
Free Tripe For All Readers

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Good afternoon.

Graham Roberts played for Spurs when I first diagnosed with Tottingham Intravenous. He was part of the whole yin and yang that was going on a Spurs in the 80’s. Glenda Hoddle would hit a sublime thirty five yard pass with inch perfect perfection. By contrast you’d probably be better off being hit by a family saloon car than Rambo. Graham won two FA Cups and a UEFA cup in his his time at The Lane.

So Roberts is an ex-player I have tremendous respect for. But (you just knew it was coming) his career as a coach has been less distinguished. Three years at Yeovil Town, a year at Clyde, then nothing for four years, then a year at Pakistan, then a year at Nepal.

So quite how Rambo having achieved naff all fannying about for nearly two decades as a manager feels he’s placed to pass judgement on Villas Boas after three games is beyond me.

“As a manager you have to pick up the boys. He needs to get a personality change. You might say that is the way he is – but you’ve also got to be happy sometimes and that breeds confidence in the lads so that they play better.

To me it doesn’t look as if he has learned from his time at Chelsea when he spoke badly to some players.

His speech is very slow and you are waiting for something to come out positive. As a player you can be lifted by the way the manager speaks. Harry was brilliant at that. He was bubbly all the time and, even if he was down inside, he always made it seem positive.” [link]

What a complete and utter load of garbage.

Under Roberts’ checklist criteria, most of the greatest managers football has ever known wouldn’t have made the grade Paisley, Ferguson, Clough, Hitzfield, Herrera, Mourinho, Revie, Beckenbauer, Munoz, Stein…

Roberts is either a Redknapp lacky or not very bright. ‘Bubbly?’ The men listed above were legendary football men. Not teenage hairdressers mincing around asking people, ‘you going anywhere nice on holidays this year?’ If footballers want to be spoken to nicely, I suggest they might prefer afternoon tea at their grans over playing for a manager that’s any good.

Elsewhere the venerable Top Spurs is running a piece that starts off with the line, ‘The first thing I would like to make to clear before this rant begins is that I think there are plenty of worse owners of football clubs than Joe Lewis and Daniel Levy’s ENIC’ [link] and then proceeds to give us over 1300 words arguing the opposite. Arguing that all THFC’s owners worry about is balancing the books and …it’s costing us as a football team.

1300 words from some clown trying to pass off the fantasies that we forced Van der Vaart out the door to save or make a few quid and that the whole Moutinho thing was a smokescreen.

Three games in and we’ve got a burn out and and bloke who’s writing at length about information he’s not been privy to. I could weep.

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  • melcyid says:

    HH before you took the photo of that bird up top you should of told her to remove her glasses,you didnt do her any favours

  • melcyid says:

    just out of interest who is the geezer.

  • Gee says:

    Roberts is cut from the same cloth as Redknapp ! Can’t keep the mouth shut .
    Only people that give him the time of day are those arseholes on TAlksport !!!

  • Fonzerelli says:

    Let’s have it right, Graham Roberts has done more than most of you have for Spurs, He knows more about football than most of you ever will.

    AVB is in over his head, he has no charisma and does not inspire any of the players. If as a leader or motivator of men, you cannot create affinity, you will not succeed.

    I don’t agree with boo-ing a team we all support but let’s say it as it is, AVB just won’t be everyone’s cup of tea on what’s been shown thus far.

    He seems to be constantly fire fighting. Although it is a good thing that he seems to have learned from mistakes from his Chavski days, it’s no good if he keeps making new errors this time around.

    For all of his organisation and preparation it seems he can’t see the basics.

    He would have done well with learning some of these basics about the players we have which any regular Spurs fan who watches all of their games would know. All the while this is at the expense of our development as a football team.

    AVB’s mistakes have been amateurish and are due to more of an idealistic interpretation of how he would like the game played against a more pragmatic and experience led approach which should have been employed considering the players he has to work with.

    If we cannot compete as a top 6 club, there will be financial consequences. This is what is currently feared, looking at it realistically achieving top 4 will be extremely difficult considering Man City, Man Utd, Chelsea’s spending and Arsenal’s experience.

    • melcyid says:

      happy days Fonzi

    • essexian76 says:

      Like what exactly-perhaps selling his soul by handing in transfer demand to secure funds to pay off his gambling debts? FFS he was a thug at best-getting sent off on a stretcher springs to mind. I say thug and mean it, but he was our thug and Waddles and Hoddles minder, but dont make out he was legend FFS. He’s now the rent a gob TS need to dish the dirt-a bit like Greavsie did during our 86-7 campaign-and any respect I ever had for JG, died there and then!

      • jerkinmahjurgen says:

        The comment above that he was quality had me thinking the same thing. He was a nutcase who was epic at taking players out and we never replaced him ’till Wison, really, but to say he’s quality… lol. Is a legend, though. Loved him. Oh, Freund as well. Nearly forgot :blush: But Fonz, you’re right. He’s always fire-fighting. Because he’s living the Football Manager 2013/14 dream. And the reason he’s getting so scrutinized is because he’s more ‘us’ than ‘them’. It’s like me or you walking through the White Hart Lane door as the new manager. We’d face the same media tone. He never played at this level. He’s very young for a manager. He’s less than 2yrs experience. He struggles noticeably with player management. He has one way of playing. Add it all together and we’ve set him up to fail moreso than Chelsea even did.

        • essexian76 says:

          Oh, don’t get me wrong, when he was our thug, I loved him to bit’s-but players like him (IMHO), should never be given legendary status, especially at Spurs. We epitomise flowing, cultured football and it’s hypercritical of us to elevate a Neanderthal such as Roberts to legendary.
          Once he left us, he then became someone else’s thug and relegated himself to a dirty bastard once more.

        • essexian76 says:

          hypocritical, I meant of course

  • Habib says:

    It was astonishing when I read it! It’s like some evil scheming all powerful dictator has given every paper a quota: “Three anti Redknapp stories a day” and they’re struggling to meet it.

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