
Norwich Autopsy

Image for Norwich Autopsy

Good afternoon?

Well I’ve had worse I suppose. The game itself wasn’t our finest hour nor was it quite self harming territory. The bottom line is that this competition was the last of our priorities. Nice to win a pot but for those believing we ought to have gone all out …I’ve two names for you. McLeish & Dalglish.

The appearance of Bale was a welcome surprise and had he not featured it’s a cheerless exercise to dwell on how we would have performed. He was the spark, the drive, the creative.

The young guys given a chance did their best. Falque is an interesting chap. There’s a raw energy there. A fast paced mind at work. But he needs managing training and guiding. I look at him, Livermore, Townsend and Walker all whom are ‘products’ of our academy or whatever it’s trading as this week and worry. 

Are we producing footballers or people who simply look like footballers, impressionists?

Maybe I imagined it, but Livermore looked to have more about him when he debuted. Now we have this Jenasesque fella that looks like he’d be more at home in one of those partially naked calenders that firemen do for charity. Walker looks like a rep for a company that services gym equipment. Falque like an assistant manager at Toni & Guy.

My point is why are their footballing IQ’s so low? Falque took two maybe three corners and the ball didn’t beat the first man once. In fact the damn thing was smacked in a light speed at knee height. Jake concedes the most cheap and hopelessly unnecessary fouls. Walker’s dive for the penalty was the work of an impressionist.

This was pretty much a Norwich B team vs a Spurs B team for want of a better description. I’m just saying I would have hoped for more given the opposition.

We went a goal up and then proceeded to act as as if the thing was won. Slowed the game, passed as if we were playing the time out. A child could have predicted this wasn’t a very good plan. Any child able to use a clock or a watch. 

Our traveling firm were great value. ‘Norwich City, your sister’s your mum’ followed by a Grant Holt’s arrival prompting a chorus of ‘Grant Holt, he eats when he wants.’

Norwich scored twice and we missed a penalty. This beast on Twitter was quick to voice her support direct to Clint on Twitter. Despite being at the game in person!

I take the view that if people are on Twitter they have to take their chances, maybe not everyone thinks you’re as wonderful as your mother repeatedly told you you were. But why would you Tweet Dempsey that? Jeez, he knows that he missed. My best guess is he didn’t do it on purpose. 

Is there a moral to last night’s story? Probably not. But we do need a striker and we need Moussa Dembélé. Like a rose needs rainwater, like a leopard needs its partner in the jungle, like… I don’t know what like.

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  • Steve says:

    Why does no one point out that Huddlestone is a lazy overweight waste of space. He has been at fault for pretty much most goals conceded whilst he’s been on the pitch. So he’s got a good pass on him but would be interesting to see his completion rate. He’s a master of giving the ball away and is utter shite in the air. He also has the engine of a clapped out old banger. I really don’t see why we continue to persevere with him. If we want to progress and challenge we need to pie him off along with Livermore. Rant over!!!! COYS

    • BrisbaneSpur says:

      Bottom line is he probably wouldn’t be playing if everyone was fit. Good squad player and sub, too many weaknesses for first team regular….

  • melcyid says:

    we have wasted most of our games since berbatov was not replaced,plenty of effort, plenty of cut backs, plenty of crosses, plenty of incisive through balls,plenty of shots,plenty of wasted chances,plenty of missed penalties,plenty rubbish draws,plenty crucial games lost because the oppo scored more than us and we couldnt hang on because our dna is attack and score,we are malfunctioning no end product, we stop short in front of goal.every team we play knows they can get back in the game against us even 2-nil down.
    MARQUEE STRIKER GOAL SCORING MONSTER PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE ,or the unmarried father is gone this summer.

    • BrisbaneSpur says:

      Just posted something similar above in regards to Berbs. What would $25m striker have meant to us over last 3 or 4 season? As we have been border line top four, the impact of a striker would hav been immense, not just on the pitch but off it too….

    • UnkleKev says:

      …and to think we might have bought Berbatov back for £4m. But no, instead we spunk £6m on a player who’s not fit to lace his boots.

  • East Stand says:

    It was a Norwich ‘B’ team against what was our 1st team apart from the goalie and 5 outfield players, Dawson, Livermore and Naughton are hardly reserves are they? There are no excuses, that was NOT our ‘B’ team. We sat back and defended a 0-1 lead against a side we did exactly the same thing against at home and threw away points. AVB obviously feels that to play on the break constantly at home, away, in the lead or chasing a game is just fine. It backfired the other night and the longer this goes on, opposing sides will suss us out before a ball is even kicked… AVB’s tactics seem to be staggeringly one dimensional rather than astute, which confusingly, is how he seems to be hailed by those who love him. Where’s the plan B “oh great tactical genius”??

    • nipper says:

      Well said East Stand. AVB’s reputation seems to rest on one good season at Porto. Its not EPL stuff. Maybe we should send him out on loan for a season, see how he gets on….

    • astromesmo says:

      More one dimensional than ‘Run about a bit?’ I didn’t notice us having a masterplan to deal with Chel$ki sticking five past us in the cup semi-final, nor any tactical switch that stopped L’Arse and the Mancs putting five past us either. In fact, I can’t remember a season where three clubs put five past us.

      The very point of the current tactics is that AVB trying to get us away from having to hit teams on the break and then running up against a brick wall every time they sit back to defend. You must remember those great games against Wolves, where tactical genius Mick McCarthy knew all he had to do was sit deep and wait for a chance?

      After 80 minutes of completely controlling a game, it’s not unreasonable to think that bringing on Vertonghen would see out the last 10 without bother and keep everyone as fresh as possible for the next game.

