
A Lightning Poll On The Norwich Game – Vote Now!

Image for A Lightning Poll On The Norwich Game – Vote Now!

Good evening.

The issue of the moment really does appear to be that of booing.  Oh yes, you can always rely upon me to have my finger on the pulse. Don’t you worry about that. I’m blessed with the vision of a hawk, the flighty mental agility of Sapphire & Steel.

To boo or not to boo?

The case from the defence counsel: Negativity in the workplace ain’t no good. It spreads like a poison and with an equally ‘orrible effect. If a reader can point to just a single example whereby anyone ever raised their game in any environment by being booed then us know. To paraphrase the old Monty Python line, ‘Boo some sense into ‘im!’

Booing your own is counter productive. Home fans booing is sabotage, they should sit in the away end.

The case from the prosecuting counsel: Depriving people of free speech isn’t on. These days fans are called ‘customer reference numbers and so why shouldn’t they be simply allowed to voice their dissatisfaction as customers? If a business doesn’t listen to it’s customers then surely it’s screwed.

I boo to let all concerned know that I’m not happy.

[poll id=”63″]

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 3 by hotspurshalfhour

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  • skankehmonkeh says:

    I posted this on the last blog but as there is a new one here and no one will have read my incredible and enlightening opinion I have copied and pasted it here for your delectation:

    Just a little thought. COYS. It stands for come on you Spurs. If we are winning 4-0 what’s the point of singing come on you Spurs? It’s a song of encouragement, there to lift the players and help them win. It’s what should have been sung at half time, not boos. I don’t know any “booers” and never seen any, even my Dad who’s a lifelong Spurs fan and therefore an eternal pessimist would never consider booing. I think it’s abhorrent. Hmm, little thought grew a little bit more, but you get the point. Back under my rock I crawl.

    I thought I should add that I have only been to the Lane a few times, once in a shocking loss to the Barcodes, never heard a boo then.

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