
Bad News For AVB Haters

Image for Bad News For AVB Haters

Good morning.

This from a proven decent source and bound to irritate the hell out of the naysayers, bedwetters and other lingering Arryites. It’s my understanding that Andre Villas-Boas’ position at the club is very much secure. For how long? Well not just this season but the next one too.

This considerable support is conditional of course. If the boss were to be linked with a vacancy elsewhere and suddenly went missing, spent his day whoring himself to the press, neglecting his THFC duties or otherwise managed to drive us into the relegation zone then you can guarantee he’d be toast.

But the plan as I understand it is to factor in Boas’ resources, review what support the Club can offer and to forge a path that will offer longevity.

Will this initiative designed to offer stability please those that claim to wish Spurs well but not the manager? Who cares. At this rate QPR will be back in the Championship next season and there are bound to be openings for supporters who want to sit in cosy, old fashioned stadium telling each other how staunch they are.

The worst thing that happened in recent times to this club was Arry screwing us over so blatantly after giving us a taste of Champions League football. Suddenly too many clowns believe it’s a god given right and have been acting like outraged consumers ever since. Spoiled children each and every one. Empty seats at Europa games and only boos to break the frosty silence during league games.

The very idea that you can separate your support for the Club and the manager is beyond parody. Oh, of course unless you’re following the Blackburn Rovers model.

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  • Spuds-U-Like says:

    At last! An article with a dose of reality. Too many Spurs fans have their expectations levels way up in the stratosphere! Come back down to Earth where real life goes on & not some fanciful Spurs utopia based on a modicum of success & 1 CL season. The impatiance is mind boggling! Its bad enough that every media pundit, writer & his donkley with an opinion is all over AVB like a rash in the vainglorious hope that if they pan him enough, their dire predictions will come true. Give the guy a break, I don’t think SAF would’ve survived at Manure with today’s fans & media, let alone the 5 barren years he was allowed.

    • Cambridge Spur says:

      Its comments like this that I just cant understand. Patience, transition, needs time, etc. Not sure how old the rest of you are but I’ve been listening to these statements forever, finally we get a bit of stability in Harry and guess what we should all be happy that we’re starting all over again. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed watching us over the last few years and for once being a Spurs fan I wasn’t the butt of all jokes. But guess what we ARE a laughing stock again. Back to statements of this time next year…Whats wrong with getting excited at the prospect of giving the so called big clubs a run for their money every year.

      • Spuds-U-Like says:

        Nothing wrong at all, its just the totally unrealistic expectation that because a new man comes in, nothing will change & things will go on as before. Not sure how old you are either, but I’ve seen Spurs through some glorious & debilitating times over the last 50 years to not let expectations run away with me & cloud my judgement on how well we are or are not doing. I’m afraid its some of the overblown expectation of fans that make us the butt of derision from other fans & give those muppets on TalkSport all the fuel they’ll ever need to pour onto the flames of our desperation on their poor excuse of a sports station.

      • spursgoliath says:

        The fact that a mildly disappointing season makes us a ‘laughing stock’ probably says more about how other fans really want to see us than anything else. I think the phrase ‘man up’ springs to mind, changing manager is always a bumpy ride so you can either get on with it or boo hoo into your pint.

      • Essexian76 says:

        @Cambridge..What exactly did you think you’d bought into when you opted for Spurs as your team of choice? What year did you begin ‘supporting’ the side?

        • Cambridge Spur says:

          Like most of you I’m sure, I was born into the Tottenham family and brought up as a spurs fan from 1979 by my father, can’t honestly say it was a ‘choice’. The problem I have now is that I have a young son of my own and have seriously began to question whether I should inflict this life onto him. Lets be honest the game is not what it used to be and the fact we’re all on a ‘blog’ bitching and moaning about a football team tells its own story of the effects of supporting Tottenham has on your life. I’m thinking of taking him to the rugby when he’s old enough.

