
Crisis Upon Crisis

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Good morning.

Presumably the Daily Mail are busy padding this one out into 250 words that at an absolute bare minimum will all be spelled correctly. Benoit Assou-Ekotto aka A&E Tweeted earlier this morning:

Clearly he was deluged with, ‘Oh Benny, has it all gone wrong? Please tell us it has!’ type responses and felt compelled to issue a second Tweet to clarify. It just goes to show the mindset of our ‘support’ in these dark autumnal days.

We’ve too many of our first choice picks missing, did you hear about that? Speaking of which I note from the usually reliable that Sandro is down as TBC which doesn’t bode well at all. Not at all. Scotty Parker is two weeks away which points to him missing City and realistically, Arsenal too. Benny and Moussa are also both TBC so it wouldn’t be too previous to add them to the list. Raging Kaboul is supposedly 7 weeks away. What joy.

But of course, all this is completely irrelevant. It’s down to the manager. Jake Livermore is back in 5 days so there is no need to fuss or flap. Arry had injuries and you never heard him complain. We should have brought in Rodgers. Ah, scratch that. Liverpool in 12th. Martinez wouldn’t have crashed our plane so early on in the season. Mmmn scratch that, they’re in 13th.

The important thing to do at this stage is remain determined and focused upon apportioning blame. And those who never wanted Villas-Boas appointed must ensure they are lightening quick in self aggrandize themselves. 5th and a speeding like a freight train into a relegation scrap. 

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  • Paul9inch says:

    a)Ekotto. Im sure that was a bit of ironic French humour but yet another example of why players should stay away from twitter

    b) YIDS. Now its the Black Lawyers Group who want to see us strung up and quaterized. Its an odd one this as we know the porigins of why its sung. Question for our Jewish supporters: are you offended when the crowd chant “Yid Army”?
    If you are then of course it should be banned.

    • LosLorenzo says:

      “Question for our Jewish supporters: are you offended when the crowd chant ‘Yid Army’? If you are then of course it should be banned.”

      To answer your question, as it has been up for discussion on this very site many times before. Yes, some jewish supporters are offended, or at least think it is an inappropriate chant/term, most think it is just fine or in fact a good/galvanising thing.

      That’s not the point, though. Just because a small group of people are offended by something doesn’t mean that everyone else need to stop doing it. I am offended by parents bringing their children up under ultra-orthodox religion, never telling them that there exist other world views. That doesn’t mean those people need to stop doing so.

      It’s hard to say anything more inane than “puppies are cute” without it offending SOMEONE. That can’t be the guiding principle.

      In this case, the guiding principle needs to be “is it racist when Spurs fans chant ‘Yid Army’?”.

      A definition of racism:
      1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
      2: racial prejudice or discrimination

      Is either of these apparent when Spurs fans chant “Yid Army”???

      NO IT NOT

      Racism in every form is bad and should be fought, but these racism crusaders need to realize when they’re being overzealous. As they clearly are in this case.

      • Paul9inch says:

        Hi Los, as a relative newcomer to this site I didnt realise the Q had been covered before.

        In the context its used, “Yid Army” borders on the humerous but you’re correct, there are bound to be people who take offence either genuinly or for effect.

        The definition (1) above is interesting. Im white but young Black people imo are more athletic than their white counterparts. If Im correct and its fact then it can hardly be racist. If a Black person states this He’ll probably be condemmed as a racist.

        I mention this only to expose the sensitive ground the issue encompasses and the context in which it occurs.

        • LosLorenzo says:

          Welcome to the fold!

          It’s true that there are, as proven through scientific enquiry, certain differences between the genetic material. “African” genes lend themselves well to sprinting, due to giving rise to (on average) slightly longer legs, I believe. “European” genes have slightly different muscle fibres (shorter, or more compact, or something), which lend themselves better to for example weight lifting.

          In an entire population the average differences are miniscule, but at the extremes (the world’s fastes/strongest man, etc.) they become quite apparent.

          That is not to say that there are not black men who are very good at weight lifting, og white men who can run very fast. But differences in sum total there are, and it seems to be quite a touchy subject for a lot of people.

          There are also more obvious differences, such as “black peopl have more skin pigment than white people” or “black people tend to have heir that is more curly than asians”.

          As far as I’m concerned, there is absolutely nothing racist about pointing out these differences. It only becomes racist when you add “X are better than/worth more than Y because…” before pointing out a difference.

