
A Bullet Needs To Be Bitten

Image for A Bullet Needs To Be Bitten

Good evening.

I have of late, but wherefore I know not, lost all my mirth. And indeed it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory.

This most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave o’erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire, why, it appeareth nothing to me but a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours. What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason!

How infinite in faculties! How like an angel in apprehension. How like a god! The beauty of the world! The paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?

Man delights not me, no, nor women neither.

Nor women neither.

I know it was dismal. But what has happened to ‘us’ and ‘them’ I ask only as increasingly I am finding it nearly impossible to tell the two apart. It’s been like that for some time but the odd pieces of individual brilliance and what have you appear to have only served to keep the wolf from the door.

The burden of expectation in now greater than it ever ever was. Seat prices match this. But how does this remotely justify our home fans at The Lane being so awful?

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 3 by hotspurshalfhour

I wasn’t happy with today. Of course I wasn’t and who would be?  But I’m truly saddened by the ‘Pot Noodle’ culture that seems to want to pollute reason. Online rubbish about ‘…back to Ramos’ , ‘…AVB is a [insert uninformed bile here]’ I can cope with. But at The Lane Tottenham Hotspur fans need to bit the bullet.  Forget the pseudo pinko communist clap trap of being ‘outraged consumers’ , are you with us or against us?

I’ll run an analysis on the actual game in the morning, but I tell you this, Jesus wept –  I’m more saddened by the performances off of the pitch today.

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  • James says:

    Thanks Harry. It’s nice to have someone else moan about the same thing as me.

    There is a big difference between a fan and a supporter. Fans don’t always support, as they are purely after the entertainment..

    • Bobbles says:

      I was there today – yes we were naff, but an off day has to be taken with a pinch of salt – we’ve been unlucky in the other 2 games.

      As for the crowd, this week and last, if you throw it away in the last 10 minutes thats whats remembered when the final whistle blows.

      Its unfortunate, but the boo boys will boo when the wounds still hurt.

    • Joe says:

      Seriously man, I never ask for more than what we can give and this was flat. We will get better, but dios mio! You can criticise the boo boys all you want but they are the guys who spend what they don’t have. Lame, I don’t see the master plan? Her’es a thought, maybe bobby robson was a drunk jordy cunt and jose is a money man and avb used to suck on their nipples. Just a thought.

  • rich says:

    Levy let us down this window, AGAIN! We will be better, but enough?

    • Dan says:

      Shut up you silly cunt, as if you have any idea of what went on behind the scenes.

    • Bobbles says:

      Dembele – awesome.
      Lloris – France captain.
      Siggy – 7 goals on loan at Swansea from January, looks quality.
      Ade – proven Prem performer.
      Dempsey – 23 goals for Fulham las season.

      Modric out for double what we paid for him, a £2m profit on mardy-arse VDV.

      And you think this is a let down?

      • the man!! says:

        Out the 5, only siggy started. AVB is arrogant!

        • kelv says:

          2 are unavailable. He wanted to blend Dembele in. And he was quick to bring him in quick at half time. No one knew the result against Norwich at home at the start of the game. How is that arrogant

        • Billy Fiore says:

          But expecting us to turn up and roll Norwich over with goals raining down like glitter isn’t arrogant. Grow a brain, you moron.

      • Tokyoyid says:

        Levy was foolish dragging out the Moutinho transfer till the last few minutes and then missing out….why adopt such a high-risk strategy for a few mm? Now if Spurs don’t make CL this year the club will lose out on 20mm+. That’s being obstinate and daft at the same time….not a good outcome.
        What he didn’t have someone do research as to who actually owned Moutinho’s rights? AVB didn’t know having managed him before? Give me a break…Im fed up with Levy’s antics regarding transfers. Is he bigger than the Club itself?

        As for AVB all I can say is “Hidden Talent, Crouching Cock”

  • LLL says:

    Ah right, nice work. Deflect from the pile of shit served up on the pitch and focus on some rotten old boo-ers instead.

    Were you really more disappointed by a few full time boos than the game that preceded it? I find that frankly impossible to believe.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Instead of trying to second guess me – and indeed others, try making an actual point.

      You don’t have to.

      Bu it would aid us all in weighing up what it was that was driving you to tap away and hit the submit button!

      • LLL says:


        My point was, you are obviously avoiding talking about the woeful performance and instead focusing on a pretty trivial, if broadly lamentable, matter.

