
Busted: The Daily Mail

Image for Busted: The Daily Mail

Good afternoon.

More proof that the PG Tips chimps are alive, well and working on national sports desks. Crusades are usually expensive or at least require those taking part to disengage their brains. The good news for HH readers is I don’t charge and you get to make your own mind up.

Daily Mail 3 days ago with the headline: ‘That Didn’t Take Long! Hugo Lloris Unhappy With AVB Just Four Days After Joining Spurs.’

This negatively spun claptrap used the quotes of a third party – in this case Didier Deschamps – to support what’s essentially a lie.

‘Hugo has not appreciated the statements of his coach. I am not going to create a problem that I do not need today. But if it were to happen then it would need some consideration. I do not want Hugo to find himself in this situation.’

Deschamps is clearly a bitter little horse meat sandwich muncher with an agenda. It is a cynical stunt on behalf of the Mail to use his comments to support a piece of fiction. Deschamps has since added:

‘He is one of the best three goalkeepers in the world. Hugo could play against any player in any league. Now, if he can help Tottenham to the next level, it could be a springboard towards a bigger club.’

The player Hugo himself has demonstrated a diplomacy to match Villas-Boas’. As per my last blog on this issue, it’s as plain as the nose on your face that the boss doesn’t want to be disrespectful to Brad. Hugo Lloris said yesterday:

‘I am a professional and I can put all this aside, I’m only and entirely focused on France. I’ve played enough matches in the past to be able to manage this.’

Articles like this are about as honest and truthful as Kevin Bond sat on SNN on transfer deadline night in a suit we paid for making snide digs about us now having four goalkeepers. Good luck with that media career, Kev, the last famous chauffeur I saw appear on TV was Henri Paul.

I’ll be running a blog on every piece of nonsense involving this Club until the chimps start to think before hitting the publish button.

In other news, demand footballing supremo Harry Redknapp has joined Bournemouth.

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 4 Live From Lahore by hotspurshalfhour

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  • Paul9inch says:

    When all is said and done, it wont be you, me, the papers or anyone else that gets AVB the sack except AVB himself. Its a rsults game pure & simple.

    Why so many people get upset by the crap that passes as journalism these days is beyond me.

    Just ignore it & get a life, quick!

    • Harry Hotspur says:


      On your advice we’ll all switch everything off including your mother’s vibrator and never leave the house again.


      • Paul9inch says:

        It sounds like you are your mother’s vibrator and you stay in alot.

        Why not do a blog about the new training ground, the youth teams, your take on individual youth players, etc, etc, instead of this constant obsession with HR & AVB?

        • Harry Hotspur says:

          Why not …kill yourself?

          You see, I find your instruction equally mindless, equally offensive.

        • Frontwheel 2 says:

          Have you ever barred yourself Harry?

        • Frontwheel 2 says:

          Good man

        • jerkinmahjurgen says:

          Harry you’re a mentalist. An opinion is given signed with a slight ‘swipe’ ala ‘get a life’ – I give it 3 outta 10 – and you’re ragingly insulting. You need some weed. And sex. Not necessarily in that order. You’re an extremist. Left running your blog [or the world], you’re becoming [would be] a dick. [Tatorship]. Not wishing to offend or double my ban tally but you are our leader. Our guide. The person with ultimate responsible on here. If famous, you’d have far more youtube altercations than Redknapp.

  • thenight says:

    I would give him the season, have to be a crap manager to get this Squad relegated.
    Harry made loads of mistakes but at least he got us to third so he could throw it away.
    The way he went about the England job was crap and he deserved the boot but until Levy pulls his finger out 4th, 5th. 4th. is about the best he could do in mho.
    So on results i think he did well and now he has gone does not deserve to be slaughtered as a manager.

  • nobby nobbs says:

    Monkey dust baby… Im in the trees in the trees….

  • Paul9inch says:

    HH, you started the mindless/offensive reply to what was a piece of constructive criticism.

    Now, whats that old saying, if you cant take it dont dish it out. In essence mat, grow up

    • Harry Hotspur says:


      You didn’t like what you clicked on and wanted to put me in my place. You didn’t succeed in that.

      And now you’re calling me out for being weak.

      Nice work :-|

  • wilboid says:

    So, on a more cheery note, old David (who?) Bentley has been banished to Russia for the winter. Poor sod, I don’t see him lasting long though, it’s pretty freaking cold out there. Expect to see pictures of a goatee prutuding from a snood coming soon.

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