    • webby says:

      as you know it WILL be sung and it offends you ,don’t go.very fkn simple.
      why do we have to cater for the weak?
      i’m tired of looking out for others, suck it up and move on…princessess

  • elfranklins says:

    Harry, those pesky baggies have put us down to 6th….the end is nigh!

    I’ll be watching the game at my local booze emporium on Sunday although I must confess I,m not quite looking forward to this as much as other games in the callendar.

    Talking of support and that ridiculous ‘booing’ even when we are playing like the proverbial shower, I for one would never induldge in such a pointless and negative exercise, I will grumble and swear and yes be right down hearted when we lose, I save my ranting for your blog, so thanks HH for giving me the forum to whinge and rant, and not take it out pitch side (When I can afford to go that is which is becoming a less frequent occurance these days)

    See your actually contributing towards ‘booing’ reduction, a form on Online therapy for disgruntled Spurs fans.

    I will still call them a shower when they play like they did against Wigan though! :winke:

  • LLL says:

    Jesus, this has to be one of your most substance-light blogs ever. Which is saying something.

    • elfranklins says:

      LLL, welcome back to the ring.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      If you didn’t find the need to bold part of it – that has to be true.

      • borisjohnsonstonsils says:

        :daumen: Cracking comeback Harry. I have sat back & read LLL’s replies & they mostly contain Bold lettering. I will say this though, he does have some valid points, as do most on here. That’s the whole purpose of this site, to voice our opinions whether you agree or not. Boris out :freu

        • LLL says:

          I’ll let you into a secret Boris, being attacked for my use of the message board’s text functions – as I have been surprisingly often – doesn’t really hurt.

          I will say this though, he does have some valid points

          Thanks for that one though. :daumen:

        • borisjohnsonstonsils says:

          Touche Triple L, i just thought that HH’s comeback was funny is all, as is your use boldness once again. :-D

  • Cheeky Bill says:

    Here’s the situation in simple terms; we have a squad of 28 first team players 17 of which have played for this club fewer than 50 times. Nine players have played at premiership level less than 20 times – in some cases you could go as far as to say they are unproven at Premiership level. It stems from last season when we relied on too fewer players and didn’t test the youngsters. Harry wanted seasoned pro’s and now we are left with a largely untested squad.

    It’s nuts to blame AVB for this – he wasn’t here when the squad wasn’t being rotated and he can’t ship out the weak ones until he has properly assessed them. AVB needs to get the number of inexperienced players down to a more workable number and bring in 2 or 3 more of his own type of player to balance things out. Then we can assess him. 3 in and 3 out would do it.

    Our problems are not really that deep. It’s the panic that is off the richter scale.

    • LLL says:

      Oh right. It’s Redknapp’s fault. These excuses are getting worse and worse by the day. :wassat:

      • Cheeky Bill says:

        It’s not Rednapp’s fault entirely, there are other factors. But you cannot take a ‘year zero’ approach to this – the bulk of the squad is inexperienced at this level. Irrespective of the manager, the tactics, who’s in favour and who’s not. Right now there isn’t enough depth as there was before.

        • LLL says:

          I’ll take your inexperienced squad and add a very inexperienced manager who also hasn’t played enough games at PL level and that this may perhaps be showing a bit?

      • LosLorenzo says:

        You’re right. The playing staff AVB has to work with are just as good as Mancini, Rednose and Di Matteo. He has had the exact same opportunity as these three do dictate which players to bring in and ship out over the summer as these three. Spurs’ injury problems are no worse than City, ManU and Cheatski. We are a WHOPPING 5-7 points behind these teams, a gap that can never be closed over the remaining 28 league games.

        Therefore everything is 110% all AVB’s fault.

        C’mon LLL, seriously. I’m not going to say AVB is perfect. I don’t think he is.

        It has to be possible for people on here to point to circumstances other than the manager as contributing factors to our poor performances in the last few games without you jumping in and ridiculing people for not ONLY blaming AVB for EVERYTHING. It’s getting f*cking boring to read the same sh*t coming out of you over and over and over and….

        We get it. You think it’s all AVB’s fault because he hasn’t played Adebayor more often. Now find something new to write about.

        • elfranklins says:

          Arsenal closed a 10 point gap in about 6 games last season.

