
A Bullet Needs To Be Bitten

Image for A Bullet Needs To Be Bitten

Good evening.

I have of late, but wherefore I know not, lost all my mirth. And indeed it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory.

This most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave o’erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire, why, it appeareth nothing to me but a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours. What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason!

How infinite in faculties! How like an angel in apprehension. How like a god! The beauty of the world! The paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?

Man delights not me, no, nor women neither.

Nor women neither.

I know it was dismal. But what has happened to ‘us’ and ‘them’ I ask only as increasingly I am finding it nearly impossible to tell the two apart. It’s been like that for some time but the odd pieces of individual brilliance and what have you appear to have only served to keep the wolf from the door.

The burden of expectation in now greater than it ever ever was. Seat prices match this. But how does this remotely justify our home fans at The Lane being so awful?

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 3 by hotspurshalfhour

I wasn’t happy with today. Of course I wasn’t and who would be?  But I’m truly saddened by the ‘Pot Noodle’ culture that seems to want to pollute reason. Online rubbish about ‘…back to Ramos’ , ‘…AVB is a [insert uninformed bile here]’ I can cope with. But at The Lane Tottenham Hotspur fans need to bit the bullet.  Forget the pseudo pinko communist clap trap of being ‘outraged consumers’ , are you with us or against us?

I’ll run an analysis on the actual game in the morning, but I tell you this, Jesus wept –  I’m more saddened by the performances off of the pitch today.

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  • ed says:

    agree with harry! if anyone is at fault it is levy, mr ‘a day late and a dollar short’. why does the media describe him as one of the toughest negotiators in the business when he is actually one of the least able?

  • Simonpwise says:

    And no, I didn’t boo.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Why not? This is a witch hunt and we need a body!

      • Wowsers says:

        I dont think it is a witch hunt.

        I think this is a “oh balls this is a collective f*ck up”.

        Some idiots may start harping about Harry or AVB’s past. But to ignore Harry’s finish to last season and some element of AVB’s pedigree is massively short sighted.

        This is more “this is going bloody wrong despite the best laid plans. F*CK!”

  • Frank says:

    Might just be that the price of tickets etc actually means that Good Time Charlie’s rather than real supporters who will stick thru thick & thin predominate. Three games in and from the start we have all known that AVB has come in with a long-term plan which will take time-including overhauling the youth system etc. He will come good.

  • Sirled26 says:

    Hear hear! Levy didn’t let us down! transfers are not as easy as just flicking a switch!

    • A_Felching says:

      oh but they are, they give you a price and you give them payment the very same as any business. What we have is a proper chump of a chairman, who is now a liability. To dare is to do, not when it comes to buying players. Everyone knows what a prize prick he is and the club a paying the price for it.

      • Sirled26 says:

        You have experience of negotiating multi million pound deals? of you have buy the club, if you haven’t carry on with football manager! In the mug bin this one goes!

        • A_Felching says:

          I am in business myself and yes I do large deals on a regular basis, they tend to be far more complex than getting some clown to kick a football for 90 minutes twice a week.

  • Darren says:

    You were one of the Harry out mob!! Now look at the fucking shambles.

    HH are you really a Spurs fan who so run this blog just to take the piss as you’ve no idea about football mate, ginger ninja!

    Out by October (if we’re lucky)

    2pt from 3 games!

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Harry demonstrated himself as a pilchard.

      You may wish to talk to you mother/the care home about DNA type stuff.

      • MIKE says:

        if harry was a pilchard then you sir are a sprat

        your oily blog is rather fishy

        you are a supporter of Levy and his disgusting regime and for that i have no respect

        keep counting that filthy lucre on your advert heavy blog here harry
        keep supporting the very people that are ripping the soul out of our wonderful club

        these are the same people that sold carrick and left us stranded with no berbatov and the shameful practice goes on and on

        abv is an unlikeable, charmless man

        no wonder you like him

      • Urbane Sturgeon says:

        A pilchard who did rather well for us league position wise though. For me, that counts for something fairly important in football.

        • Jeremy says:

          I agree, for years I have craved stability at the club and Harry started to give us that. What is done is done and harping on about the past won’t do us any good. But I was sad the day Harry was sacked and thought his treatment was disgraceful. That little maggot Levy always seems to be on the hunt for the next best thing, I don’t think he realised how good we had it under Harry.

      • SuperSpurs says:

        Play the ball, not the man :cop:

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