
Chelsea Fan Threw Black Steward At Mexican

Image for Chelsea Fan Threw Black Steward At Mexican

Good morning.

Chelsea fans have a proud history of racism. I say proud because when something as rotten and miserable as race hate is associated with such a significant number of a group then it’s pretty obvious they aren’t actually resisting the association, rather embracing it.

For those seeking to contest this assertion then I could supply a full list but I was planning to get a few other things done this week. But to whet your appetite here’s some a couple of recent examples. Please note in the interests of fairness I have discounted the fact that John Terry is a Chelsea fan.

June 2012: Danny Townsend-Bird filmed himself on his iPhone at 2 separet Chelsea games screaming racist abuse including ‘f___ c___ spick’ plus footage of him shouting racial abuse at an Asian driver while riding in the back of a taxi on the way to a match including ‘f___ p__ c__.’ Mr Townsend-Bird received a 5 year ban.

April 2012: Stephen Fitzwater (a Chelsea fan) admitted shouting racial abuse at Didier Drogba during the FA Cup semi final against Tottenham. Mr Fitzwater was banned from Stamford Bridge for life.

So why drag this up?

On Sunday at Stamford Bridge after Javier Hernández’s controversial late goal, the crowd in the Matthew Harding stand surged to abuse the player and in the footage below it is painfully obvious that an as yet unnamed black steward was crushed then thrown over the pitch-side barrier by at least one Chelsea fan.

It was suggested by CFC that the steward might have slipped. As the raised arms of the man that threw him show on the clip, he did not slip, but was physically propelled. Perhaps CFC have not had an opportunity to watch the clip below.

“We are aware of an incident during yesterday’s match at Stamford Bridge in which a steward was injured. An investigation has been launched into the incident and our inquiries continue.” Metropolitan Police statement

“We are looking at reports of objects that may have been thrown or incidents around the steward taking a fall. We are investigating all the incidents around that time. My information so far is that he slipped and fell, may have hurt his knee, and was being treated by the side of the pitch. He’s been taken to hospital.” Chelsea spokesman.

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  • TommyHarmer says:

    Yes well we all dislike Chelsea and many of us know that they have a racist element ……… however, ‘we’ are not immune to the odd camel ‘joke’ ourselves …… and then there are those old chesnuts ‘innocent until proved guilty’ and ‘he without sin casting the first stone’. Best left to the law to deal with as far as I’m concerned.

  • Spurstough says:

    Personally I discounted cheatski as a football club years ago!

  • Bruxie says:

    The game is going down the pan.

    Clubs need to take action to curb the excesses of both players and fans.

    What is happening at the moment is legalised thuggery and an indictment on a society that lost some sense of decency.

    We are talking 30 – 50 year olds rushing forward to hurl abuse at a visiting player because he has scored against their heroes. What sort of middle aged bloke does this?

    A chap stands behind me sometimes in the South Stand and shouts (in isolation) to the visiting fans – a tirade of profanity, witless remarks and just plain insults.

    He is of course a knobhead. Everyone knows it but we do little about it because…why, exactly.

    With cases such as this it is plain that the need to abuse outweighs any sense of safety or even embarrassment at looking such a twot.

    I’m all for singing, supporting and a bit of banter…but it’s going too far in most cases.

    The anger and hatred etched on some people’s faces is ridiculous. TV has a part to play and that is that it shows people for what they are and as attendances of children fall then the need to safeguard their future customer base will take precedence over footage of players diving and swearing at each other.

  • Rob says:

    As a Chelsea fan, I find the headline quite funny.

    My, but you’re a holier-than-thou fucker though.

    • Bruxie says:

      You have to admit that you have the monopoly of “bad news” stories in football, don’t you?

      What exactly are you doing to put the matter right?

      We know we have a bad element. As do all clubs – but you seem to have introduced a new performance level at behaving badly both on and off the pitch.

