
Fabrique Belgique C’est Creme De La Menthe!

Image for Fabrique Belgique C’est Creme De La Menthe!

Good morning.

These Interlulls have becomeĀ  increasingly tedious. I don’t know if football has moved on or regressed but International football is about as ‘on trend’ as a pair of plus fours. The first question is rarely ‘did you see it?’ rather ‘any injuries?’

Two Tottinghams featured in the goal rush. The Midget Gem Defoe and new boy Jan Vertonghen.


Textbook Defoe. The game itself was in the main unwatchable fare with Moldova looking not so much outgunned but a bit scared. James Milner also scored which if you missed the action, gives you an idea as to what joys you managed to swerve.


This is an interesting proposition for us now as Jan would appear (on the strength of this clip at least) to have the power and direction that several of our wannabe free kick specialists such as Kaboul and Walker lack. Perhaps the boss wants to include this in one of his Power Points for the Reading game?

Like the cut of Vertonghen’s jib? Well, if you want to listen to the world’s greatest Spurs podcast here, you’ll also catch a remix of an Eagles classic dedicated to the bionic Belgian.

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  • kenny powers says:

    “Care for a liquorice allsort lady Victoria”
    “No thank you I don’t like liquorice”
    One of the best.
    Roll on the next game….

  • AllWhiteMark says:

    Changing tack to England; so Defoe cant lead the line eh? Perhaps he’s not getting the service at Spurs? 2 goals for England and the woodwork against Belgium. Lol.

    • Habib says:

      That’s Roy Hodgson’s team. His teams in the Premier League rarely won away from home and rarely leave their own half. Perhaps not an aspirational comparison.

      Against Belgium the keeper shoulda saved it.

  • Smoked Salmon says:

    I’m a touch worried about our Chirpy. Im old enough to know what it means when your pet is on “holiday”

    Causes for concern or just another spur falling out with AVB?

  • Ronnie Wolman says:

    By the way Morecambe got beat by Fleetwood 4-0 at Home so I would imagine thats another seaside team that would want Harry as a manager consultant car parking attendant deck chair attendant

  • Hartley says:

    So….the Arry lovers were known as the ‘happy clappers’….but obviously now they are the AVB out mob so they need a new name? How’s about the……’premature ejaculators’ just thinking aloud…. ;-)

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