
Bad News For AVB Haters

Image for Bad News For AVB Haters

Good morning.

This from a proven decent source and bound to irritate the hell out of the naysayers, bedwetters and other lingering Arryites. It’s my understanding that Andre Villas-Boas’ position at the club is very much secure. For how long? Well not just this season but the next one too.

This considerable support is conditional of course. If the boss were to be linked with a vacancy elsewhere and suddenly went missing, spent his day whoring himself to the press, neglecting his THFC duties or otherwise managed to drive us into the relegation zone then you can guarantee he’d be toast.

But the plan as I understand it is to factor in Boas’ resources, review what support the Club can offer and to forge a path that will offer longevity.

Will this initiative designed to offer stability please those that claim to wish Spurs well but not the manager? Who cares. At this rate QPR will be back in the Championship next season and there are bound to be openings for supporters who want to sit in cosy, old fashioned stadium telling each other how staunch they are.

The worst thing that happened in recent times to this club was Arry screwing us over so blatantly after giving us a taste of Champions League football. Suddenly too many clowns believe it’s a god given right and have been acting like outraged consumers ever since. Spoiled children each and every one. Empty seats at Europa games and only boos to break the frosty silence during league games.

The very idea that you can separate your support for the Club and the manager is beyond parody. Oh, of course unless you’re following the Blackburn Rovers model.

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  • Mitchell Thomas says:

    RDM gawn. What a pointless appointment that was.

    • Mitchell Thomas says:

      Why on earth Abramovich doesn’t do a ‘Noades’ and manage Chelsea himself i don’t know. Cut out the middle man Roman and do the job yourself.

      Another reason why you can shove your billionaire benefactors where the sun don’t shine.

  • moe says:

    Having watched Juve whip the Chavs who played us off the park a couple of weeks back, I just can`t wait to see Spurs qualify for CL.
    Willian – there we go again, kiss goodbye to that one.
    Hilarious to hear the `two deflected goals` spin being put on Juve`s win last night, ffs!
    Now see, the EL will suddenly become prestigious once the Chavs and Citeh are officially in it.
    People, chavs have sacked RDM, scum fans are moaning about Wenger, Mancini will more than likely not see the season out – do we really want to be part of all that?
    We cannot pass reasonable judgement on AVB until this wretched injury list shortens a bit.
    HR had to go, AVB was the best available to US because of the standard we were at. Proof of the pudding, had HR built us into a real force, bigger names would have been stamping over each other to be our boss.

    • 4 Ever Hopeful says:

      Yes HR had to go I agree but AVB was the best available? Really? I refuse to believe that a guy in his early thirties whose only previous attempt at running a PL side ended in failure and only has a season the Portuguese League to put on his CV was the best available.

      If he was then its because Levy’s silly tactics in transfer windows put off other more qualified candidates.

      • moe says:

        My point is we only had the `second pot` to choose from due to our standing in the game and that`s what one or two fans on here need to get their heads around.
        Consider, though, that a year previous the chavs snouted the trough and could have had anyone they wanted and chose AVB.
        Our current standard is EL. We should take it seriously. Fans moan that this competition leaves the players tired. Do those fans think that if we qualify for CL the players are sprinkled with magic anti fatigue fairy dust?…………..erm that was retorical, stop pondering it.

  • UnkleKev says:

    Chelsea is pretty much a ‘point and steer’ job. The fact that di Matteo couldn’t even do that demonstrates just how clueless he was.

    I’m hoping they give the gig to Guardiola and we discover that his success at Barcelona was entirely down to the set up there.

    • moe says:

      Tottenham was a `point and steer` job at the start of last season. One injury and the handbrake was yanked on, steering wheel pulled violently from side to side and the whole thing span horribly out of control leaving everyone feeling dizzy and sick.
      As for RDM, fell into the same trap as AVB attempting to get the chavs playing football rather than diluted rugby.
      There`s suggestion that Drogba may be returning on loan – so Abramovich will bring in a new boss and tell him what the team sheet and tactics will be, just as when RDM took over. Hit the reset button again.

    • Boy Charioteer says:

      What happens there? If you aren’t top of the League, winning the Champions League every year and not letting any goals in at all you are shown the door? Good grief, the term megalomaniac is a term not often used in a football context, but Abramovich, (better be careful what I say here), he’s on a different level altogether. Benitez has just been the subject of conjecture on The One O’clock News as a replacement. Words fail me.

      • Aristotle says:

        Who would want the job? Posioned chalice-

        • UnkleKev says:

          I can see Mr Redknapp’s eyes lighting up at the prospect. A fat juicy contract followed up by an even fatter compensation payment six months later.

          Luvvly jubbly.

      • melcyid says:

        arry to cheatski,let the spiv deal with the russian mafia.
        matteo to QPR
        sparky to his magic piano

      • ELELEL says:

        Agree, but it’s a no-brainer for someone like Benitez – come in on a short-term deal, end of season type thing. Pocket a load of cash and if it goes tits up blame the guy before you.

      • Mitchell Thomas says:

        I’m serious – Abramovich should man up and just come out and say that he’s the manager. Buy players, sell players, appear at the training ground for ‘gee ups’ and choos your coaching staff.

        Sorry but isn’t that the job description for a Manager?

        At the moment he’s got all the trappings but none of the accountability (or press conferences)

        He’s spent more time on the training ground in the last year than Redshnapps did!

  • bish says:

    My bets:

    *Benitez to CFC

    *Pep to City in the summer

    *QPR to keep Hughes and achieve record breaking fail

    • Mitchell Thomas says:

      Mourinho to City in the Summer methinks.

      I’m no ITK however. In fact anything i propound about football is fiction and based on gut feel.

      Ah….I see….

  • UnkleKev says:

    Apparently Chelsea have paid more in compensation to managers since 2004 than Everton’s net spend for the whole of the Premier League era.

    Classless twats.

    • Mitchell Thomas says:

      Twas ever thus with them though wasn’t it…classless, grasping, disaffected yobboes.

      See: Ken Bates, John Terry, John Bumstead, Jason Cundy etc. etc.

    • ELELEL says:

      Pretty stunning statistic. Although we are probably quite far up that chart with our manager merry-go-round ourselves.

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