      Operating with seige mentality and “We know what we are…” is not solving anything. Do you have a fans charter for being the scum at the top of the bathtub?

      • Rob says:

        What am I, personally, doing? What I always do, my boy. Continue not being a racist.

        I’d assume that, eventually, the only people that can afford a ticket at the Bridge will be hedge fund managers, so in theory the problem should solve itself. You guys seem to be ahead of us in that respect… care to tell me how it’s working out?

        • Billy Legit says:

          Hedge Fund Managers are parogons of virtue are they?

          Replacing one bunch of c*nts with another bunch of c*nts doesn’t solve anything.

        • Bruxie says:

          The whole point writing a blog and contributing is to air a few thoughts and possibly bring bad practice to the fore instead of sweeping it under the carpet.

          Nobody accused you personally. People like you are the norm – not the exception. This isn’t always the case at football grounds. However it is more than an undercurrent running throughout your club.

          Perception is all there is, after all.

          What do you do to change it. Contribute to Chelsea blogs denouncing racism? Go to it my man.

          And don’t call me “my boy” you patronising person, you!

      • hoofing says:

        To Rob : the only people that can afford a ticket at the Bridge will be hedge fund managers, Is not that the plan of all clubs, except Stoke.

    • LLL says:

      My, but you’re a holier-than-thou fucker though.

      It’s really not a difficult look to affect when the ‘thou’ in question is Chelsea football club.

      • Harry Hotspur says:

        Too many Chelsea fans make Ian Huntley appear to have the moral high ground on them.

        • Rob says:

          I’m glad we’re managing to have a sensible, grown-up debate about this.

          Besides, I thought we were talking about fans rather than the club. You know perfectly well that, however hypocritical it looks, the club isn’t going to sack its captain and highest-paid player.

          If we are, after all, talking about the fans, it’s fine to posture about the pricks that make the newspapers. We have them, you have them. As I recall, you had your fair share of arseholes lining up to call Kyle Walker a prick after the recent game.

        • LLL says:

          Why is the club just not going to strip Terry of his captaincy? I’m sorry, I don’t understand that one. Why shouldn’t they? Wouldn’t that be a right and proper thing to do?

          We have our fair share of pricks, that’s undeniable. Chelsea, on the other hand, is submerged in a big blue ocean of cunts.

        • Jamie says:

          Casting partisanship aside for a moment, Chelsea sacked Mutu for testing positive for Cocaine. They won damages against Mutu for lost transfer revenue.
          So the financial argument for keeping Terry is moot to me. There is a precedent of club policy, which tells us that racially abusing someone and lying about it is not as serious as taking cocaine.
          I have some sympathy for Chelsea fans having to endure the random association of two silly players which they are not responsible for.
          What many are responsible for is boo-ing Anton Ferdinand FOR BEING RACIALLY ABUSED and this inappropriate siege mentality. It’s not loyalty, it’s stubborn blinkered to make people like Terry believe they have done nothing wrong…hence the cringe worthy claim from Gourlay that “he had apologised to Ferdinand, in a way”. It was like listening to David Brent.

      • Bruxie says:

        Get on your own blog and tell them!

        We already do so on ours.

        We’ve condemned Walker’s treatment. Can you say the same about your blogging over the Terry case?

        We even discussed the S** C****** issue and debated the racist implications of chants at the Lane.

        You are being defensive. There’s no need. Go and do the right thing and tell your buddies to clean up their act.

        • Rob says:

          Not being defensive at all. Only came on this one because the headline made me chuckle: I don’t normally spend much time on blogs.

          Still, if you’d rather all sit around agreeing with each other, fair enough… I’ll leave you to it.

        • Billy Legit says:

          “Still, if you’d rather all sit around agreeing with each other, fair enough”…

          If only you knew :shifty: ………

  • ldn hackney says:

    This whole country is racist the government should get the ‘society for BLACK lawyers’ (i know how racist is that, imagine one for white lawyers!) To get all whites kicked out the country. No rites for whites!

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