
68% Of Spurs Fans Voted Defoe Deserved To Be Subbed

Image for 68% Of Spurs Fans Voted Defoe Deserved To Be Subbed

Good evening.

The results of a rapid fire opinion poll survey thing I ran earlier today are in and here are the results. About 1000 people joined in which for a chilly Monday after a home defeat isn’t a poor show, so thank you for that.

Enjoy the rest of your night and please do observe the Firework Code – you are no use to me as a reader with charred rocket sticks protruding from where your eyeballs used to be.

Which of these lists are closest to the priority you place on potential achievements for the season?

Top 4 finish or better 61%
Top 5 finish 27%
Top 10 finish and win a pot 13%

Looking at the Premier League table we sit 5th after 10 games. How do you feel we are we getting on?

Could do better 60%
Quite nicely 35%
Bit of a joke 4%
Famously 1%

The transfer window wasn’t great for us. Who do you blame?

Levy & Co. 40%
Both of the above 36%
Market forces 24%
Andre Villas-Boas 1%

Lots of injuries, but do you expect the boss to do better with the players he does have?

No, he’s probably doiing the best he can 44%
Yes, still lots of great talent there 39%
I’m actually amazed we’re doing as well as we are given resources 17%

William Gallas. Straight question. Do you rate him?

He’s average enough, no better 57%
He’s doing a great job 32%
Without him we’d be screwed 7%
No, ex gooner rubbish 4%

Booing at games (that old one again)

It’s not something I believe helps the situation 89%
It’s what they deserve! 11%

On Saturday prior to stropping down the tunnel Defoe only touched the ball 11 times and only made 5 accurate passes. Did he deserve to get subbed?

Yes he is a selfish git 68%
No, he was gonna come good 32%

Back to missing players and AVB, how do you see the 6 games?

A further dip in form, 1st teamers return, then improvement 93%
It won’t make a blind bit of difference AVB can’t manage 7%

The Europa. Given the injuries what would you like to happen in terms of team selections?

Focus entirely on the Premier League & the Europa 50%
Focus entirely on the Premier League & the FA Cup 28%
Focus entirely on the Premier League 22%

How do you watch games?

On TV, online that sort of thing 43%
Some live games 37%
Season ticket holder/borrower 20%

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  • Hartley says:

    I’m guessing you’re not a mathematician in real life H?

  • Stupot says:

    Once we have Vertongen and Kaboul with BAE and walker. Parker alongside Dembele, then we can start talking. Coys. Parker will bring the team together.

    • Habib says:

      If this was on twitter I would retweet this. Are you on twitter? Stu Miller or Stu Dodds maybe?

    • Jamie says:

      Abso-f*cking-lutely. COYS

    • Mark says:

      Sandro is the best defensive midfielder we’ve got, Parker whilst good turned into a 70 minute man the second half of last season and was a passenger after that.

      Happy for him to remain as Sandro’s young understudy.

      • essexian76 says:

        Ah, well.. at least he gave 10 mins more than Rafa did!

      • Hartley says:

        And he is awful at going forward, Sandro is absolutely the better player….PNB, does get the crowd going though….mugs!

      • Phil McAvity says:

        Yeah, because he was doing most of the work in our midfield on his own, just as Sandro has had to do a few times this season and he’s knackered already!

        All this Parker vs Sandro stuff is bollocks, there’s plenty of games to go around. That’s of course assuming that Parker isn’t crocked all season!

      • PeeLee says:

        Sandro and Parker are fine players. Either one of them injured or unfit is a problem for Spurs because it limits options and the need for a tough midfield presence. Having both injured is a bigger problem still.

    • PeeLee says:

      Spot on.

  • Habib says:

    If you take out the emotion we have a new manager and these usually take a year before settling in costing around ten points in the process. We had five top players out or rusty enough to be considered out yet we were playing a well drilled team having a good day (On their good day they can beat anyone) and yet until we had Sandro sent off we had 68% possession which dropped by over 25% once we had no ball winner in the middle of the park.

    This does not happen by accident

    It’s by design and tactics. It’s all our manager. I am frightened by what we will become if he is backed for three years. But given the boo boys and the press and Levy’s selective bouts of megalomaniac madness I give it a 15% chance.


  • JustASpur says:

    I agree that JD wasn’t having a stormer but how many times do we have to watch him play the lone striker before everyone realises, despite the goals he’s scored, it’s not his forté? There was really very little between his and Dempsey’s performance but even AVB should realise that JD can only benefit from Ade’s presence. Especially when we need goals. And as for not bringing on Falqué after his performance against Norwich we have to wonder what AVB is up to. I like young Tom Carroll a lot but it was creativity we needed.

    • LLL says:

      Exactly. How many times is Defoe likely to touch the ball when he plays up front alone? And who has been playing him in that exact way? When has his game ever been about making lots of telling touches?

    • elfranklins says:

      JD is at best ball greedy, give him the ball in the box and you’ll generally find yourself a goal up but there in lies the problem, when he is not fed the ball or plays out of position 9 times out of ten his run on goal results in a shot off target. Don’t get me wrong the man who gave us 17 goals last year does what it says on the tin but, you would have thought that pairing him (JD) with Ade (little and large) should give us serious options up front, Ade collecting crosses and JD mixing it up at pitch level.
      They just don’t seem to work that well as a pair all of the time, Ade is more likey to pass the ball with a run on goal than JD. Perhaps AVB has noted this but at the moment with our only line of defence being offense, it seems crazy not to atleast try it more – give us some 4-4-2 with them two up front? This should cause City some problems this weekend and who knows, maybe even grab us a point or three.

