
Lazio Chalkboard

Image for Lazio Chalkboard

Good afternoon.

The first thing that crosses my mind is that is AVB was still in charge at Second Hand Fridge that this morning’s papers would be awash with pundits, journos and other assorted intellectuals doing passable impressions of hyenas on heat. Funny old game Saint.

At five minutes past eight BST this evening we play Lazio in the Europa cup, then. Other Premier League compatriots playing tonight are Newcastle who are away at MarĂ­timo and Liverpool who travel to Young Boys. My thoughts are that I don’t really care what occurs with Toon, but would delight in Bredan Rodgers heading back to Merseyside feeling like a condemned man.

I’d argue that it’s impossible to think of Lazio for any Spurs fan and not think of Gazza. And enjoy a small smile. So many Gazza tales. Many apocryphal, most quite true. Nice to see the Lazio manager Vladimir Petkovic has spoken kindly and extended a personal invitation to Paul to attend the return leg at the Stadio Plimpico.

So how will we line up? Well, the clues are in the quote from the boss.

‘Rotation will come further down the line. At the moment the players aren’t tired so I think it’s important to keep them playing to continue this series of good performances. For now the players who are playing well will continue.’

Adebayor is out, but to be frank I wouldn’t have played him anyway. Defoe is in form, the style of his game doesn’t leave him suffering from physical exhaustion after each match so it would be nonsensical, not to say cruel to leave him out. I want to see Dempsey play alongside Defoe and it would be cool to give Lloris his first game.

Prediction. We win by a single goal, but it would be amazing if The Lane was rocking from the off and really got behind the manager, the team, the whole shebang.If this happens then we could, despite Lazio being a decent outfit cause some real damage.

Booing, grumbling, selective booing and generally wasting a seat that could have been occupied by someone who was up for supporting the Lilywhites isn’t on. If I could I’d wander about handing out bans to home fans who believe the price of admission allows them to act like the people in the away section.


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  • YesYid says:

    Adebayor would have played and AVB would have been right to pick him. Leaving Defoe out due to our already hectic fixture list is a good idea actually. It’s Dempsey’s time to shine!

  • spurspanyol says:

    I reckon he’ll go for..

    Walker Daws Vert Other Kyle.
    Sandro Dembele.
    Bale Defoe Lennon.

    If he changes anything, it might be to give Dempsey a start but I think he’ll stick with Lennon.

  • Yid Vicious says:

    I’d go for:
    Lloris; Walker, Dawson, Vertonghen, Naughton; Sandro, Dembele; Lennon, Sig, Dempsey; Defoe.

    If Gallas is going to remain first choice for us there’s no sense running him into the ground early on in the season. He’s already looking tired in the last 20 minutes of matches. Bale gets run into the ground by Wales so leave him on the bench and hopefully he won’t be needed. As much as I want us to treat the competition seriously, QPR is still the priority.

    • cincinnatiyid says:

      While I like the creativity with numbers and formations up above, especially the notion of going without a GK for 15 minutes, I like Yid V’s formation.

      If things are going like the old days after 45 minutes–i.e. nil-nil or 0-1 because of some
      Fascist “wonder goal” I would lift Siggy, switch Deuce to center, bring in Townsend and hope for the best. Also find something for Thudd to do in the second half.

      Final score: Spurs 2 Lazio nil

      • spurspanyol says:

        Bale is one of the few (maybe Walker, now Lloris too, Verts (?)) that Europe are scared of. He won’t be on the bench. If you watched Porto in the Europa League with AVB he didn’t drop Hulk or Falcao often. You need your match-winners on the pitch.

  • Paul9inch says:

    Looks as if we have a Loris in goal for us tonight.

    I can see the little cuddly French critter now, curled round the top of one of the goal posts looking forlornly down upon his defence with sleepy, sweet brown eyes muttering “ay, you roast beefies, make sure za italiens dont shit at moi while i’m sleeping”

  • coop14 says:

    Just to let you know Harry that quote was from the Lazio head coach according to the Telegraph. Vladimir Petkovic said: “Rotation will come further down the line. At the moment the players aren’t tired so I think it’s important to keep them playing to continue this series of good performances.

    But AVB is still expected to name a strong side.

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