
Bring On The Bubbles!

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Good evening.

The old Bubble & Squeaks away in the Europa or the ‘Europen’ as ODM thinks it’s called. I guess there could be worse long term use side effects of continuous Centrum® Silver® Women 50+.

You can find more sportsbook review information here, but the Greeks are marginal favourites despite their last performance in the tournament and this should provide the opportunity for some value in several Tottenham markets so it’s a game worth casting your eye over.

I’d put Lloris right in there. If you read my analysis after the Yanited game and if you dared to play this week’s Hotspur’s Half Hour than you’ll know my position this week on Brad.

Our midfield ought to see Siggy, Thud and the boy Townsend step in and step up.Sandro needs a breather, Christ knows he’s earned one. I think the inclusion of Dembélé wouldn’t be pushing it. This is a tournament we want to continue to quietly go about our business in. The boss has the mission statement spot on, we want a cup, we want Champions League qualification.

In attack I’d like to see Dempsey Defoe and Adebayor all involved subject of course to all the usual fitness terms and conditions stuff.

Your thoughts on who we ought to field please.


It’s been on my mind, it’s my blog and I’ll do as I please so here goes: There’s a little girl ‘gone missing’ in England called April Jones. If you have any information that could help police trace missing 5yr old, April Jones, please phone the dedicated hotline on 0300 2000 333.

Hotspurs Half Hour – Show 7 Jan Vertonghen Mash Up by hotspurshalfhour

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  • hoofing says:

    Not so SOS Peter, lose they did not but flucking annoying to watch.

  • legoverlass says:

    Football is a 90 min game. AVB has only got the first 45 under control at the moment.. we should have learnt from the OT match and once again we are easing off in the last 45 and giving away the momentum to the opposition. I guess the real problem is the one that has plagued us since Berbatov left and that is we need a goalscorer and quality striker up front. Defoe is not effective leading the line. If we took advantage of our chances more efficently then we would not be holding on to 1-0 leads but would put a comfortable cushion between us and the opposition and perhaps close out games… we may get away without Mouthino in Jan but we will not get away with out signing a striker of quality….

    • LLL says:

      Perhaps his pre-match talks are the business but his half-time speeches are bollocks? It is weird, and it’s been a feature of our play ever since the game against Newcastle. Maybe they aren’t fit enough to do the pressing thing for 90 minutes. Then again, the Greek side were a complete shower. No excuses really.

  • david says:

    Really poor second half, complacency and arrogance cost us 2 points.
    Looking back half the side vanished and Bale spent most of that period giving the ball away.
    Not sure what passes for brains for some of them sometimes, especailly when you look at how poor the opposition were.
    Just a bit of effort would have been enough.

  • seattlespursguy says:

    Shocking defending for the Greek’s goal. Caulker not enough alertness/effort to get at the diagonal ball; Lloris doesn’t come out soon enough to snuff it out, and Dawson just plain slow.

    Shit day at the office after the high of last weekend.

  • ricospur says:

    Can’t belive qpr would pay 9m for Dawson horribly exposed for the goal, should have played sig behind Dempsey and rested vert he looked knackerd

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