      • BrisbaneSpur says:

        ” give him the ball in the box and you’ll generally find yourself a goal up”

        Defoe misses far more chances in AND OUT of area than he scores. Even when the Defoe calander brigade were claiming his right the throne after 4/5 games, he was only achieving 1/6 shot to goal ratio (which was the poorest out of all top 6 forst choice strikers). Dread to think what it is now.

        “but at the moment with our only line of defence being offense”

        Must have missed the ‘offensive’ bit (and a fair bit of the defensive bit too)! Wigan cerainly did too. AVB’s only line of defense is bring Jake Deadermore on and conceed a couple of late goals.

        • elfranklins says:

          Oh dear it seems that you’ve been influenced by old LLL (whose posts I do like by the way) Anyway in keeping with tradition of highlighting other peoples post:

          “only achieving 1/6 shot to goal ratio” well that’s even better than my estimation of 9 out of 10 shot’s going wide.

          And yes our only line of defence is offence because what the F*ck else can we do – my point being starting against Cit-eh with just JD up front and then making defensive substitutions will get us no where. To be honest I don’t think anyone thinks a win is on the cards here so lets just go balls out, play Ade and JD together up front and just see what happens. What have we got to lose under the circumstances? another lead perhaps? It would be good to see but it’s just not going to happen I don’t feel.

        • BrisbaneSpur says:

          i beg to differ I was on here before LLL ‘mixing it up’….. :daumen:

          Just in the LLL spirit of things……..:

          “And yes our only line of defence is offence because what the F*ck else can we do – my point being starting against Cit-eh with just JD up front and then making defensive substitutions will get us no where. To be honest I don’t think anyone thinks a win is on the cards here so lets just go balls out, play Ade and JD together up front and just see what happens. What have we got to lose under the circumstances? another lead perhaps? It would be good to see but it’s just not going to happen I don’t feel.”

          I agree completely (well almost in the LLL spirit)!!!!

    • Mark says:

      We can’t bring on what we don’t have.

  • LLL says:

    Crapola. If you want impartial, un-bias answers try setting impartial, un-bias questions.

    On Saturday prior to stropping down the tunnel Defoe only touched the ball 11 times and only made 5 accurate passes. Did he deserve to get subbed?

    Any need for the ‘did he deserve to be subbed’, or even the added context? No, it just skews the question and thus likely the answer.

    If I wanted to add my own bias I might say:

    We were 1-0 down at home, and needed to score a goal at the very least, do you think substituting our top scorer this season to make a like for like tactical switch was the right decision to make?

    But if I wanted to make it impartial I might just say:

    Was AVB’s decision to sub Defoe off one you agreed with at the time or with hindsight?

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      But the point of the question was to remove emotion and highlight cold hard fact.

      The fans who booed (let’s guess that they were doing this because they disagreed with the substitution) were misplaced in their booing as they guy going off wasn’t doing very much/enough.

      Dempsey wasn’t much better, but he was better at that point.

      I never said the survey would pass muster with You Gov, I was trying to highlight an issue. And you must keep in mind that a – noby was forced to vote and some people did skip the odd question. And b – it would be some patronizing feat to suggest I had hoodwinked so many clearly intelligent readers with ‘wording.’

      Also (sorry) the last question points out something interesting. Most people weren’t there.

      Marry that with most people thought Defoe should have walked and you get = the boo boys are not representative.

      Ta dah!

      • LLL says:

        But the point of the question was to remove emotion and highlight cold hard fact.

        Interesting, because it does the exact opposite. You loaded it with your own bias.

        The fans who booed (let’s guess that they were doing this because they disagreed with the substitution) were misplaced in their booing as they guy going off wasn’t doing very much/enough.

        I was not there, did not boo, agree that Defoe was not doing anything but disagree that the change was the right one because tactically Defoe plays better off another striker and so bringing on Ade to help him do the only thing he is any use for would be the better option. Can you understand that conundrum?

      • Jamie says:

        Perhaps one fan started boo-ing, and then thousands we are merely boo-ing the boo-ing?

      • Devonshirespur says:

        Harry Hotspur now in the uncomfortable position of trying to defend the tactical genius that he championed all summer long….blaming everyone but AVB.

        If JD touched the ball 11 times in more than an hour of play, that points to a failure of the system / the service rather than anything to do with JD who is usually very mobile and makes himself available often.

        When Adebayor came on, despite his willingness to drop deeper and pick up the ball, nothing really changed.

        Close to the end AVB threw caution to the wind by taking off Walker and bringing on a another midfielder to go 352 (dempsey alongside Ade)… was a “Brave” formation, one that the away team were brave enough to play from the start.

    • PeeLee says:

      True. It was a skewed question, so much so that most answers to it are led to agree because the question contains the desired answer. Ask sensible, even-handed questions or be put on a par with rubbish media just wanting a reaction, a phony ‘talking point’.

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