
Analysis Of The Greek Fiasco

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Good morning.

There was always going to be a period of bedding in, gelling, call it what you will. A new manager, new systems indeed, new players. What we were subjected to yesterday was nothing to do with any of that. It was a straightforward act of sabotage.

Huddlestone, Dawson and Lennon are by default ‘senior players’ – believe it or don’t – and their contributions stank the place out. 

Huddlestone looked like he’d been smoking ketamine. Possibly for weeks on end. Dawson looked like he was on day release from a borstal. Lennon could quit football tomorrow and get a job in panto playing any one of the seven dwarves you might care to name.  And Walker, Walker the living brain donor. 

What makes me so angry is that these guys are all better than this. 

The Europa is worth pursing. But not if you’re going to waste everyone’s time and serve up garbage like this. 

The opposition were poor. But even they couldn’t believe how generous we were and it took them a while for it to sink in that we were throwing the game.  

Maybe I’m wrong. If so then the real positive is that if you did have a punt on this due to a tip off, then at this stage there has been no official announcement of unusual betting patterns and you seem to have got away with it. 

There was no tactical breakdown, no superior opponent, rather it was an open and shut case of collective mickey taking. The stupidity of footballers is revealed every week. But this takes some beating. Did they think nobody was watching? 

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  • yidinjapan says:

    “sabotage”. In the cool light of reflection do you think this is the case. Surely this conclusion just affirms the trite of some members of the press who peddle the idea that the squad are not in tune with AVB’s philosophy.. no?

    • Billy Legit says:

      Indoctrinating a new philosophy takes time, particularly if the subjects ain’t the smartest spanners in the toolbox.

  • steve says:

    What did you expect after beating Manure? Let’s hope it gees them up in time for the Villa game. I agree AVB should play a strong team in the Europa but there are areas where he really should have given players a bit more time. Townsend should have played from the start instead of Bale or Lennon. As he is desperate to get on and prove himself. Not convince Vert is a full back as he was not out wide enough a few times like in the second half at Old Trafford. Shame Ade was not fit to start as would have given Defoe a rest for the weekend. Hudd & Daws need playing time and are bound to be a bit rusty so will need even more playing time until they get back to their best. If we had finished them off in the first half then their goal would have made no difference but when have Spurs ever done anything easy? Only twice in living memory 5 – 0 Newcastle and 9 – 1 Wigan. They are the only two days I can remember not worrying about a result in the last 15 minutes. OK maybe Hearts 5 – 0, and Villa & Norwich 2 – 0 last season where the opposition didn’t even try.

  • Wowsers says:

    the only use for Europa is to have some semi competitive games against reasonable opponents which allows our new team to bed in.

    nothing more; the competition is a piss take and we should be using it to get our first team to gel. Other than that I canny be bothered with it.

    The problem with that is that the players clearly dont give a sh*t about Europa and know this too.

  • KLSpurs says:

    Btw, I think Caulker was at fault and not Dawson for their goal

    • Alspur says:

      Would you care to expand? It was a peach of a pass… Caulker was bypassed…

      However, the striker was already goal-side of Daws when the pass was being made: given the Daws isn’t the quickest, I think some blame has to attach to Daws… overall, I don’t think he was terrible, though – there were certainly worse!!

  • Spurious says:

    Further evidence to illustrate how out of his depth AVB is.Does he not have a hairdryer in his toolkit! He continues to be unable to gee our lazy prima donnas up and that is inexcusable.He can cavort all he likes on the sidelines and show lots of passion to keep the faithful happy but he doesn’t fool me.The bloke is showing no signs of consistency and will always be an also ran.And no I am not a Harry Redknapp fan – he was a tosser as well.I’ll be dead by the time I can be proud of my Lillywhites once again at this rate.

    • Alspur says:

      Blimey: didn’t take you long to hop out of your coffin and jump on AVB’s back…

      Where were you on Saturday night?!

    • Jay says:

      Who would you rather have as manager then? You could have Mancini – not a top manager and can’t speak English! Di Matteo? Not a top manager. Wenger…? I rest my case. And let’s not get on to SAF. Give AVB a bloomin’ chance, yeah? If we’re in 15th place in the League by Christmas then maybe we’ll all be agreeing with you, but not yet.

      • Billy Legit says:

        An away draw in Athens and the ‘AVB Out’ brigade raise their ugly heads again.

        Strewth……….when supporters of other teams say we’re the most fickle out there, is it any wonder?

        • Billy Legit says:

          Yessss, the boss has f*cked off early from work- i’m off for a kip.

          Toodle pip! :sleeping:

        • Hot_Spur says:

          It’s not the “away draw in Athens” aspect that is the problem. On paper an “away draw in Athens” sounds reasonable but given our performance against what was clearly a very weak team, THAT is the problem. Second half they were sloppy and lethargic, against a good team they would have routed. I don’t blame AVB, I blame the players, they were a disgrace. They call themselves professionals??

        • 77spur says:

          nuffin fickle about me pal. I was never in the “AVB IN” brigade….

    • spurious says:

      You’ve stolen my name you cheeky b*stard. I’ve been quietly impressed with AVB’s passion and professionalism so far, the fact that he’s our manager means he’ll have my support unless or until he fecks up big stylee.

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