
Send Three & Fourpence We’re Going To A Dance

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Good morning.

It’s funny how people’s minds work when they become anxious. The boss’ line up was naive, the changes he made a no brainer if you listen to those that don’t wish him well. After Arry’s appearance MOTD the same mob are anticipating QPR finishing 5th. And does anyone know why Arry has his arms on his seat like he’s driving a wheelchair?

If we learned much from yesterday it is that Jamie Redschnapps is a malicious toad that we need reinforcements. This was proof if it were ever needed that we did indeed get off lightly against City. Or at least some 75 minutes of of proof. 

The knock on effect of players being out has been guys being played out of position and guys getting played who simply aren’t good enough. Let’s have a look at the whys and wherefores player by player and see if we can reach a conclusion that makes sense in the bit under Villas-Boas’ snap. 

Given the circumstances I’m more minded to think how many we might have conceded had he not been there. This bizarrely or not depending upon how your mind works is is precisely the right time to hand over the reigns to Hugo. We cannot afford to play with this guy’s head. We already have one psychological minefield on our goalkeeping staff and don’t need a second. Was it a faultless performance? No. Welcome to the real world. Brad’s 141, he’s be just fine about it.

I remember running a piece a few years back saying that King had had it. One bright spark suggested that blogs such as mine were irresponsible and didn’t aid the player’s recovery, in fact the opposite. I was making his knee worse. So I await the accusation that I made Kyle Walker daft as a brush. Watching him has become a bit depressing. He urgently needs someone assist him to master basic defending and then half a dozen other simple passes he needs to master. All this belting around is largely pointless. 

Good works get overlooked and mistakes are bellowed about from the rooftops. Sounds a lot like the way my ex operated. Maybe he’s as sick and tired of playing alongside Forrest Gump and ‘this weeks’ other CB as we are watching them. You build a ateam from the back. And the return of Benny cannot come soon enough.

Despite shoeing some promise, this was a step to far. Again, if we had better options then he wouldn’t be exposed like this. For all of Benny’s faults and various quirks he’s a proper Premier League left back and minus him we’re simply wall papering over the cracks. Verts does play for Belgium at LB, but the last time I looked it is a Tottenham shirt he wears every week. The defense needs balance and that will only come from being settled in it’s formation.

Had a comfortable enough game but I’m convinced that the way forward is him playing CB with Kaboom. Benny on the left of them and we throw the two Kyles half a pool cue each. ‘Now, our operation is small, but there’s a lot of potential for “aggressive” expansion. So, which one of you fine gentlemen would like to join our team? Oh, there’s only one spot open right now, so we’re gonna have…Tryouts. Make it fast.’

A bit of a nothingy performance if we’re going to be honest with ourselves.

‘Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaain!’ One tough rockin’ bar steward. No prisoners, but more importantly he is constantly wanting to build, turn possession into attack. You can hear him on the ball. ‘Who’s with me?!’ What a great buy. Inspirational character.

Oh look, let’s stop kidding ourselves. Get that Carroll lad in from the off and be done with it. Carroll deserves a run based upon whilst he doesn’t offer the occasional breathtaking pass he offers so much more in every other single department.

How the mighty have fallen. This was supposed to be a big season for him and he’s becoming increasingly invisible for huge parts of games. We need him to put in bigger shifts, it’s that straightforward. Defensively he thinks he’s above it all and sure, while the goal was superb, the rest of his 95 minutes wasn’t. Needs some tough love and less indulging. 

What an idiot and anyone who wants to whine about Howard Webb’s decision to show a red is being beyond naive. 

A largely horrible performance were any good he did was marred with a largely miserable attitude after Adebayor walked. So for 75 minutes his one dimensional contribution was joyless. He constantly looks to others and never to himself. Infuriatingly limited.

We keep waiting, hoping.

Did playing 10 men for really add up to a 3 goal difference in the scoreline? No. Having to field a hotch-potch side yet again and having to play without the best player from our last game is what killed us off. The opening 11 was good. I didn’t see anything wrong with it at all given the missing personnel. The substitutions were also spot on.

What some of you may not wish to factor in is that the Arsenal side that played was stronger than was widely anticipated and they actually had a good game and deserved to win. 5-2 isn’t pinching it. So you need to look at why and not just make knee jerk responses.

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  • TMWNN says:

    It was all too pally for me just before kick off. I’m not naive enough to think that any of them care, but they could at least pretend to. It won’t be long before these overpaid wankers start listening to “choons” in the tunnel.


    The one shining light in this latest debacle is Sandro. He is a wrecking ball personified – brilliant!

    Gallas needs retiring and someone needs to inject big bad Tommy with the rest of the syringe and finish the job off. He’s an embarrassment.