        I personally don’t tune in to games or indeed go to them to focus on the crowd. Likewise when the team produces such footballing excreta as was displayed today, that would probably capture my imagination rather more than what the crowd were singing (or not singing).

        I thought my point was pretty obvious, but there you go. In fact, I’m not quite sure what yours is to be honest?

        • Top spur says:

          I have to agree buddy. I read this twats blog, soley to entertain myself. Im convinced HH has some sort of infactuation with russel brand and desperately wants to be just like him or at least hold his hand at the movies (unfortunately he hasnt got the brain power to come close to RB’s quick thinking wit and isnt intelligent enough to tie his own shoe laces nor write a coherant sentance)

          These blogs are always piles of try hard, not quite there crap.

          Anyway, We were poor, we need to settle and we ALL need to get behind our manager. If we dont the players wont. Then we are screwed.

          If you want to blame anyone blame Levy and his last minute wheeling and dealing, crafty and sometimes desperate transfer dealings.


          Harry your a c**k and you kkow it (deep deep down)


        • shelfyid says:

          Sorry I’m a bit late posting, I was actually at the game today. The fans were undoubtedly a bit negative today but can you blame them. Harry, you are starting to come across like Les Ferdinand slagging off fans leaving the cup semi early before jetting off in your helicopter.

          I don’t subscribe to the you pay your money you have right to boo but whilst my support is never going to be tested, my spending £860 per season to ‘keep the faith’ or ‘back the team’ is. Today was plain awful and the worst part was how predictable it was.

          It is easy to say sing the songs and be a good fan from the comfort of your sofa. When I see you standing alone in the Park Lane singing your heart out, Harry, I’ll respect your opinion.

        • Urbane Sturgeon says:

          Welll said.

        • Urbane Sturgeon says:

          Topspur you made some good points but a pity bout the abuse towards the author of this blog which you’re perfectly happy to use.

          Shelfyid your argument was sound but then you made that awful ‘your opinion doesn’t count for much unless you’re in the stands’ accusation?? Come on fella we’re all annoyed but that makes no sense. We’re all Spuds at the end of the argument.

        • Top spur says:

          @Urbane Sturgeon

          If everyone had to ‘like’ every blog they ‘use’ there would only be one blog.

          In my opinion this guy is an irritating idiot. But thats just my opinion. Im happy to visit this blog an read what hes got to say but i do so purely to get a balanced view of life.

          Some times you have to rea shite to realise whats good.


        • Garth Crooks the ruffneck ting says:

          Pathetic performance on the pitch. Joe Lewis is to blame more than Levy. Boooooooo.
          Oh and Jake Livermore is a joke.

      • SuperSpurs says:

        HH are you reading these comments? The atmosphere in this ‘ere boozer has taken a turn for the worst recently – listen to your punters and sack the barmaid !

        • nobby nobbs says:

          Im still dealing with les ferdinands jet helicopter cant believe he is can cope with something that moves that fast.
          I reckon he is the first black Thunderbird(about time)
          Sir Les Ferdinand Tracy,International Rescue.

      • Bobbles says:

        I think in the cold light of day we’l wake up and realise that this is the first shite performsnce of the season.

        Livermore is indeed a joke – Jenas Mk II if you ask me, but a new manager with half a dozen new players is going to need 4-6 weeks to bed in before we can really start to slag them off!

        If he’s not cutting the mustard by November he’ll be gone by Christmas.

        That said, I cant help thinking under Harry we’d hav at least 6 points by now – probably 7. Say what you like about the ‘tactician’ AVB, but I worry about his subs. Thats now twice he’s taken off Sandro when Livermore should have been the one to go.

    • BrisbaneSpur says:

      I think what HH meant to say was,”I have truly backed a bad egg in AVB, my apologies to all the fans I have mocked during the close season, for disagreeing with me”….


      For someone who attempts yea old shakespearian tittle tackle, should understand that the audience has EVERY RIGHT to show there apreciation of what they are seeing!!!!

      HH You sir are an arse!!

      • Bobbles says:

        Is your entitlement to boo linked to the price of the ticket then? I can perhaps understand it if we got hammered 4-0 bt we drew, and with a team we didn’t beat at home last season. Booing your team when they draw, and are clearly in transition makes you sir, a prick.

        • BrisbaneSpur says:

          Another of HH minions wanting a pat on the head from the ‘great HH’….

          My point is that if you pay to watch, you have paid to have an opinion. End of. I personally would not have boo’ed at half time (nor have a ever), BUT if a supporter feels wants to express his RIGHTS to boo, then go for it…..

