
Player Ratings [Rip Up Your Season Ticket Now Edition]

Image for Player Ratings [Rip Up Your Season Ticket Now Edition]

Good afternoon.

Some ‘supporters’ behaviour in the last 24 hours both in the flesh and online only serves to underline we are nothing if not ‘a broad church’. Bring back Henry VIII.

Those attending games need to stop behaving like ’empowered consumers’ and more like football fans. This whole ‘I told you so’ spiel is desperate. Three games in. Three.

Here’s the player ratings.

8 Boos. Seemed to have his heart in it. Made some excellent saves. Hopeless. 

6 Boos. Had a really indifferent game. Had been doing well but was anonymous. Get rid.

7 Boos. A decent shift bit he was mopping up for Kyle and was generally run about. I want my money back.

6 Boos. Had the audacity to make some great interceptions. Why doesn’t Joe Lewis put his hand in his pocket?!

5 Boos. Nearly gave away a penalty. Better luck next week. I used to support Orient, you know.

5 Boos. He’s rapidly becoming the Painting By Numbers of the squad.  Rubbish, I’m going home.

6 Boos. Passive aggressive headless chicken. I wish I’d stayed at home.

6 Boos. He doesn’t look up. So he invariably crosses to nobody. Leaving at half time is dench.

5 Boos. Too much like much like my local chip shop. Didn’t deliver. At these prices I’ll boo when I want, son.

6 Boos. On an upbeat note every game like this decreases the likelihood of a mega-bid in January. Levy Out!

8 Boos. Wanted to take the game by the scruff of the neck. Nearly succeeded. Fulham reject. 

6 Boos. He’s doing his best. I tell you what I don’t know why I come here anymore.

6 Boos. I don’t know how unfit he is, I just wish he would start. I won’t be here next week .

Endless Boos. He seems to be doing a jigsaw puzzle with the pieces with the picture on facing down. Harry come home.

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 3 by hotspurshalfhour

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  • BrentwoodSpur says:

    Levy was wrong to get rid of Harry but it’s happened – let’s give AVB time.
    Levy was also spectacularly wrong – as i suggested last Thursday – to try and arrange a complicated transfer of Moutinho at the last minute; Moutinho should have been the player we recruited first and then built the team around…
    6th place for us this season…

  • Edmonton Geezer says:

    Truth be told….the “boos” are probably emanating from the “i want my gratification now, because I’m entitled to it” generation. They have no patience. If they can’t afford an iPhone they just mug someone who has one. Instant gratification. The younger generation motto “Ask not what you can do for your team, but what can your team do for you”. I fully expect to now have the living shit kicked out of me for “disrespecting” the youngsters (i’m 60).

    • Eyeball Paul says:

      Wars are good in some ways!

      People need to put things a little into perspective: 3 games in and booing?????

      Lets get behind the team, give the lads some confidence on the pitch. In 1989 – 90 season we were second bottom after 5 – 6 games….finished third, beating the ‘unbeatable’ Liverpool team at the Lane in the process….

      Come on YOU Spurs!

  • Gus says:

    The bin dippers lose to Arse today and Rodgers laments his lack of strike power after letting Carroll go…
    No one has made a great start so far this season and we have time to get in the running. I’d like to see Dempsey feature along with Dembele (he must start) against Reading. We still have an exciting squad, AVB needs to relax and hopefully the boys will too COYS

  • Billy Legit says:

    Hysterical, OTT, knee-jerk reaction similar in style to a yankee teenage cheerleader breaking a nail (OMG!, OMG!, OMG!…..daddy, buy me a Porsche and sack the Hispanic gardener because when i tried to flirt with him he refused to smash my backdoor in).

    After 3 games?!?!?!?

    As for the baying, pitch-forked mob on here yesterday demanding Twichy to be reinstated, one simple question: do you have any ounce of self respect whatsover? You want that media whore gobshite back after he flashed his arse like a baboon on heat to those buffoons in Soho Square?

    AVB needs time. If by December there are no signs of an improvement whatsover by all means have a pop and demand his resignation/sacking, but after only 3 games?!?!?!

    Fackin BOOOOOOO, make!

  • Andy says:

    What I took from the game is that when Dembele came on he took charge of the ball and looked dynamic, however he rarely had a pass made in his direction. Everyone else looked undynamic (if there is such a word)

    I think its the classic new boy trust syndrome where the regulars don’t quite trust him with the ball in tight situations as yet.

    I was screaming at the telly for the team to pass it to Dembele, but sadly they rarely did. Instead hogged the ball and ran into dead ends.

    I think all will change next week and if he starts we can look forward to some sikly passing, good solid defending and maybe…just maybe a goal or two.

    A little passion from the sidelines wouldn’t go astray either.. I notice AVB constantly looks worried rather than getting involved and stamping his authority from the sideline.

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