        • LosLorenzo says:


          Really? On whom? ^^

        • LLL says:

          Pfft. I’ve never said ‘EVERYTHING IS AVB’S FAULT’. I would just like to see some, small acknowledgement that some of it might be.

          I see it the exact opposite way to you. Every day HH splurges out the exact same load of old bollocks about injuries and boo’s. And refuses to countenance any kind of fault or misjudgement on the coach’s part. Now, what I’m asking for is balance and intelligent debate not blanket, blind, partisan support and denouncing anyone who questions anything.

          You and me have a different idea of ‘boring’, obviously. I think saying the same thing over and over again, and insulting people who think differently is really, really boring. And I think avoiding a broader debate is cowardly and weak-minded. And boring.

          I don’t think it’s all AVB’s fault. But I’ve watched every minute of every game. And a lot of those minutes have been rotten. I’ve already seen a few of the poorest Spurs performances in recent memory. Now, I think most contributors here seem intelligent enough. But you are insulting my intelligence if you expect me to swallow ‘injuries’ as the sole contributing factor to that.

        • LosLorenzo says:

          Fair cop, you have never said “everything is AVB’s fault”. That was a bit of artistic license and hyperbole on my part. Doesn’t always work as well in this format.

          But you don’t in fact limit yourself to pouncing on those who have said “nothing is AVB’s fault. Time and again you berate anyone who says anything to the effect of “it’s not all AVB’s fault”, which is very different.

          By now, any regular reader of these comments is well versed in your scepticism towards AVB, so from that point of view, we are well beyond “broader debate”. You are just regurgitating the same points over and over again, just attaching them to a new poster each time.

          What I would love would be for you to let someone point out a potential cause of some of our problems, without you knee-jerking in to centre starge with the “don’t forget, we have a shit manager” line.

          And if your beef is mostly with HH and what he writes, why don’t you find another spurs blog?

        • LLL says:

          I don’t see it like that either. I don’t ‘pounce’ on people who say ‘it’s not all AVB’s fault’. Often what seems to happen is HH spurges up top, and then a lot of people are quite keen to agree with him. Call them the bum buys or the wannabe HH Spice Girls or whatever you want. But there is definitely a lack of real debate here. I personally don’t think that’s my fault! This place is polarized because the conversation from the leader is one way. This has been proven in recent days by his complete avoidance of trickier questions. This lends itself to a situation where people seem to want to take sides. But the situation Spurs are in is far more nuanced than any one side of a for and against debate will solve. Yes, there are injuries. Yes, the Summer transfer drive was a mixed bag (something some people were saying at the time but were being told to stop being so negative just as they are now). Yes, AVB has not lit up White Hart Lane with the way he’s set up his team and his tactics have not been very impressive so far. Yes, this has led to a tense atmosphere. Yes, booing is counter-productive. But all you hear on this page is the booing and the injuries. Is that balanced?

          If you just want this page to be a cult members group for AVB and a place to complain about the media conspiracy against him and the club and cry to the heavens about the terrible injustice of our injuries, then maybe you’re right, I should find another Spurs blog.

          • Harry Hotspur says:

            No one wants a cult members group.

            I think it’s more a case of you being perceived as someone who wants to argue every conceivable point with anyone.
            You’re welcome to do that of course.

            Some posters only pop on here to tell me I’m an idiot or whatever, but at least they appear to discriminate!

        • LLL says:

          And btw, I and other people have come up with several things which AVB could perhaps have done better or differently. You obviously aren’t reading. Or else your faith is blinding you.

        • Bruxie says:

          I don’t think that I have ever seen you agree with anyone, LLL.

          Calling people bum buys and HH Spice Girls is really rather purile.

          Part of the pleasure of debating and discussing things “all Tottenham” is to create an affinity with fellow fans and on occasions have a laugh.

          I said “part of”.

          Are you as truly humourless as your angry, argumentative posts portray you?

          I notice the paragraphs are getting fewer as the rants grow in intensity!

        • Bruxie says:

          That should kick it off.


        • Cheeky Bill says:

          Right, back from lunch. What have I missed?

        • LLL says:


          That may be your perception, but I do agree with some people, they are just in the minority here, which kind of follows on from my previous post if you think about it.


          Bruxie, Bruxie, Bruxie, Bruxie.
          You never engage with the point, you always try, try and try to score one instead. Much like HH himself (btw what is your nickname in the gang? Gimpy Spice?).

