
Free Tripe For All Readers

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Good afternoon.

Graham Roberts played for Spurs when I first diagnosed with Tottingham Intravenous. He was part of the whole yin and yang that was going on a Spurs in the 80’s. Glenda Hoddle would hit a sublime thirty five yard pass with inch perfect perfection. By contrast you’d probably be better off being hit by a family saloon car than Rambo. Graham won two FA Cups and a UEFA cup in his his time at The Lane.

So Roberts is an ex-player I have tremendous respect for. But (you just knew it was coming) his career as a coach has been less distinguished. Three years at Yeovil Town, a year at Clyde, then nothing for four years, then a year at Pakistan, then a year at Nepal.

So quite how Rambo having achieved naff all fannying about for nearly two decades as a manager feels he’s placed to pass judgement on Villas Boas after three games is beyond me.

“As a manager you have to pick up the boys. He needs to get a personality change. You might say that is the way he is – but you’ve also got to be happy sometimes and that breeds confidence in the lads so that they play better.

To me it doesn’t look as if he has learned from his time at Chelsea when he spoke badly to some players.

His speech is very slow and you are waiting for something to come out positive. As a player you can be lifted by the way the manager speaks. Harry was brilliant at that. He was bubbly all the time and, even if he was down inside, he always made it seem positive.” [link]

What a complete and utter load of garbage.

Under Roberts’ checklist criteria, most of the greatest managers football has ever known wouldn’t have made the grade Paisley, Ferguson, Clough, Hitzfield, Herrera, Mourinho, Revie, Beckenbauer, Munoz, Stein…

Roberts is either a Redknapp lacky or not very bright. ‘Bubbly?’ The men listed above were legendary football men. Not teenage hairdressers mincing around asking people, ‘you going anywhere nice on holidays this year?’ If footballers want to be spoken to nicely, I suggest they might prefer afternoon tea at their grans over playing for a manager that’s any good.

Elsewhere the venerable Top Spurs is running a piece that starts off with the line, ‘The first thing I would like to make to clear before this rant begins is that I think there are plenty of worse owners of football clubs than Joe Lewis and Daniel Levy’s ENIC’ [link] and then proceeds to give us over 1300 words arguing the opposite. Arguing that all THFC’s owners worry about is balancing the books and …it’s costing us as a football team.

1300 words from some clown trying to pass off the fantasies that we forced Van der Vaart out the door to save or make a few quid and that the whole Moutinho thing was a smokescreen.

Three games in and we’ve got a burn out and and bloke who’s writing at length about information he’s not been privy to. I could weep.

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  • Lesley King says:

    A couple of quick questions for you HH. How old were you when you first started to support Spurs, what team is/was your father’s and where were you born. As you have a lot to say about Spurs in the public domain about people who have given a lot to my club, I think it is important we check a few of your credentials. Don’t shy away from answering now as I will ask these questions on every topic you bring up until dealt with. Best regards Lesley

    • LLL says:

      Lesley, he’s quite entitled to his opinion, even if he has only followed Spurs for a week. Or, as the case may be if he was placed in a Spurs shirt in the delivery room. It’s a free internet, anyone can set up a blog and see if people follow. Even you!

      • Lesley King says:

        Agreed LLL, free speach for all! we live in a democracy after all. I’m just interested to find out some facts, it gives some balance and depth you understand.

        • Harry Hotspur says:

          I’ve answered you below, please not that I haven’t reciprocated the questions as it is my solemn belief nobody gives a solitary sneeze about you, your support, your father or where indeed you fell out of your mother.

        • Lesley King says:

          Swerve and not convincing!

        • essexian76 says:

          Can I have a free peach?-it’ll go really nice with the tripe I won-in fact I’ll start a restaurant and call it the ‘Tripe and Peach’, after Peter Cook’s aborted attempt a few years back

    • Hartley says:


    • Tony Tiger says:

      You people just don’t get it.

      More people read this blog than will ever go to White Hart Lane… even if White Hart Lane was 100k capacity.

      People come on here spouting rubbish to do with how long you have supported the club. Like it is a badge of honour that your mums gave birth to you on the pitch at The Lanes.

      It doesn’t matter.

      And we all know how the media works. People pay to have their stories placed. I’ve no doubt that Harry Reddles has given a large chunk of his unpaid tax monies to the various tabloid press to plant stories about AVB to help keep him in the public eye and therefore make him a bigger commodity for television.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Well Lesley I don’t care for your style. It smacks of bullying. It never ends well for bullies.

      I’ve made no secret of my support.

      My first game was Bill Nicholson’s testimonial against West Ham.

      Dad and I flew over from abroad to watch the game and for many years my overriding memory of the occasion was the dogs abuse my mother gave me when we got home for leaving my jacket on the tube. Some might recall it was a blistering hot day.

      The jacket was still being paid for out of a Grattan catalogue.

      I was born at home. In a two up two down. It wasn’t much but I wanted to be near my mother at the time.

      If you need to know anymore, please email me and have funds of £5000 ready to wire as my private interview rate is not cheap.

      • Spurstacus says:

        That Jacket? Did it have sleeves and cuffs? And did it sort of wrap around your torso and sit nicely on your shoulders? And was it fastened at the front? And was it made out of material to hot to wear on a blistering hot day? And was it in a boys size, and in a boys colour? And did you leave it on the tube, on the day of the game?
        The description does ring a bell.
        No I’m so sorry the jacket I have in mind was from a Kays catalogue.

      • Lesley King says:

        Cheap trick using the bullying card but there you go. Didn’t require an essay just three quick answers, two of which you have swerved. But thank you for your efforts. You answered and that was more than I expected and saved the embarrassment of me keeping it up.

      • Tony Tiger says:

        Oh HH, why don’t you just go kill yourself :daumen:

  • Lesley King says:

    unless of course you are a coward and ban me! I’m quite sure you are not!!

  • melcyid says:

    we are top top lads,good to have around,just have to runabout a bit,for sure,top drawer :daumen:

  • Ronnie Wolman says:

    This is like the Shiites vs the Sunnis

    A few shiites on here today

  • Boy Charioteer says:

    It’s really come to something when AVB is being defended by Wenger in the press about the Friedel/Loris(non)situation.

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