now.
    Also the pressure is a little on the management as this was a bold move by Levy to pick AVB and let Harry go by many. (Im glad TBH)

    • LLL says:

      Think you’re being rather unfair there. With 9 titles to our 2 I think it’s difficult to dispute that Everton are as big a club as Spurs, and I don’t mind saying it. They haven’t had a pot to piss in for a few years but they’ve always had the support and they have the history.

      • Ronnie Wolman says:

        LLL about Everton They certainly have a history and they have always had support,they have the titles and maybe its me and the way I have always seen Tottenham for so many years but I have NEVER seen Everton in the same league as us.Never. Im not biased either.I have always fancied the blue teams over the red teams in footie or anything else.
        So I must apologise for seeing things through my non rose colour glasses. But I can readily admit that we are the Greatest Club the World has ever seen and for me even Tottenham cant meet my expectations. Those expectations come from another time.

    • Boy Charioteer says:

      Strangely enough, in the early 60’s I think Everton were known as “The Bank of England Club”. Incidentally I sometimes confuse Pixie Lott with Pixie McKenna, the doctor who looks up peoples strange disorders. I hope I never have to….

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