          There are some people I agree with here, if you want to see that then look closer. But I don’t need to feel an affinity with anonymous men on the internet, whatever their affiliation.

          • Harry Hotspur says:

            It’s not my perception.
            I don’t have one.

            I simply believe that most people must think you’re a professional arguist.
            You are are after all mostly arguing.
            So hardly a leap?

        • LosLorenzo says:

          “definitely a lack of real debate here”

          I couldn’t disagree more.

          There are plenty here who tend to agree with HH, and plenty who disagree. There are some who time and time again again try to sell used gentlmens bicycles, or inform us of illegal sbstance abuse ruining the professional game.

        • LLL says:

          “I couldn’t disagree more.”

          No, I couldn’t disagree more. Want to fight about it?

        • Bruxie says:


          You’re in a vacuum.

          Everyone against you?

          Gimpy Spice.

          You assume I’m not disabled. Nice.

        • LLL says:

          Is that a poem?

          No, I assume you are HH’s main gimp. Quite the difference.

        • Bruxie says:

          It will not be long before you alienate everyone on here.

          Keep it going.

          You are really showing your true colours. Any debate on the race issue?

          Or are you fixated on the disability gig?

        • LosLorenzo says:

          No point at all in a “who’s been posting here longer” pissing contest. I’ve been here long enough to know, though, that the HH fan(ataics) club you seem to see doesn’t really exist. Pretty much every long time poster here has variously agreed and disagreed with the blog’s author depending on what was being discussed (Redknapp, Olympic Stadium, Crazy Pavin’ etc, etc).

          You, however, seem to be sadly predictable in disagreeing with anything and everything HH writes, and anything written by anyone else who seems to agree with him. You seem now to be defnding your incessant contrarianism with some form of ‘enlightening the sheep’. If that is in fact what you are doing, please be aware that it is a public service which is totally uneccessary.

          By all means, share your opinions. Back it up with observations. But don’t just disagree with people simply because they happen to agree with something HH wrote at some point.

        • LLL says:

          What are you talking about you simpleton?

          Gimp. a sexual fetishist who likes to be dominated and who dresses in a leather or rubber body suit with mask, zips, and chains.

        • LLL says:


          I don’t always disagree with HH, just normally.
          I can’t remember when I first started looking on this page, but I do know there is a culture of chumminess like most internet message boards I guess. After all, who would keep returning to a message board where they don’t agree with anything the blog writer says? :ermm:

          And what you are saying is not true. I personally feel that our problems this season are multi-pronged, and it annoys me that the blog leader is pushing a simplistic excuse based analysis which seems mostly to do with his own previous trumpet-blowing and little to do with the facts unravelling in front of our eyes. So that’s what I disagree with, and disagree with people who comply with and perpetuate this kind of myth-making.

          You say I am an incessant contrarian and people always say I will argue with anything. Whereas I think I am quite consistent and always argue about the same thing. It’s clear enough that most people disagree with me. That’s OK by me!

        • Bruxie says:

          This puts you in an age group which has absolutely no idea of the origins of words.

          So – you’ve seen Pulp Fiction.

          Gimp is a word used in the fifties, sixties and seventies to describe people with disabilities, limps and immobility.

          You should see from my Avatar that I am “of an age” and you have no comprehansion of how much you offend with your light-fingered keyboard skills.

          F888K off.

        • LosLorenzo says:

          “Gimp” is a derogatory/insulting term for someone with a limp, or more broadly a handicap of some type.

          It has nothing to do with bondage or anything like that. The character “The Gimp” in Pulp Fiction was thus named by his rather unpleasant masters because he was, according to the story, mentally handicapped.

        • LLL says:

          This puts you in an age group which has absolutely no idea of the origins of words.

          I’ve told you before, I’m 14.

          Words can have more than one meaning. If I were to call you a bellend, I would more than likely mean that you were a bit of a fool, not that you were literally the glans of a penis.

          I know you like to score points so you will cling on to some false offence caused by an alternative meaning by way of tying to clock one up. But it’s really rather childish, especially for a man of your age (how am I supposed to know what that is btw?). Isn’t it?

        • LLL says:

          You too?

          It has nothing to do with bondage or anything like that?

        • LosLorenzo says:

          Look, LLL… I am not in the minority here, in experiencing you as combative in the extreme.

