
Oni Ne Marajo Up ’em

Image for Oni Ne Marajo Up ’em

Sieg Heil.

Team selection for this evening leaves little to the imagination. That said I’m unconvinced that the boss will go with my line up. I’ve based my picks less on the opponents tonight and more on the ever looming tie against Manchester City. If this ‘plan’ of playing the best and the brightest of the kids needs a boost, then that’s down to manager to use his bench. My side is designed not to harm us after the full time whistle has blown. Did I already say that?

Anyone you can’t see on the board above needs to be rested. Huddlestone believe it or don’t is looking like our first choice midfield general as I type and so given his need to sit down every now and again and have a dark tea with 3 large sugars in it, he has to sit this one out.

Vertonghen is another one that can fade and I would have him on the bench at most.

Crucial that Hugo keeps his distribution away from Dawson. I don’t say this out of spite. Rather I have this thing about retaining possession. Not passing to the opposition. That sort of thing. Carrol needs to be fed so he can feed both Bale and Dempsey.

Now this isn’t a request for a game of hoof-ball, but Bale might want to consider that Dempsey is decent areal threat and swing the odd ball into him.

Falque, I’ve picked you because Azza Blud won’t survive 90 minutes on a Sunday if he does 90 on a Thursday. But also because you have great potential. However, if you take anymore of those corners that don’t rise above knee height I fully expect you to settle the invoice for a new telly which I will submit to you on Friday.

I want fluid passing with a purpose (yes I mean you Jake so look lively son). Get the ball to the creatives and give us a goal or two. Do your very best. We should win this by 2 goals. 

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  • melcyid says:

    Jesse Jackson ,Al sharpton and co are well known for using the race card to shake down companies over the years using the race card. they have carved themselves out a lucrative career.They are well known jew haters as is Obamas rev wright.
    The yid word always meant what it stood for until the blue rascists started to turn it into a contemptous word regarding Jews , We have merely negated that.The word nigger was originally used to describe those from the african country Niger. If the country Congo was used the same way we would be debating the word congs now. The word gay never meant a homosexual but it has been used
    and you can not use it without causing the word not to allude to the homosexual bent. See the word bent what does that mean in your mind ?
    the daily fail are enjoying stirring this up, it could galvanize our support no end and back fire on them all I reckon public support will be behind us and our profile will be raised around the world , at least it looks like we stand for something. where I live the local majority of black folk say as a matter of course without blinking an eye lid ,did nigga dis ,or dis nigga dat as a matter of course in there every day languge . Hey wos appening nigga?Just the same to them this geezer or that bloke.

    coys Yid army

    • melcyid says:

      whats modders got to with my comment?

      • Boy Charioteer says:

        I get The Independent when I can get off my retired ass to get to the papershop, and if I read the article correctly the main complaint is the offense taken by Jewish people if the word is used by Gentiles. He fails to mention that the word itself is used by Jewish Spurs fans and does not address that point except for; “It would be easy enough to organise and hardly expensive. All you need in a relatively small space is a Jewish person of workaday sensitivity and pride and some bozo in a blue-and-white scarf addressing him as a Yid however well-meaningly”. I assume from his perspective that he assumes that the Jewish person is easily led by the bozo in the blue-and-white scarf and can’t come to a conclusion over a very serious issue on his own terms. Once again in his tedious article he states “The compelling reality is there is no circumstance in which Jewish people would describe themselves as Yids and those in White Hart Lane who may be more numerous than Baddiel believes,who hear it regularly can only be touched by disgust and maybe even a little despair”. I wonder if he has ever actually spoken to any Jewish Spurs fan or done any serious research at all before publishing this Baddiel- induced drivel. I know this might be hard for him, judging by his picture, but maybe he could point his not inconsiderable bulk down towards White Hart Lane, do some serious journalism that might have a teeny weeny bit of research to back it up an ASK THE FANS THEMSELVES.

      • Dorset Spurs says:

        Speaking off modders, I wonder how green is the grass at Real Madrid?
        Berbatov MkII??

      • Boy Charioteer says:

        Sorry Mel, that was at your previous post concerning James Lawton.

    • hiddenagenda says:

      like i said, cards on the table Herbert.

  • melcyid says:

    now james lawton starts up on the yid word self righteous pompous windbags all of em, with his reasoning the star of david should be banned because of its reminder to concentration camps.Why not ban the jewish religion in that case .he has some evocative and choice words to sat about spurs fans that use the YID word.

    • Ronnie Wolman says:

      Fuck if they ban judaism I will immediately become an episcapalean (dont take the piscapalean)

      • Yidinjapan says:

        Noooo!!!! Their bagels are crap! A much better swap is the Shinto’s of North Osaka…. they were inspired by a French pastry master. Bagels even better than the Greeks sell in Cockfosters!

        • Yidinjapan says:

          Fuck…..reply to myself….I’m only drinking anyhow.,..yeah by myself.
          No racial slur intended on the Cockfosters (Cockfisters??? by auto spellcheck????) Greeks of Cockfisters. I have many Greek friends :) although they move their radio base in ally pally on a daily basis. They do a marvelous job in providing top top quality cream cheese herring bagels that the yid places don’t sell themselves. Maybe “Greek” should be a badge of honour of the Cockfisters Yids!!!!

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