
Chelsea Fan Threw Black Steward At Mexican

Image for Chelsea Fan Threw Black Steward At Mexican

Good morning.

Chelsea fans have a proud history of racism. I say proud because when something as rotten and miserable as race hate is associated with such a significant number of a group then it’s pretty obvious they aren’t actually resisting the association, rather embracing it.

For those seeking to contest this assertion then I could supply a full list but I was planning to get a few other things done this week. But to whet your appetite here’s some a couple of recent examples. Please note in the interests of fairness I have discounted the fact that John Terry is a Chelsea fan.

June 2012: Danny Townsend-Bird filmed himself on his iPhone at 2 separet Chelsea games screaming racist abuse including ‘f___ c___ spick’ plus footage of him shouting racial abuse at an Asian driver while riding in the back of a taxi on the way to a match including ‘f___ p__ c__.’ Mr Townsend-Bird received a 5 year ban.

April 2012: Stephen Fitzwater (a Chelsea fan) admitted shouting racial abuse at Didier Drogba during the FA Cup semi final against Tottenham. Mr Fitzwater was banned from Stamford Bridge for life.

So why drag this up?

On Sunday at Stamford Bridge after Javier Hernández’s controversial late goal, the crowd in the Matthew Harding stand surged to abuse the player and in the footage below it is painfully obvious that an as yet unnamed black steward was crushed then thrown over the pitch-side barrier by at least one Chelsea fan.

It was suggested by CFC that the steward might have slipped. As the raised arms of the man that threw him show on the clip, he did not slip, but was physically propelled. Perhaps CFC have not had an opportunity to watch the clip below.

“We are aware of an incident during yesterday’s match at Stamford Bridge in which a steward was injured. An investigation has been launched into the incident and our inquiries continue.” Metropolitan Police statement

“We are looking at reports of objects that may have been thrown or incidents around the steward taking a fall. We are investigating all the incidents around that time. My information so far is that he slipped and fell, may have hurt his knee, and was being treated by the side of the pitch. He’s been taken to hospital.” Chelsea spokesman.

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  • Astromesmo says:

    Staggering piece of footage… The guy gets properly launched. I can’t remember the last time I slipped and propelled myself 5 ft over a 2 1/2ft high obstacle… Must have been wearing Ronald McDonald shoes to pull that one off.

    Throughly horrible bunch. If the accusations are proven then Clattenbueg shouldn’t ref again in any league & Police charges should follow. If it turns out to be tosh then Chelski should be expelled from the EPL for at least 3 years and police charges should also follow.

    Yes, Clatterbug is a bit of a tool but let’s not get that confused with career-ending type stuff. Oh and Rob, the clue was in the word ‘Captain’ you used… It was a simple sanction, take the captaincy off him. No need to sack him, just show you’re serious about this stuff rather than sticking two fingers wrapped in £50 notes up to the whole world.

    • Alspur says:

      I believe the word “monkey” was used by Clattenburg. I may be wrong, this doesn’t seem to have been quoted by any of the mainstream press.

      A lot of my friends use that word in a purely insulting, non-racial way (“you dozy monkey”, “f*cking Northern monkey”, etc).

      Clearly, the term has entirely different connotations / ramifications if directed to a black person, however.

      Is it beyond the realms of doubt that IF (big if) Clattenburg used the expression, he did so in a non-racial way?

      I’m not sure how you would explain away the term “Spanish tw@t” – apart from the fact that officials routinely receive the most vicious abuse from players and have been known to dish some, in return…

      Curiously, neither Mikel nor Mata heard the insults supposedly aimed at them by the ref… curiouser and curiouser…

  • paulb says:

    As more info comes out about the behaviour of Chelsea players and management (and Terry) in the referees room after the game, you have to wonder if the allegations against Clattenburg have come merely to counter that behaviour. It wouldn’t be the first time Chelsea players have lied about things said by a ref after a match they lost and had someone sent off, see graham poll, spurs vs chelsea. What an obnoxious club they are.

  • notsohotspurs says:

    He fell over, he fell over

  • Spurstacus says:

    I’m pretty sure the steward jumped, although there was a blueish grey wisp of cigar smoke coming from behind him and he was shouting ‘Argh I’ve been groped!’.

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