          You’re not here to be popular, and that’s a good thing. A word of advice, though. If all you ever do is disagree with people, insult them, and claim that all their opinions are in fact simply due to the fact that they are sheep – you won’t last long here.

          In addition to instigating arguments (they’re not debates, as it stands), why don’t you try agreeing with someone about something at some point.

        • LosLorenzo says:

          It is called a “gimp suit” solely as a result of the lasting pop culture imagery of Pulp Fiction.

          The term “gimp” absolutely, 100%, is a derogatory term for a limping or handicapped person.

        • LLL says:


          I hardly ever insult anyone, and I think only in retaliation to other people’s insults in fact. Insulting anonymous people might be fun for some people, but I don’t find it a good way of making a point.

          And I do agree with some people. Just not as often as I disagree with them here. If it bothers you this much, pay a bit more attention and you’ll see it happening.

        • LLL says:


          That may or may not be true, but I’ve never heard it used in that sense before in my entire lifetime (of 14 years), so it goes to show that language changes and people should be aware of that and not leap to false offence.

        • Bruxie says:

          There you go again.

          You have no appreciation of the condition of some posters on here.

          I am white. But I object to the “N” word.
          And legally, I could make a case against any user who uses that term in a derogatory way.

          Similarly, I could take offence at any derogatory word describing disabilities. And I would be well within my rights to do so.

          There are bloggers all over the world whose only access to the outside world is through the web. You have probably offended more than you think over this “term”.

          But you will not see that. For you are always right.

        • LLL says:

          For christs sake Bruxie, there is point-scoring and there is really desperate, clawing point-scoring.

          It’s 100% clear that I meant no such insult or meaning. I meant to say that you and HH wear rubber suits and zips and leather and whips and whatever else it is you get up to. Which, incidentally, is fine by me. Whatever floats your boat.

        • LosLorenzo says:

          Look. I have better things to do than lecture a contrarian tween in online behaviour. I’ve already spent a laughable amount of time on this thread.

          You know now how I feel about the general tone and content of your posts. If you have any insight, you will realise that many here agree with me on this.

          As it stands, unless you change your tune in the future to something more constructive and engaging, I’m done responding to your posts.

        • Bruxie says:

          You have too vivid an imagination.

          Hope you got off on the thought.

        • LLL says:

          You know now how I feel about the general tone and content of your posts. If you have any insight, you will realise that many here agree with me on this.

          I already said – a few lines up – that I know most people don’t agree with me, and I’m ‘cool’ with that.

          As it stands, unless you change your tune in the future to something more constructive and engaging, I’m done responding to your posts

          Errm. Ok. :unsure:

        • LLL says:

          You have too vivid an imagination.

          When I was at school my English teacher told me this was a good trait to have. But now it hampers me in online message board discussions.

          Hope you got off on the thought.

          Why? Do you get off on me getting off on the thought? That’s pretty whacked out, Bruxie.

        • Billy Legit says:

          You’re an idiot!

        • abe says:

          The playing staff that avb has is as good as Chelsea, Utd. You cannot be serious. Mata, Oscar, Hazard are better than we have.

    • Hot_Spur says:


      You say that you do agree with some people on here??? Hmm, seems they’ve both been absent recently then.

      • LLL says:

        You stay out of it, Hot_Spur.

        • philmccrackin says:


        • Cheshuntboy says:

          LLL – You are a beacon (in fact THE beacon) of intelligence on this benighted site, and how you keep (relatively) calm in the face of the vitriol which invariably greets your comments is quite beyond me (just like the blind AVB/Levy love which seems de rigeur for the majority of the bottom-feeders who dwell here). There ARE people who agree with you, we don’t all share your masochistic tendencies though.

        • Frontwheel 2 says:

          LLL has his own,bum,spice,gimp brigade,how very jolly.

        • philmccrackin says:

          THEY ARE NOT A PATCH ON YOU FRONTWHEEL 2 AT SLAGGING,YOU ARE NOT FROM A HYBRID,cheap penny farthing i would guess. :lol:

        • Frontwheel 2 says:

          WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :freu

        • StrappingYoungLad says:

          LYNCH HIM!!!!

  • MattyMafs Von Mafs says:

    I tweeted the whipper snapper that he may want to re-phrase that.. I am a normal Spurs fan with alternative musical leanings (HH will confirm this) unlike many who will panic at the smallest thing like Defoe sneezing or a Rolling Stones reunion that may affect Spurs in some bizarre way….

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