
Clint Has Lurid Photos Of The Boss And A Pineapple

Image for Clint Has Lurid Photos Of The Boss And A Pineapple

Essentially this was a game where the quality of the opposition pushed and pressured the Starship Tottingham Hotspur to the point where you could hear Mr Scott cry from the ether, ‘She cannae take it, Captain!’ The frailties in the engine room were there for all to see. Dry ice shot out of the pipes, lights flashed and the camera man didn’t need wiggle the vertical hold button about, the pitch did actually tilt violently now and again.

The inhabitants of the Blue Moon were a physically strong godless gang of vicious but talented bar stewards. We attempted to stun a few of them but they simply ate our phasers.

The boss made some questionable substitutions yet again and I would welcome him explaining why in his report to Star Fleet Fleet St. Ade was on a yellow, but unarguably our best player. With Defoe and Dempsey teaming up we were effectively down to 9 men.

If I didn’t know Hugo was there on the bench then I’d give the old buzzard an easier ride. It’s not his fault that Lloris appears faster, more proactive, determined not to hoof the ball. It’s not Brad’s fault. But thems the facts.

His agent should get him a non speaking extra part on EastEnders. A bloke happily shifting boxes of cauliflowers on the market. Playing football at this level he looked out of his depth. No howlers, just a startled bunny hopping about on a main road.

Gets dogs abuse from a certain section of our support. This must a be a group of people who live timid, anally retentive lives who will tell you with pride they don’t own a piece of red clothing. He wasn’t perfect but much better than some.

Against the Premier League Champions and their multimillion pound megastars he stock fell a little. Given his age and experience my guess is he’ll survive. The quality of his header beat the country’s best goalie. So yes, a mixed bag but no screaming disaster.

Really needed him in the middle of the defense. Again, with Verts as with others there was too much being thrown at us to indulge him being played out of position.

Here’s a guy that’s worth his wages and due a pay rise. Never goes missing. Doesn’t flounce about doing impressions. He’s mustard. If we had Parker back then we could focus more on feeding the creatives.

This was a game that I felt he genuinely tried his best and despite it not being quite good enough it, that doesn’t make him a bad person. He tried to defend more and move more, but it made little difference. If we could squeeze performances like this out of him against far far weaker opposition then he would be a squad rotation asset. At this level he was too pressured and gave away possession far too frequently.

I liked the figure pointing bit. Must find that for a caption comp. But he didn’t spin past them, he didn’t achieve a whole hell of a lot. He did pitch in defensively which was the right thing to do. But offensively they didn’t notice him.

Did City do a job on him or was he deployed more defensively? Whichever it was, it didn’t work out well for us. A game we could have really benefited from him blazing a trail. And he didn’t. 

Oh dear. It appears Clint Dempsey is in possession of some rather lurid photographs of Villas-Boas and a pineapple.

My heart sank when he came on because we took off the only bloke who was probably going to supply him.

Best boy on the pitch. Hugged most of the City team in the tunnel and then proceeded on the pitch to wind most of them up like cheap alarm clocks. If we learned anything from this game it was that Emmanual Adebayor is a diligent footballer. Jermain Defoe is poacher.

Oh Andre, Andre, Andre. What was the deal with taking off Ade? And what on earth were you doing with that pineapple? My big concern is that you aren’t being as tough on the lads as some of us might wish you to be. That said you are missing so many vital ingredients there is a futility to the analysis. Carroll must be trusted. Huddlestone is too limited. As for Dempsey, I am afraid the jig is up.

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  • Bruxie says:

    Glenda was on about “teaching Ade to play in the pocket…” i.e. behind Defoe.

    Personally, I don’t think he needs teaching. He’s a natural for the role and why Defoe and he are not pestering AVB to play him instead of Dempsey really does beat me.

    Dempsey running back towards our goal during our counter attack says it all really. We played with ten men.

    Verts is missing a left midfielder who can defend. Too often exposed.

    Hurry back Benny and Dembele. And Parker.

    Hamstring for Walker. Naughton against Arse?

    • jay says:

      Yeh Walker will be out and personally he needs a period out, it was his fault the first goal but people havent seemed to pick up on that.

      Naughton is a better defender and at the moment we are having problems defending.

      I am really starting to miss Benny

  • Harry hater says:

    Same again AVB!!! Get a lead then sit back and pray the other team only score a few?! Dempsey is a fraud!!!! Spot on for once Harry with all the comments about our players! We are looking like a team in the last week of a season who has played 2452 games in the last month… Lost them all too I bet!? I wanted Harry gone and boy was I WRONG!!! Come back you unfaithful twiching chelski wannabe rodent lover!!!

