
Bench Kyle & Bring On Kyle

Image for Bench Kyle & Bring On Kyle

Good afternoon.

The excellent has Kyle Naughton due back on the 20th of this month.The reason I share this piece of fascinating piece of information is that it might prove to be of sudden relevance dependent upon what happens when England play Poland tonight.

From today’s Mirror:

Hodgson has taken Walker to Poland, despite him having a scan on his calf. The Spurs star missed training here on Monday and is unlikely to be involved against Poland. Hodgson added: “Walker has a very slight calf strain. He’s got a tender spot.”

With the Chelsea game looming it is of course another reason to make a reticent grunting noise when asked if you know the England game is on tonight. 

Taking Walker to Poland like this really is putting club before country and makes you wonder what communication system is in place between the player’s employers and the FA when it comes to situations such as this?

Thinking ahead – as the boy clearly needs to achieve match fitness and so it might be ambitious to suggest him for this weekend – but is it time to see if Naughton can do a job at right back in place of Walker?

The boss knows best he is the guy who makes the assessments in training. But if Naughton were showing some positive signs then it would be interesting to see what he might offer defensively.

I’ve been banging my ‘lack of confidence’ drum about Walker for some time. As I’ve said on the podcast, this ‘he’s good going forward’ line is largely an urban myth. He doesn’t really achieve much with his runs and as a defender all I see is him getting skinned endlessly. As an athlete he’s great, but is he anywhere near as good defensively? I think the answer is a firm ‘no.’

ODM tells me, ‘You don’t like him!’ which implies there’s something personal or irrational in my critique. This isn’t the case. Any issues with players positive or negative stem solely from their game play. Walker’s a defender who doesn’t do that job very well and his attacking play is hit and miss. 

What’s after the Blue Racists? The Bubbles Part2 then a trip to Southampton. Perfect. I’d like to see Kyle Naughton given a go for that one.

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  • Andy says:

    Bring back Hutton I say…. :whistle:

    cough…cough…splutter…splutter :shocked2: :sick:

  • Cheeky Bill says:

    I haven’t seen enough of Naughton to form a strong enough opinion. He’s practically untested at this level – and the next game at this level is Chelski.

    My view is that Di Matteo will learn from the misfortune of others and put more pressure on the right rather than to try and get past on the left.

    So with this in mind, whoever is on the right will be in for a busy time on Saturday. It may be a case of better the devil you know.

  • Habib says:

    I dont think this is second season dip. I think Kyle was actually the sort of player you tell to go “run about a bit”.

    Unfortunately AVB tells him how he is supposed to fit and adapt in a tactical situation and I fear for our Kyle that may not be something he can fathom.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      In his defense, sometime tactics are difficult. I had some in my pocket and the last three stuck together. I nearly had to smash the container to get to those last single calorie pearls of mintyness.

      • Gilzeanwasgod says:

        “In his defense”? Please H let’s not have you coming over all Yankeedoodle on us as well. On this side of the pond we say defence please.
        On the subject of right backs rather than right writing I confidently predict that young Smiffy will turn out to be better than either Kyle in a year or two. Remember you read it here first!

        • Harry Hotspur says:

          ‘I was simply responding to the red squiggly lines, yer honour.’

          Lots of readers are DoodleDandys and they are very nice people :daumen:

        • Mabelode The Faceless says:

          I think they are sneaking American keyboards on us. realise comes up spelled wrong. But realize is ok.

    • PeterTheStoreyTeller says:


  • JPG466 says:

    There will soon be another option at RB… Kaboul, allowing for a Caulker-Vertonghen CB pairing.

    Raging’Boul.. no nonsense in defence and rages forward with his head in the UP position as against Walker’s DOWN

    Having said that, Naughton looked solid in defence when he replaced BAE, so there is a very strong case to ‘rest’ Walker, who can only benefit knowing he has such strong competition

  • Cheeky Bill says:

    I refuse to accept that Kyle Walker is so thick that he cannot be trained to play at right back.

    The man has ability and AVB is an accomplished modern coach. This is his job – to get through to his players and only he will know when it’s time to call it a day.

    There are thicker players out there who have mastered trickier positions than RB. Trust in AVB and stop interfering.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      ‘I wanna run!’
      ‘I like running!’
      ‘Running is great!’
      ‘I like ru…’
      ‘Like what I…’
      ‘Like thi…’
      ‘I think I …
      ‘Must defend’
      ‘Like this’
      ‘Defending is good’

      And we eventually have a defender who can. Yep, I agree, he can be trained :-D

      • Jamie says:

        I don’t really get why everyone is suddenly laying into Walker?! Is it just that we’re bored and there’s no game on? Is it now that we’ve come to expect seasoned internationals in every position. Does anyone remember Dean Austin or Noe Pamarot?
        The player has said publicly that he needs to improve his positioning. AVB has been hired in part as he’s a hands on coach, we have a new world class training facility, and with Kaboul and Naughton competition for places, not to mention a meritocratic selection policy.
        He’s going to get better. If we’d bought him as the finished article, with his pace, athleticism, AND as a seasoned defender, he would have cost £25m or more likely would be playing for somebody else. This is where we are at in the European pecking order, we need to buy unfinished players, improve them, support them, and keep them. And when they have dips in form, be prepared to drop them.

        • PeterTheStoreyTeller says:

          CAUSE ***** IS A COMMIE,B**T IS OUT,C***CH IS DEPARTED,L***ON HAD HIS TURN,A&E HAD HIS,B**E HAS BEEN TOP KICKASS,DE**E a striker(WHAT).Am I shocked,YOU BET I’m not. :finn: :finn: :finn: :finn: :finn: :finn:

        • BrisbaneSpur says:

          PeterTheStoreyTeller, did you once play a jaded husband in an cartoon called Asterix ‘the Jaded Husband’? I am all for method acting, but that’s just plain wierd……

        • BrizzleSpur says:

          Jamie it’s just a talking point mate. He has been especially poor in defence and causes problems for Gallas. It’s not merely a case of needing to improve, it’s like he needs some lessons in defending 101. Which is scary for a player who starts every week.

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