
Player Ratings [Rip Up Your Season Ticket Now Edition]

Image for Player Ratings [Rip Up Your Season Ticket Now Edition]

Good afternoon.

Some ‘supporters’ behaviour in the last 24 hours both in the flesh and online only serves to underline we are nothing if not ‘a broad church’. Bring back Henry VIII.

Those attending games need to stop behaving like ’empowered consumers’ and more like football fans. This whole ‘I told you so’ spiel is desperate. Three games in. Three.

Here’s the player ratings.

8 Boos. Seemed to have his heart in it. Made some excellent saves. Hopeless. 

6 Boos. Had a really indifferent game. Had been doing well but was anonymous. Get rid.

7 Boos. A decent shift bit he was mopping up for Kyle and was generally run about. I want my money back.

6 Boos. Had the audacity to make some great interceptions. Why doesn’t Joe Lewis put his hand in his pocket?!

5 Boos. Nearly gave away a penalty. Better luck next week. I used to support Orient, you know.

5 Boos. He’s rapidly becoming the Painting By Numbers of the squad.  Rubbish, I’m going home.

6 Boos. Passive aggressive headless chicken. I wish I’d stayed at home.

6 Boos. He doesn’t look up. So he invariably crosses to nobody. Leaving at half time is dench.

5 Boos. Too much like much like my local chip shop. Didn’t deliver. At these prices I’ll boo when I want, son.

6 Boos. On an upbeat note every game like this decreases the likelihood of a mega-bid in January. Levy Out!

8 Boos. Wanted to take the game by the scruff of the neck. Nearly succeeded. Fulham reject. 

6 Boos. He’s doing his best. I tell you what I don’t know why I come here anymore.

6 Boos. I don’t know how unfit he is, I just wish he would start. I won’t be here next week .

Endless Boos. He seems to be doing a jigsaw puzzle with the pieces with the picture on facing down. Harry come home.

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 3 by hotspurshalfhour

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  • Matty says:

    We’re going to be in 5/6/7 position at Christmas – if AVB is for real we’ll be 3/4 at seasons end if not it’ll be channel 5 and a new manager next year.

  • colney spur says:

    Big Boo to ‘arry he left us in this mess , so cock sure he was England’s no.1 , took his eye and brain off the ball from January , feel sorry for Livermore he is going to be the new Jenus, everybody bar friedel had a bad day yesterday imho. BOO

  • swanspur says:

    Thought Huddlestones sending off was harsh in terms of the tackle but well deserved for the haircut

  • mystic arnold says:

    Harry I ll be watching the Reading game whilst on Holiday in Wells in Norfolk;If we don t beat Reading 37- 0 at least can I expect to see the entire first team hanging from a Giblet outside the ground on my return.Booing a team never helps remember at school or even work if some one keeps saying your rubbish you NEVER improve in fact you just get worse. C O Y S

  • Iain says:

    Can’t rip it up it’s plastic.

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