    • NYC Spurs says:

      its bad when we are looking back at the saggy-faced ballsack as a positive! AVB is worse tactically than he was, which I am shocked to print.

    • Matt Oliver says:

      There was a time we had a certain Peter Crouch up front – and I used to say the same thing – that he was RAPING a living from Spurs…. Can now only say the same about Dempsey. A complete fookin fraud who is raping his salary froms AVBs arse every single week…. Any chance we can swap Berbawank for Dempsey in Jan!?!??

  • Rob says:

    Does Levy still have david moyes mobile number on a post-it somewhere?

  • Bukkake-breath says:

    There was 2 reasons why we couldn’t win yesterday, ratface and Rafa or better still lack of replacements

  • LLL says:

    The goon game is bigger than ever, for both teams. The battle to see which one of two faltering rivals is really faltering and which is more likely to threaten 4th spot. Which all would seem to suggest a 2-2 draw. But at the same time I am quite scared that we will get our arses handed to us. Then again, if we play the same kind of passive, stodgy game we did at City then the ropey Arsenal attack might not quite have enough to get through. Whatever happens, I’m not expecting to be particularly entertained unfortunately. But hope for Tottenham’s sake we can come away without further humiliation.

    • UnkleKev says:

      Sadly, recent history would suggest that they are more capable of raising their game against us than we are against them. I fear the worst.

    • Hot_Spur says:

      So you think that losing to the league champions, on their ground, by the odd goal, with half our squad out injured, is humiliation????????????

      • LLL says:

        Did I say that?

        How does losing to Wigan at home feel to you?

        • Harry Hotspur says:

          If you want to cherry pick one game why don’t you pick the win at Utd?

        • LLL says:

          Don’t you start too. I was just forecasting more humiliation IF we lose at the weekend. I didn’t even specify when the humiliation began. Lord knows we’ve suffered it more or less ritually since January this year.

        • Harry hater says:

          Pick one game then Harry and your boyfriend can pick one too and then I’ll pick 8 fooking games to prove how pony we are!!!!! The win at utd was a joke! Sitting back trying to kill football like chelski did against barca might be what you want but I’d rather lose trying to win thanks!! We got lucky against west brom,, Norwich,, Southampton and united and we all know that!! And we haven’t been unlucky in any of the games so where we are in the league should be 14 at best but I suppose you will settle for that!?

        • CptCaveman says:

          Hang on Harry, Im getting fed up with this ‘We beat Man U’ rubbish. We played an ok 45 and then completely felly apart for 45 minutes…it was embarrasing and was only by the powers of grayskull that we suvived, history suggests that doesn’t normally happen and we get roasted. Dont let that game paper over the cracks. Yes we are understaffed but we are playing horrible passive counter attacking football, EVEN AT HOME! The fact is, Man City were pretty awful yesterday and we still couldn’t beat them! At least in previous seasons even when we lost we outplayed these teams…now it seems we lost the ability to attack! For most of the match yesterday we struggled to do that.
          Short staffed yes, but are you honestly telling me we dont have the quality to beat Norwich, West Brom, Wigan??
          AVB deserves time yes, but he’s not helping himself with his team selections & shocking tactics! Counter attacking football at home to Wigan was a joke :-(

        • Alspur says:

          I agree with some of what you say, but all this “Man City are rubbish”, “Man City were there for the taking” guff really gets me…

          They are unbeaten in 35 games at home… they are the league champions, currently unbeaten in the league and sitting in second place…

          Yeah, they’re not playing as well as last season, but they’re way ahead of us and any team with Silva, Tevez and Aguero up front is going to hurt teams (esp with Dzeko & crew on the bench…)

      • CptCaveman says:

        Wo wo there Alspur, never did I say Man City are rubbish so you can lose those quote marks! Yes they are Champions, unbeaten bla bla but on Sunday they weren’t very good, hence they got booed off (and no-way was that for the ref), they played better in the second half yes, but the game was still for the taking, dont take my word for it…take that of England international Gary Nevill ‘ This game is for the taking, if Spurs can score now etc etc’.
        The fact is, we were rubbish & we didn’t.
        You watch that game back (as I have) and you will see that City were awful (considering the range of talent they have) and that we were worse.

    • mystic arnold says:

      Watching the game on t/v I fear come 3 o/c I ll need to pick up a bargain new tv in Comet

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