
Oni Ne Marajo Up ’em

Image for Oni Ne Marajo Up ’em

Sieg Heil.

Team selection for this evening leaves little to the imagination. That said I’m unconvinced that the boss will go with my line up. I’ve based my picks less on the opponents tonight and more on the ever looming tie against Manchester City. If this ‘plan’ of playing the best and the brightest of the kids needs a boost, then that’s down to manager to use his bench. My side is designed not to harm us after the full time whistle has blown. Did I already say that?

Anyone you can’t see on the board above needs to be rested. Huddlestone believe it or don’t is looking like our first choice midfield general as I type and so given his need to sit down every now and again and have a dark tea with 3 large sugars in it, he has to sit this one out.

Vertonghen is another one that can fade and I would have him on the bench at most.

Crucial that Hugo keeps his distribution away from Dawson. I don’t say this out of spite. Rather I have this thing about retaining possession. Not passing to the opposition. That sort of thing. Carrol needs to be fed so he can feed both Bale and Dempsey.

Now this isn’t a request for a game of hoof-ball, but Bale might want to consider that Dempsey is decent areal threat and swing the odd ball into him.

Falque, I’ve picked you because Azza Blud won’t survive 90 minutes on a Sunday if he does 90 on a Thursday. But also because you have great potential. However, if you take anymore of those corners that don’t rise above knee height I fully expect you to settle the invoice for a new telly which I will submit to you on Friday.

I want fluid passing with a purpose (yes I mean you Jake so look lively son). Get the ball to the creatives and give us a goal or two. Do your very best. We should win this by 2 goals. 

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  • CptCaveman says:

    Gonna miss the match tonight but for the first time in a long time, I cant say that im too bothered. Recently watching Spurs has been less entertaining then watching my cat strain off a Mr Wippy…

    at least that still makes me chuckle!

    • CptCaveman says:

      Well I take it was slightly entertaining!!
      Who would have thought FOUR FOUR TWO at home to lesser opposition and and we dominate, create chances and win! No, they weren’t Man U but neither are Norwich so hopefully AVB has written something new in his little book of tactics!

      Oh and nice to hear the ground in full song yesterday, my fav chant has to have been in honour of yesterdays blog…’We are Tottenham Hotspur, we sing what we want’..enough said!

  • CptCaveman says:

    Ps. I really hope they are reading the blog today Harry…I can hear Harry Enfield now…’Falque I like you, you have great potential…but if another one of your corners fails to meet the first man and you cause me to put my foot through the telly…I’ll say OI FALQUE….NO!!!

  • Cheeky Bill says:

    Harry, one of your best ever headlines.

  • Jol 5:5 says:

    Don’t look the look of that centre of midfield – too lightweight. If Walker is available I’d try him in the middle – at least he’s not afraid to take the game to the opposition.This is one match where support is gonna count. Silence and groans will encourage the visitors. It might look insignificant as a fixture – but AVB won’t want to rack up 3 consecutive home defeats.

  • niyido37 says:

    just to let u know harry adam smith is on loan to millwall

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