
Bromance At Brunton Park

Image for Bromance At Brunton Park

Good morning.

The morning after the night before and a job well done. There’s only one piece of footage of highlights of the goals only. It’s shockingly poor and it is here.

I know close to nothing other than the score and that it’s been alleged that a Carlisle fan lost his mind and decided to take on stewards, coppers and anyone else who fancied a piece of him.

Games like this need to be televised. It’s not complicated. The cameras are there, sell a stream for a fiver a pop, cut Carlisle in and everyone’s happy. What was infuriating was that Capital One and talkSPORT announced ‘a partnership’ yesterday afternoon and yet the station chose to cover the game that was on television. The lack of commercial awareness in relation to all this beggars belief.

There is a sniffy attitude about games like this and friendlies that I just don’t understand, I just don’t have any time for. I’m happy to watch our lot train, to be quite honest. Oh well.

And last up, there is a delicious rumour flying around that ***** may be off to Nottingham Forest. Let’s hope we get a grip this time and just let him walk. If they are prepared to re-home him for free, then we’ll have had a touch.

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  • BrizzleSpur says:

    Solid win by the strongest team. Not much to shout about.

    Re TV, football is monopolised by very few and optimised for the masses. You can bet your ass that some bright spark has already expressed the idea to allow a pay per view for all games but got shot down as it would split money into lots of little pots rather than one big one.
    Maybe one day Murdochs empire will crumble but it’s still standing strong and wont budge no matter how much logic you hit it with.

  • fuppingbarsteward says:

    Help I am a prisoner in an ewok clip joint.

  • Minionas says:

    Did Jenas wipe his arse on your towels or something. I would like to join the hate club, but what’s the problem with him. I remember games where he was our best player. Spurs fans, we’re a wired lot!

  • Minionas says:

    I was happy to see Daws play last night. He behaves exactly how a bloke should . None of that tantruming about not playing etc. quietly dignified. Good on ya Daws!

    • Astromesmo says:

      In fairness, Hugo hasn’t been throwing his toys about, he’s knuckled down and got on with it. It’s Didier (I didn’t get the Spurs job) bloody Deschamps that’s poked that little hornets nest… Followed by every other ex-footballing Frenchman wanting to get column inches in L’Equipe.

      The Mail have then turned it into the most meaningless non-story feeding frenzy in football.

  • Boy Charioteer says:

    Are we going to win on Saturday?

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