
Bench Kyle & Bring On Kyle

Image for Bench Kyle & Bring On Kyle

Good afternoon.

The excellent has Kyle Naughton due back on the 20th of this month.The reason I share this piece of fascinating piece of information is that it might prove to be of sudden relevance dependent upon what happens when England play Poland tonight.

From today’s Mirror:

Hodgson has taken Walker to Poland, despite him having a scan on his calf. The Spurs star missed training here on Monday and is unlikely to be involved against Poland. Hodgson added: “Walker has a very slight calf strain. He’s got a tender spot.”

With the Chelsea game looming it is of course another reason to make a reticent grunting noise when asked if you know the England game is on tonight. 

Taking Walker to Poland like this really is putting club before country and makes you wonder what communication system is in place between the player’s employers and the FA when it comes to situations such as this?

Thinking ahead – as the boy clearly needs to achieve match fitness and so it might be ambitious to suggest him for this weekend – but is it time to see if Naughton can do a job at right back in place of Walker?

The boss knows best he is the guy who makes the assessments in training. But if Naughton were showing some positive signs then it would be interesting to see what he might offer defensively.

I’ve been banging my ‘lack of confidence’ drum about Walker for some time. As I’ve said on the podcast, this ‘he’s good going forward’ line is largely an urban myth. He doesn’t really achieve much with his runs and as a defender all I see is him getting skinned endlessly. As an athlete he’s great, but is he anywhere near as good defensively? I think the answer is a firm ‘no.’

ODM tells me, ‘You don’t like him!’ which implies there’s something personal or irrational in my critique. This isn’t the case. Any issues with players positive or negative stem solely from their game play. Walker’s a defender who doesn’t do that job very well and his attacking play is hit and miss. 

What’s after the Blue Racists? The Bubbles Part2 then a trip to Southampton. Perfect. I’d like to see Kyle Naughton given a go for that one.

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  • Hartley says:

    I’d play Kyle at right back, I’ve got a tender spot for him….

    • Bukkake-breath says:

      Totally agree lets play Kyle then..

      • Hartley says:

        In fact I’d be willing to put a lot of money on Kyle playing more games at RB for Spurs than any other player this season…..

      • Alp360 says:

        I loved him in neigbours and quite liked some of his soft rock singalongs, his curly locks always endeared me but I’m not sure he’s a regular started. Maybe a second half sub

    • Spurstacus says:

      Yeh but don’t you hate the way she talks now? Clearly been hanging around with Betty Hurley too much. Her new fake English accent gets on my nerves. She is and always will be an Aussie Sheila.

  • Jamie says:

    There’s not doubt that Walker’s form has dipped this year, and though there may be a case for Naughton to get a game in his place, I think we need to be patient with Walker.
    At times last season he looked brilliant, not just going forward but defensively too. His positioning play does need work, but if a player has the right attitude you can teach that. You can’t teach a player to be quick or at his age to have some technique.
    In the system we play, with Dembele and Sandro sitting deep, we need attacking full backs. AVB is reputed to be a good coach, Walker is a determined lad, my money is on him improving into a top class RB. So lets not write him off, but yes in the meantime, his form has left his place up for grabs.

  • Mitchell Thomas says:

    It’s brains we want. AVB likes thinking footballers (i appreciate that may come across as a contradiction in terms but be nice). Walker isn’t that by any stretch. Will it come with age and experience? Possibly.

    My favourite dips? KP Choc dips. Always too much biscuit, not enough chocolate.

  • UnkleKev says:

    To be fair to Walker he’s been pretty much an ever-present since the beginning of last season. He probably just needs a break as much as anything. Last year we didn’t really have any cover (not that it would have mattered much as the last fella didn’t believe in squad rotation) but this year we have both Naughton and Smith (to say nothing of Kaboul) so I’m all in favour of resting him for a bit if it might help.

  • Macker says:

    I always thought when we signed the two Kyles that KN was a better prospect. But going out on loan repeatedly and getting injured didn’t help his cause. Also KW looked the biz last season so I thought again. However, this season, for whatever reason, he’s lost it and is a real weak link in our defence with Gallas and co. having to get him out of trouble at times,so I’m all for KN being given a chance. Slight correction: it’s Maribor away between Chelscum and the Saints;no Bubbles at home till December 6.

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