
An Extraordinarily Balanced Analysis Of Last Night’s Borefest

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Last night was a lot like the game against the Bubbles but with 13,000 Rammstein fans in the crowd. The overwhelming concern to all of us watching was that it really was a terribly dull fare. Once you got past the Maribor ‘I’ve been shot in the face’ play-acting the actual entertainment to be had was less than meager.

The star of our show – that if it was a pilot episode wouldn’t get commissioned for a series – was Tommy Huddlestone. I’ve been increasingly frustrated with him and the ‘myth of him’ perpetuated by his fanboys. But in the midst of this wake with no booze of a match he stood out as someone who was at least attempting to offer some class.

Difficult to argue there is a sweeter strike of the ball in the Premier League, I’d say. His distribution was like watching one of those slick frisbee players from the 1970’s. A slight delay as the grip was decided then the thing pinged effortlessly with extraordinary care and precision. Kind words from a blogger that described him only two weeks ago as looking like he’d been smoking ketamine. Possibly for weeks on end.

The problem is or was that Maribor are actually a bit rubbish.

My gusto for this tournament wanes when we don’t field a full strength team and we looked utterly characterless against a team greyer than John Major’s favourite sweater. Allegations that the manager is taking it more seriously than the players is a conspiracy theory that dissipates once the quality of the men in the Lilywhite nosedives this low.

Falque had a go, but at 23 you have to ask why he isn’t doing more than games like this. Lennon was in flatter to deceive mode again which against the schmucks he was facing is depressing.

Poor old/young Kyle Walker needs a rest. The bloke needs to urgently regroup. Don’t get sidetracked with the Twitter thing. Get focused on a naff game for England followed by a worse one for us against Chelsea. This guy isn’t too far away from being the business.But he needs to be reeled in now before we get a ‘trying too hard’ performance in the Premier League that also doesn’t amount to a hill of beans.

Jan was buried in the mediocrity. Naughton did little wrong, I want him to play against Southampton. Sandro was out of control. Mind you no one else was doing anything so it probably seemed like a good idea at the time. Livermore should ask Nottingham Forest if they have any openings. Gilfy needs Bale. Needs a plan. He’s a boy with no job description. Townsend look like he’d been taking tips from Kyle Walker. Lots of gusto, no bloody brain.

Defoe as a lone striker is like staring at the last match in the box and hoping it doesn’t snap/isn’t damp …

So what of the bosses’ Europa project? Mmmn. Bale on paternity leave. Adebayor with arse back ache. Moussa with a knocked out hip. Parker on a Saga Spa Break. Mmmn. If we don’t win the two home games we don’t deserve to progress. I just wish we’d played better. Unlovable stuff.

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  • koko61 says:

    HH you have pissed me of big time. why did you have to use that racist word against Greeks.
    “Bubbles”you Idiot of a man.Spent years of my life fighting racist insults from the likes of you.Shame on you.

    • Frontwheel 2 says:

      Is this an ironic jokey one KoKo?Its hard to tell sometimes.

      • koko61 says:

        No Joke frontwheel. Not to pleased using the word bubbles.Dont mind in a friendly banter with my mates.Used to be called it a lot in the 60s and 70s from racists who hated us cypriots.Once years ago when I was seventeen, I ended up in hospital. Me and my late brother were set upon by a group of 5 or 6 grown men and while they were kicking lumps out of us were shouting have that fucking bubbles. HH calls Chelsea fans racist and he calls Greeks bubbles.

        • onedavemackay says:

          If the Chelsea fans just called us Yids you might have a point.

          Problem is the Blue racists singing “Spurs are on their way to Auschwitz, Hitler’s gonna gas em again” or “One man went to gas. went to gas a Yiddo” followed by a hissing sound is serious proper racism without doubt.

    • septic tank says:

      well don’t blow bubbles then…

    • onedavemackay says:

      If you find the world ‘Bubbles’ offensive fair enough but I have know loads of Greeks none of whom are offended by my use of the word especially as they use it often. I’ve always thought it was an affectionate term but I accept that as a non Greek I am in no position to judge.

      • koko61 says:

        In a freindly banter with your mates yes.Just like we use the word yids amongst ourselves.
        You would not refer to a jewish team as yids would you.

        • onedavemackay says:

          Hmm good question. I would but maybe the fact that I’m Jewish makes that easier for me but as a friend has pointed out to me before it’s all about context.

    • Jon says:

      Cockney rhyme and slang not racism!

    • LLL says:

      I think the fact that HH has used it twice here and both times had a complaint from a Greek fellow, that we can assume that some people do find it offensive – which is reason enough to stop using it in such a way in my opinion.

  • Cozzer5 says:

    Does calling someone from a country by a nickname make it a racist comment. I hought a racist comment had to be insulting or derogatory.

  • onedavemackay says:

    Here’s me setting myself up to be shot down.

    I think Gylfi was involved in much of the better stuff last night and I think he will come good – real good

    • LLL says:

      better stuff? Please expand…

      • onedavemackay says:

        He was involved in most of the few more threatening moves and was pressuring their players chasing down etc

        • LLL says:

          I thought he was improved against Chelsea. Didn’t notice much of anything last night, thought we were characteristically ponderous, hesitant and clueless around the box and he only seemed part of that to me. But I’ll take your word for it. I hope he comes good, but so far I have to be honest and say I have seen almost nothing to suggest that he will.

    • @me_rsvp says:

      Hi ODM – With doubt he’s a really talented,technical player – I’m still waiting for him to develop more arrogance about his play (Like VDV) and take games by the scruff of the neck – COYS

  • onedavemackay says:

    On the other hand I agree that Tommy was using the ball well but he looks like a top player from a different era. He just is not mobile enough for an AVB team.

    • LLL says:

      As others have pointed out, he isn’t fully fit, is returning from a long stretch out. I would also add that he is very likely suffering from confidence issues related to this and also to the fact that AVB was trying to send him to Stoke (Stoke?!?!) and that most of his own fans have decided to turn on him and use him as a symbol of everything bad about the club this season. For evidence of his self esteem issues, see recent tweets:

      “You have to believe in yourself when no one else does- that makes you a winner right there. -Venus Williams”

      “Cant nobody pull u down if you hold yourself up #selfbelief”

      Anyway, you are right in one very clear sense – he is a good player from a different era – 18 months or so ago. People need to remember that, lay off him and help him find some good form again. Last night he had the best pass completion rate on the field, was played in a frankly peculiar position by AVB and in case anyone is confused, he isn’t actually supposed to be making last ditch tackles 3 yards from his own goal. With the squad as thin as it currently looks in CM we will certainly need Thudd this season.

      Waffle over.

      • koko61 says:

        Tommy was brilliant when he was paired with Modders. Remember the home game against Cheatski and The Gooners, he was out of this world, the best ive seen him. It has to be the system he is asked to play + the fact he is not 100% fit.
        Like you say LLL, he will find his form no doubt about that.Whether he has the chance to prove it with us lies at the feet of AVB.

        • essexian76 says:

          Spot on, he’s worth waiting for and he’ll come good when his confidence and fitness return to full peak.

      • Spurstacus says:

        Waffle over.

        I doubt it.

  • nipper says:

    when is AVB going to dump Friedal? He’s okay, despite his inability to come off his line, but not brilliant and he’s old, so why the mind games with Lloris who looks the biz?

    • BrisbaneSpur says:

      I’ve been wondering when this footballing genius is going to make an NVQ Level 1 standard decision! Well Van Gogh cut off his own ear I suppose! :hae:

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