          For an indusrty that expects (and gets) HUGE rewards, I for one want HUGE results, and that is non negotiable. IF the players want to play for a team with low expectations, then go and support Fulham… What do you think will happen this season if we do not finish in the top for, Spurs will have to sell 3 or 4 of our top players and hello we are back to the 90’s all over again.

          So what you are saying is they should ban boo’ing at half time as it is not appropriate to do so? May I suugest there are a few teams in North Korea that may suite you sir!!

  • tonimontana says:

    the failure to sign a proper playmaker is gonna cost us dearly this season.

    of course i’d love to be proven wrong but as thing stands we’re in trouble.

  • Simonpwise says:

    I agree. The boos were unhelpful. The criticism was almost warranted though. Loosing modric was inevitable. Loosing Vdv was by choice. The midfield lacked any creativity. Demele was a late spark – expect him to be the lifeline. We looked flat, lost of ideas, and I was waiting for the crowd to chant ” We are Bolton, we are Bolton…” because that was the hardworking grit that we resembled.

    I never expected avb to have a honeymoon but things look so badly wrong that I fear he may not have time to correct this ships course.

    • essexian76 says:

      So why did we do so well last season with VDV in the team, because he certainly wasn’t the creative genius you thought him to be? Replacing Modric is and will be a challenge, but AVB is trying to mould a different system of play-and it takes time. The team that took the field today will not be the team that finishes the campaign in May, and the players who under performed today-will be more accustomed and acclimatised to the demands AVB will expect of them-it’s what you would expect of a new manager building a new team-but all this ‘Chicken Little’ nonsense is plain ridiculous.

      • Michelle says:

        You are wasting yr time……our”fans” will give AVB as much time as did Chelsea although he has tried awfully hard to unload the effluent & the geriatrics so that we can have several years from the squad.
        Ever since Modric went on strike we have lacked penetration on their semicircle and Dembele showed that he could provide this. Siggy has been overloaded IMO and with Dembele there he will find it easier. We will miss Moutinho but if Thud clicks? Who knows?

        It will take at leqast 5 months but will Levy and the crowd wait that long?

    • jfdit says:

      we need to give him time but at the same time he ain’t helping matters by starting both home games with defoe up front on his own is he?

      time for avb to get brave and understand what makes us tick, we want fast paced incisive football with some form of end product, take some f*cking risks, go for the second goal don’t sit on a 1 goal leads

      we’re tottenham ffs we don’t do 1-1’s we’d rather a 4-4 wouldn’t we?

      • essexian76 says:

        Well, I’d suggest he had no alternative against WBA, as Defoe was the only striker fit? Blimey, it was only last week and Ade still looked way off the pace today! And yes we’re the same Tottenham who lost the corresponding game with both Modric and VDV in the side, a defeat that cost us dearly as I recall-It’s football, not science and shit happens in football, like today

      • Bobbles says:

        AVB needs to learn, and learn fast, that the crowd will not tolerate tippy tappy bullshit round the half way line.

        We demand high tempo attacking push and run – if he delivers that and we lose then I think we’ll all forgive him, but we all know Spurs can’t sit back and defend a single goal.

        Whats that quote from Gladiator – win over the mob and win your freedom (or whatever, you get the point)

        • essexian76 says:

          Of course, that’s us at our best,and yesterdays game was dreadful, but there are mitigating circumstances to be considered. Defoe is the only fit striker, so he has to play Ade is off the pace, having no pre season whatsoever. AVB gave the team that played well for 75% against WBA the chance to put it right, that’s called team building in my book, and when they didn’t perform, he made changes and the side improved marginally-so where’s the problem? well, I’ll tell you-it’s fans wanting and demanding instant success and then booing when we don’t roll over the opposition. In my book it just shows their lack of understanding about the game of football. Remember Pot Noodles are not healthy, they may give you instant satisfaction, but they won’t keep you going in the long run!

        • Minionas says:

          Essex it’s Sunday. What you doing up at 8:51am? It’s all early days for me, I’ll start judging after 20 games when the team is familiar with each other. Was a disappointing game though. We weren’t up to the pace for whatever reason. On the plus side we didn’t lose. As for people booing its pathetic, a pathetic noise for pathetic people! Coys

        • essexian76 says:

          Oh, got a little depressed, then a little pissed, fell asleep dreaming of Chris and Glen turning over all before them, and woke up to find it was really that bad a game ;-)

      • the man!! says:

        Starting with defoe 2games in a row when u have ade is indeed brave. I think he is too brave… He is arrogant!

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