    Not having a suitable replacement for Adebayor is gross negligence, but no doubt the Levy lovers will find excuses.

  • melcyid says:

    Looks to me that whinger reminded lasagna that Benny wasnt playing and he had nothing to fear going down the right and crossing,he tormented us.With Benny about he wouldnt dare come down that side of the pitch.

  • LLL says:

    One more thing! AVB’s post-match comments that we were ‘the better team from the first minute to the last’ – Do not approve! Delusions which just make him look stupid / psychotic. I hope he isn’t saying that crap to the players as they won’t take him seriously either.

    • 4 Ever Hopeful says:

      Correct. He did the same the other day when he dramatically underplayed the Gooners’ CL qualfication record.

    • Boy Charioteer says:

      Yes, when he said that I immediately thought of Adam West of “Batman” saying “poor deluded fool” to The Penguin or one of them anyway. Nice to have your avatar back, the other one was a bit sinister.

    • TMWNN says:

      That’s fucked up. He must have had some kind of black out between the sending off and half time where we lost the game. It might also explain why the changes were half an hour too late. Only an idiot would say we were better throughout.

      • Hot_Spur says:

        Changes were half hour too late? Easy with hindsight isn’t it? There was no way of knowing that the defensive collapse would happen and if he’d made changes immediately after the red card and we had still leaked three quick goals you would no doubt have criticised him for making the changes. Damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t.

        • Essexian76 says:

          No,of course you’re wrong H-S,AVB,should’ve seen the collective mindset of nine outfield players-run on the pitch-dragging both full backs off the very instant Ade walked-because not only is he a manager-he’s also a clairvoyant-sily you eh?
          Fact remains he did change things for the better at HT and despite the enomity of the task-we did still compete in the 2nd half!

        • ELELEL says:

          Fact also remains that by the time he changed things for the better it was too late to actually make it any better.

        • Essexian76 says:

          As I said-should he have stopped the game midstream then-surely a manager can only influence at HT if things go tits up 1st half. The players need to look at themselves, they’re out there, their the one’s who can change things-It’s what having a captain’s armbands for? It’s too easy to blame the manager, same as last season with all that ‘lack of tactics’ BS.

        • LLL says:

          I haven’t blamed him, in fact I gave him credit. I just said the changes didn’t make any difference. I’ve also repeatedly said that the capitulation was what most worried me more than anything. Clear lack of bottle, and whether AVB is annyway responsible for that, it is certainly part of his job to start instilling some backbone and self-belief.

    • kranky says:

      This team is going backwards. We have half a dozen next-gen players waiting in the wings and Tom Hudd and Gallas are regulars. This man AVB is a walking disaster and before Christmas his bum lickers will agree.

      • Hot_Spur says:

        The difference between next gen and PL is huge, several levels different. Those players may look good in next gen but the majority are far from ready for Pl, especially the against the top teams. Chucking youngsters in at the deep end before they are ready risks destroying their confidence and possibly ruining them.

        • Essexian76 says:

          Walker and Naughton will be in no doubt what’s expected of them in the future-Walker especially needed a kick up the jacksee-hopefully the humiliation with him being an International player, YPOTY and a media fav will impact upon him and get him back on track for all our sakes

        • yidtilidie says:

          Exactly, look at Aston Villa right now!

          Yes our team is depleted right now, but I for one would like to at least see a little fight from some of these spineless c**ts who play for us!

          Us as fans would have given our houses away to play yesterday, yet some of our players treat it like any other match!

          One thing the gooners and the rest of the top teams, city, chelski and utd have over us (which I hate to say) is a never say die attitude, we never look like defying the odds, and I don’t wanna hear about the UTD victory, because on this seasons form, that was pure luck, and were lucky to even be in the top half!

  • Jungian says:

    Anyone else disappointed & irritated by Defoe’s continual whining yesterday? It started before Ade was carded.

  • Sid Trotter says:

    i actually think it was a yellow not a red

    but thats how i lose every game of snooker

    • Hot_Spur says:

      By the laws of the game it was a red. Both feet off the ground = dangerous. That’s how legs get broken.

      • Essexian76 says:

        I think it’s also an age thing TBH. A decade ago it would’ve been a yellow-two decades ago-a foul and and a free-no more-you can blame FIFA for making the game such a pussyfest-but by and large these days Webb was correct and at least thought long and hard before giving it.

    • Billy Legit says:

      I get my yellows and reds mixed up as well, Sid.

      That’s why i’m crap at Connect 4.

    • Phil McAvity says:

      I’m the same Sid, except I always get the brown and the pink mixed up, the wife is never amused!

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