
3.15 Saturday 9 February 2013

Image for 3.15 Saturday 9 February 2013

Good afternoon.

Curiously enough I was having a chat with a blogger of another Premier League side a few days ago and we both agreed that the word ‘cannibalism’ was indeed about the size of it. His club’s fans have also developed a taste for their brethren’s flesh.

So how long are you, in your inimitable wisdom prepared to give Andrè Villas-Boas?

I’m giving him my full support come what may until 3.15 on Saturday the 9th of February next year. By then I expect the following:

1. Us to be higher in the league than we are now.

2. To have played some excellent, dare I say it sexy football on a pretty routine basis.

3. To have demonstrated to any fair minded person that he is worth keeping on.

If it by this time, fifteen minutes into the Newcastle game indoors, he is looking every inch the Mr Bean/David Brent hybrid that some are suggesting now; after three games then I want to see him flung into a weighted, chained suit as per the scene in the excellent movie, Brazil. AVB ought must be hoisted in the style of Mr. Archibald Buttle out of The Lane. Destination? Parts unknown.

Cannibalism was ordinarily sanctioned by a cultural norm, but to be frank those cultures are pretty few and far between these days and it’s perhaps ambitious to think they might have wi-fi. Extreme famine can be a cause, but in the main people eating people is the domain of the mentally ill, or deviant. Perhaps consider which category you best fall into the next time you take a bite out of someone.

Clicky Goodness

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  • Benspur says:

    Hahaha brilliant.. been “away” for a while….


    Like as mentioned give him a chance to find where the toilet is before calling for his head

  • nicktheyid says:

    the story this conjures up is the the alex ferguson,losing in the cup to a lower league side with only 15 or so minutes to go.the word is that had utd not equalised that evening that old red nose would have been down the road.patience is key we ALL knew this would be transition & yes frustrating to go from 4th to obscurity but arry wasnt improving.not the players,not the squad & definately not the face of an upwardly mobile football club.give the boy a chance to get his players playing his way.ffs we gave the man in the raincoat more patience than this & he was a feckin gooner! id give avb the season regardless of what we achieve or dont.

  • C.O.T.I says:

    As long as we finish top 10 this year with no major problems, I give him until Chrismas 2013 to show us signs of reaching our full potential.

  • Keith says:

    Thanks for at least waiting until my birthday. I would personally like to see him succeed and shut the whingers up.

  • Hartley says:

    I watched a film last night on sky called ‘Moneyball’ based on a true story around the Oakland Athletics baseball team, although different to our current situation it shows that if time and patience is given to a new ideal things could just change for the better…..As for AVB, I’ll give him until Christmas unless he persists with the swapping of Bale and Azza’s positional play then it could be the end of this month before I start getting restless…

    • LosLorenzo says:

      John Henry/Comolli at Liverpool also watched that movie. Queue Stewart Downing and Andy Carroll.

    • Walkerboy says:

      I thought the film showed that AVB is following a similar path – and, although it had it’s high points at the A’s, it is destined for failure. In Moneyball it was about player statistics and attempting to prove that you don’t need big names to be successful. Although they won a record 20 straight games, they still fell short in the business end of the season, when they came up against the big spenders.
      AVB is known to be all about the stats, which is why he will have looked at what Modric and Rafa contributed per season and brought in cheaper options who will hopefully produce the goods.
      I give him until 2nd week of January.

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