
Meet The Maribors

Image for Meet The Maribors

Good morning.

Paternity leave eh? I noted that on this blog that responses of outrage toward my tongue in cheek ‘I’m Surprised He Didn’t Consider Adoption Given The Importance Of The Game’ piece were all from men. On Twitter the biggest moans and groans of disbelief that Bale bailed on the Chelsea game were from women. Underlining what we all knew already: some girls are bigger than others.

“It is an indisputable fact that Tottenham are the favourites, but Maribor will be a difficult opponent,” said the 24-year-old. “We are highly motivated and ready for this big match. We want to show the real ‘European’ Maribor.

The fans will be our 12th man and this will be an additional motivation. We want to get as many points as possible in the Europa League and our aim is to finish first or second in the group.”

Maribor coach Darko Milani

Spurs need to seriously step it up tonight. For a tournament that we’re supposed to be taking seriously we could do with performances to reflect it. I was furious after the last debacle. It’s not arrogance, I do not expect us to beat everyone 5-0, but I do expect us to at least have a proper go. Get stuck in and not look like a bunch of pansies killing time, waiting for the coach to the airport.

For those wanting a game with a bit of an edge to it, this could be just the ticket. The images here are what their lot get up to. Prediction? If we win by a goal I’ll be very happy. If the game is marred by Huddlestone prancing around like some wistful schoolgirl I’ll be very unhappy. What we need here is some steel.

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  • CptCaveman says:

    Pat on the back to anyone going to THAT game! Thats REAL support!
    Me, im almost scared to watch on TV now…those pics have put me off. So I can only imagine how the boys are feeling.
    Also, the ‘special moment’ on the halfway line was a bit of an excessive punishment for throwing a flair at the away fans…still, I suppose its all about deterrents in Sloveina!

  • SpursGator says:

    Interesting about the reaction to your Bale comment.

    I believe in paternity leave. I took paternity leave all three times and slept in horrifying conditions etc. But my father-in-law, who is a big doctor, missed the birth of both of his kids. The guys in Afghanistan don’t get leave for childbirth. In fact I know a number of people whose job has caused them to miss the birth of a child…and every single one of them makes less money than Gareth Bale. Plus most of them missed it altogether; Bale could have left after the match and no doubt still made it.

    I can’t really complain too much since had I been in AVB’s shoes and was asked the question, I am sure I would grant leave. But it diminishes Bale a little in my eyes. Roy Keane would never have done that ManU right before a Liverpool match. Just shows the difference between a real serial killer and the type of guy who rolls around on the ground a lot. It was a huge match for his club that pays him millions – more than said club have ever paid a player – and, most of all, his coach. But we see who he’s thinking about.

    This is not an obvious decision and in his shoes I might have done the same. But HH should not be excoriated for asking the question. It is a valid conversation. You want to put family first but it isn’t like his kid was in an accident or someone was dying. He just would have risked being a bit late. His partner no doubt disagrees but I am quite sure she would have been just fine.

    • Ronnie Wolman says:

      What is frustrating is the fact that with all the hooplah of Harry Redknapp about how great he is himself,with all the hooplah of AVB and how astute he is….it is Gareth Bale who is seen as the messiah…despite diving…despite him veering out of position…and despite him going on paternity leave.
      Gareth Bale is a great player,but the team could do with being a team. Our most impressive time in many decades was the two games we played against Inter. It was ALL Bale. Not Redknapp,not Modric and not anyone else. Bale.
      Bale goes away and what do we have?
      These managers are supposed to figure these things out.

  • dixta says:

    the club arent even doing an official flight to this one. hats off to the brave ones who travel.
    i reckon a terrible 0-0 draw.
    i’m off to laugh at the gooners now. hahahahahaha!

  • Corker says:

    …what channeil is the game on? 6pm Kick Off?

  • Ade says:

    Is that an officla hooligan website?
    Fair enough…

    Carl Froch advertising clothes on it though? Really?

    Anyway, wheres Jenas? Bring him back!

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