
Does This Remind You Of Anyone?

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Good evening.

I have to confess that I didn’t go hunting this clip out on the basis that my hunger, my desire for International football no matter who is playing starts off poorly and usually fizzles out not long after. Ray Wilkins was on the television some time back and called it right. The Champions League has replaced International football in so many ways it’s difficult to know where to begin.

ODM has a plan to bin the conventional national sides of these sceptered isles and replace them with a Team GB. I’m not entirely sure if he’s serious but it might be a plan worth some consideration. I’m not sure what the answer is. Maybe we just chuck John Terry down a well and forget which one.

But the reason I dragged you here was to have a butchers at the clip above. The stance prior to moving, the almost tippy toe approach and the way his shoe goes through the ball. Yeah., very similar to that unhappy bloke at Real Madrid.

Now since Villas-Boas has arrived we’ve seen a less dangerous Bale. In the whole three games so far he hasn’t wreaked the havoc that we used to love to watch on the wing. Can the combination of Dembélé and Dempsey somehow galvanise him again?Mmmn. What is for sure is he’s been working on something quite sexy there and it works.

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  • Ronnie Wolman says:

    The defence has to get stronger and more cohesive.

    Dembele and Dempsey will be great. A tough couple.

    We have a lot going but the intensity up front has to be bigger and better.The will to win has to dominate pretty play this season.
    There is no Modric so no glue to pull together so all the players will have to take responsibilityin getting results.

    This is as important or more than a system.

  • coop14 says:

    I think he should be dropped back into the first line of the 433 on the left side. That way he can run from deep on the left or through the middle but has enough in him fitness wise to get back and do his defensive duties of which he is very capable. Players like lennon, defoe, dempsey and sigg are better up top because they are not as good at defending (in my opinion). I also think defoe should be given a go on the right hand side in this formation as he could open up teams with the ball played in behind the opponents defence from ade.

    walker gallas vert bae
    dembele sandro bale
    lennon/defoe ade dempsey/sigg

  • Spurlative says:

    I would say we’ve upgraded on all the dead wood we’ve had lying around. Its good to see AVB has quickly caught on that ***** and Bentley are not first team material. We’ve essentially got rid of the players who were never going to make the team and replaced them with players who can challenge and who are hungry for it. The youngsters look like they will be more involved as well.

    We’ve signed one of the best keepers in the world. His arrival to the club has been so underestimated, yet exaggerated with this other drama.
    I watched some of Belgiums game the other day and Dembele looks like a modric upgrade, let alone a Thud one. Vert also had a good game at LB so we have great cover there.

    Caulker is due a few games and with the Europa dopa in the mix and with AVB’s experience in that competition i would make us a favourite to win it with him at CB!
    If we’re in it, we may as well try to win it cause no matter how much complaining we do, we’re simply NOT in the champagne league this season (and for now)

    Its all to play for and there is a lot to look forward to. Enough new faces and youngsters are around to take AVB’s instruction on board without hesitation.
    The new training facility is so jaw droppingly impressive the players will no doubt be feeding off of this. Prospective transfer targets will also be more easily acquired.

    Even if we’re rock bottom by Xmas, it can only get better!

    • TMWNN says:

      I think booing ***** worked. The fans are sick of the sight of him.

      AVB should have known that ***** is shit ages ago if he’s as meticulous in his preparations as we’re led to believe.

  • SpursGator says:

    We’d better tonk Reading on Sunday. It’s a make or break game for us.

    Make or break and it’s the FOURTH game. Crazy days, I tell you.

    • Frontwheel 2 says:

      Obviously a win would be highly desired but to call it a make or break game is very knee jerk.I can’t see AVB getting the push for for a good while yet no matter what the next set of results are.Having said that the pressure will be great if we lose a few.
      I’ve noticed that the I told you so mob are getting very vocal,and the lets support our team hero’s(me included or deluded)are waiting to see what happens as we can only write the seasons only three games old so many times,Hopefully no one will get on the younguns backs tonight against Barca if they struggle a wee bit.

  • Habib says:

    I am ROFL’ing because if AVB wins at Reading AND away to Man U suddenly we’re title contenders. Hahaha Fickle world!

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