
What Is Arry Up To In This Picture?

Image for What Is Arry Up To In This Picture?

Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

The image I am about to share with you was curiously FedEx’d to the HH caravannette this evening by two very separate sources. One was @JellySmiff and the other a Chief Inspector Richard Scratcher of the Metropolitan Police Service who specifically asked to remain anonymous.

What we are seeking is a caption in this matter. In the shape or form of either a thought or speech bubble.

As the individual concerned has no shortage of comment himself, I am confident we can illicit sufficient support of the HH readership to close the net upon what ought to be a corker of a comp.

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  • Hezza says:

    Quick Kev start the motor! (£££ notes falling out of the boxes).

  • essexian76 says:

    ‘A pair of Puma’s, both left though, never mind I’ll try floggin’ ’em in Portsmuff, they’ll buy anyfing there!’

  • “yeah it used to be brown paper bags…but the old bill got wind of that one along with some acquaintances in a European town that should remain nameless and my dog has now taken up tennis”

    “Im just going for a slashenger”

    “I ‘ada fiver on Federer but can you do me a favour and put Andy Murray’s shoes somewhere”

  • Gary B says:

    Hope I don’t get interviewed about the boxes on the way out.

  • essexian76 says:

    (Apologies beforehand to all)
    ‘ere, I got these for Gio,to run around a bit in, still as good as new I see!’

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