      Remember that we’re not exactly blessed with a full compliment of star players at the moment (Not AVB’s fault) and that the treatment room is somewhat creaking under the weight of last seasons regulars (Again, not AVB’s fault). We also have several very big games coming up that we need to keep key players fit for.

      When your ‘match changing’ option on the bench is a choice of Livermore & Thownsend, you know you’re down to the famous bare bones.

      AVB’s reputation may be built on one good season, but it’s also backed up by the opinion of two of the best managers in the recent past of the English league outside of Whinger & Fergie. This is going to take time if it’s going to be done right. No more quick fixes and 40 year-old players as a sticking plaster.

      • LLL says:

        There is no use constantly deflecting criticism of AVB by drawing on some dodgy display during Redknapp’s time. Some of us wanted Redknapp out but didn’t want AVB in. It’s not like they are the only two managers in the known universe. Anyway, the point about Redknapp is supposedly that he ‘didn’t do’ tactics. Whereas the new guy is supposed to be a genius at the game. It hasn’t looked that way at all which has got some people wondering: ‘what is AVB for?’

        Anyway, very difficult for anyone to argue that our tactics this season have been anything but one-dimensional. As for a plan B – well I’m yet to see the evidence.

        • essexian76 says:

          Plan A is to get the lead
          Plan B is no defend the lead, change the very thing that’s got plan A to work in the first instance and throw plan A out of the window-or so it would appear? it’s all very Mourinho but without the clean sheet so far this season-still early days yet!

        • Frontwheel 2 says:

          Aston Villa

        • essexian76 says:

          Is that actually supposed to mean something of relevance?

        • Frontwheel 2 says:

          Clean sheet Kenneth,TGF

        • essexian76 says:

          Still having those voices in your head I see-how sad! So,by your inane response, using a solitary game against a very poor side-you cite that as the rule rather than the exception-yeah, good thinking-did I say thinking?- good god-what was I thinking?

        • Frontwheel 2 says:

          No what I was stating you fucking moron in a polite way was you was wrong when you typed we have had no clean sheets and as you pick people up on their spelling I think it was ok for me bring your attention to your error,fuckwit.

        • essexian76 says:

          Clearly the minus the clean sheets eluded you andone clean sheet doesn’t make your point any-more valid-but then again you are a fool-and a fool and his solitary braincell are soon parted.

        • essexian76 says:

          Oh, and as for spelling-I don’t pick up anyone’s spelling-it’s not an English test Old Boy-just your’s because as I said-a shod isn’t a shed and if you’re insulting people, it’s only good form to at least give them a clue as to what you’re alluding to!

        • Frontwheel 2 says:

          I could play with you all day son.

        • essexian76 says:

          You play with me?, you just play with yourself as you appear to be proficient at that!
          BTW I’d stop hanging around the nursery schools if I were you-some of the language you’ve picked up is quite disgusting

        • Frontwheel 2 says:

          Your a strange chap,I point that you were wrong when stating that Spurs have not Kept a clean sheet(have a look its still up there)and you throw a complete hissy fit?Your a gift Kenneth,Tottenhams greatest fan,and soooo booooring.I await your tediously camp reply,as you always like to get the last word with who evers telling you what a tnuc you are(and there’s plenty)

        • East Stand says:

          ‘What is AVB for?’ sums up the whole situation. I know what he’s for, he’s there to fit in with the tightly board-controlled trading of players that has been in place for some time and his willingness to accept a director of football. He fits the business model, simple as that. What he brings in terms of style of football, tactical ability or ability to man manage are all secondary concerns as far as the board are concerned.

          They hope he’s good enough to deliver top 4 but might even keep him on of he didn’t manage that as long as he accepted the decisions at board level and the business plan was adhered to. I’m not suggesting they will accept abject failure but he’s a company man who tows the line and this will buy him far more time with the board than it could possibly do with the fans..

  • Anthony says:

    Ade must play on Saturday. Can we not start with a simple 442 with Ade and JD up front and the midfield 4 pick themselves as we have no options other than Thud to join Sandro in the centre with Bale left, Lennon right. The back four of Walker , Gallas, Caulker and Jan should be able to cope with Wigan surely. Goalkeeper Loris.

    Worrying that Dembele is struggling and the noises coming out about his injury would suggest a longer lay off than not. So Not much creativity without him and we must make the most of the width and pace that Bale, Lennon, and Walker provide to get behind what inevitably will be a park the bus Wigan.

    Livermore, Dempsey and Sigurdsson all are struggling for form so are not offering the options that We had hoped or expected. It is clear that we need more creativity in the centre of midfield. Hope we can get Moutinho in January and then push Dembele further forward as and when he is fit.

    Sandro is awesome but we cannot expect him to play the way he is without some back up. Just hope Parker can get back soon to give him some rest and give us better options in Cup games than Livermore.

  • Habib says:

    Why are people assuming a Wigan walkover? They OWNED Westham last weekend. They’re on a high and will be dangerous.

    • LLL says:

      I don’t assume anything. We can lose to anyone – anyone!

      • essexian76 says:

        It’s matters not a jot who’s in charge, the simple footballing ethic is to work damned hard in midfield and win the battle. Keep possession and use the ball wisely-in other words-out work the opposition-the rest will follow if the forwards are on their game-football should be a simple game-not a mish-mash of ‘tactics’ players cannot comprehend. The one thing 4 seasons of Harry taught me is footballers just ain’t all that bright-the more simplyfield the instruction -the better they appear play

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