        • Essexian76 says:

          So, since 1979-Wasn’t that the season we got humped 5-0 at home to Arsenal?, wasn’t that the year we were in transition?, wasn’t that the year we hardly played to a full house?Wasn’t that the year we saw the likes of Galvin, Hughton, Miller being forced through the ranks-and buying the likes of Yorath, an aging mid to us shore up?-We are what we are-it’s never changed!

        • Essexian76 says:

          You’ve got a son, and introducing him to Spurs, is no difference to my own experiences-as I’ve had to convert all my nephews, my daughter and many other’s over the years-my nephew-call’s me up on regualr basis asks the same question ” Why, Unc-Why?”- but it has it’s own rewards also-like only two seasons ago- when in Milan, sitting on cloud 9-felt the same as I did as a kid watching Chivers bang a beauty at Molineux-it’s football

        • Cambridge Spur says:

          Exactly! But we got a taste of the good life and I actually enjoyed it. Lets be honest we’re all a sadistic bunch and we’re not happy unless we’re moaning about something.

        • Essexian76 says:

          Me too, believe me I got into a lot of shit on here spporting the team, when doing so meant you were deemed to be supporting HR, which wasn’t the case-now I’m spporting the team again, but apparetly I’m now pro-AVB, which again isn’t the case. But I really cannot see how very different things would be right now under HR, as those who’ve left-would’ve left-and the injuries would still have happened. So all I’m suggesting is, give the bloke time, under settled circumstance-and not say ‘ told you so’, after 3 months under adverse condition.

        • Cambridge Spur says:

          The fact of the matter is we will never know how HR would have done under the same circumstances and just because I’m royally cheesed off with our performances this season doesn’t make me anti AVB. What I am is pro attacking, having a real go football and injuries or not I’m not enjoying the get a goal, defend for our lives mentality that we are currently seeing. For the record I have NEVER booed. Also the conspiracy theorist in me worries that when a team is struggling and things aren’t rosy in the camp more and more players become ‘injured’. I will continue to voice my opinions as we all do rightly or wrongly, but I can only see this going one way now and that is that Tim Sherwood will be our next manager, however nothing would make me happier than seeing our players return and AVB getting them playing like we’ve seen over the last few years.

        • Aristotle says:

          The problem I have now is that I have a young son of my own and have seriously began to question whether I should inflict this life onto him.

          Ah the agony of choice.

        • Essexian76 says:

          Just keep the faith-and of course inflict your pain upon your child-there’s no point in having kids if you can’t inflict a little of what makes them cry now and then-you’re allowed to have some pleasure you know?

        • Cambridge Spur says:

          Nice one mate, that did make me laugh. COYS!

      • Hot_Spur says:

        Cambridge – You really believe we had stability under Harry??? You’ve gotta be joking. He would have been out the door in a flash if a better offer came along, you call that stability?

        • Cambridge Spur says:

          Can you remember a time when we were more stable? And lets all be honest thats life, he wanted the England job. Who on here can honestly say they wouldn’t leave their job if offered something ‘better’ (not saying England but you catch my drift). The funny thing is I hated Redknapp as a person but we all need to take emotion out of it. None of us know these people personally.

  • Mitchell Thomas says:

    Ah Bad News! What a band. An inspired choice H, both episodes are high in the pantheon of great ‘Comic Strip’ episodes (‘Mr Jolly Lives Next Door’ being number 1 of course).

  • Swido says:

    Andres Villas Boas is set to become the Arsene Wenger of Tottenham Hotspur! I said it first, before any of you lot could’ve even thunk it!!
    Kinda sad already that we’ll all hate him in 12-13 years for losing the plot after a good run…

  • Mitchell Thomas says:

    “Hey Mr Bassman
    Get the fucking nightbus home”

  • bazza says:

    Funny about these rumours but I heard the exact opposite from a good source and that there are serious concerns about AVB, time will tell I guess

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