
Send Three & Fourpence We’re Going To A Dance

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Good morning.

It’s funny how people’s minds work when they become anxious. The boss’ line up was naive, the changes he made a no brainer if you listen to those that don’t wish him well. After Arry’s appearance MOTD the same mob are anticipating QPR finishing 5th. And does anyone know why Arry has his arms on his seat like he’s driving a wheelchair?

If we learned much from yesterday it is that Jamie Redschnapps is a malicious toad that we need reinforcements. This was proof if it were ever needed that we did indeed get off lightly against City. Or at least some 75 minutes of of proof. 

The knock on effect of players being out has been guys being played out of position and guys getting played who simply aren’t good enough. Let’s have a look at the whys and wherefores player by player and see if we can reach a conclusion that makes sense in the bit under Villas-Boas’ snap. 

Given the circumstances I’m more minded to think how many we might have conceded had he not been there. This bizarrely or not depending upon how your mind works is is precisely the right time to hand over the reigns to Hugo. We cannot afford to play with this guy’s head. We already have one psychological minefield on our goalkeeping staff and don’t need a second. Was it a faultless performance? No. Welcome to the real world. Brad’s 141, he’s be just fine about it.

I remember running a piece a few years back saying that King had had it. One bright spark suggested that blogs such as mine were irresponsible and didn’t aid the player’s recovery, in fact the opposite. I was making his knee worse. So I await the accusation that I made Kyle Walker daft as a brush. Watching him has become a bit depressing. He urgently needs someone assist him to master basic defending and then half a dozen other simple passes he needs to master. All this belting around is largely pointless. 

Good works get overlooked and mistakes are bellowed about from the rooftops. Sounds a lot like the way my ex operated. Maybe he’s as sick and tired of playing alongside Forrest Gump and ‘this weeks’ other CB as we are watching them. You build a ateam from the back. And the return of Benny cannot come soon enough.

Despite shoeing some promise, this was a step to far. Again, if we had better options then he wouldn’t be exposed like this. For all of Benny’s faults and various quirks he’s a proper Premier League left back and minus him we’re simply wall papering over the cracks. Verts does play for Belgium at LB, but the last time I looked it is a Tottenham shirt he wears every week. The defense needs balance and that will only come from being settled in it’s formation.

Had a comfortable enough game but I’m convinced that the way forward is him playing CB with Kaboom. Benny on the left of them and we throw the two Kyles half a pool cue each. ‘Now, our operation is small, but there’s a lot of potential for “aggressive” expansion. So, which one of you fine gentlemen would like to join our team? Oh, there’s only one spot open right now, so we’re gonna have…Tryouts. Make it fast.’

A bit of a nothingy performance if we’re going to be honest with ourselves.

‘Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaain!’ One tough rockin’ bar steward. No prisoners, but more importantly he is constantly wanting to build, turn possession into attack. You can hear him on the ball. ‘Who’s with me?!’ What a great buy. Inspirational character.

Oh look, let’s stop kidding ourselves. Get that Carroll lad in from the off and be done with it. Carroll deserves a run based upon whilst he doesn’t offer the occasional breathtaking pass he offers so much more in every other single department.

How the mighty have fallen. This was supposed to be a big season for him and he’s becoming increasingly invisible for huge parts of games. We need him to put in bigger shifts, it’s that straightforward. Defensively he thinks he’s above it all and sure, while the goal was superb, the rest of his 95 minutes wasn’t. Needs some tough love and less indulging. 

What an idiot and anyone who wants to whine about Howard Webb’s decision to show a red is being beyond naive. 

A largely horrible performance were any good he did was marred with a largely miserable attitude after Adebayor walked. So for 75 minutes his one dimensional contribution was joyless. He constantly looks to others and never to himself. Infuriatingly limited.

We keep waiting, hoping.

Did playing 10 men for really add up to a 3 goal difference in the scoreline? No. Having to field a hotch-potch side yet again and having to play without the best player from our last game is what killed us off. The opening 11 was good. I didn’t see anything wrong with it at all given the missing personnel. The substitutions were also spot on.

What some of you may not wish to factor in is that the Arsenal side that played was stronger than was widely anticipated and they actually had a good game and deserved to win. 5-2 isn’t pinching it. So you need to look at why and not just make knee jerk responses.

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  • John says:

    A lot of sense spoken today(positive), which I am surprised about considering the nature of defeat.

    I feel the big loss wasn’t yesterday more the bad choices that have gone before making yesterday’s result really hurt our league position(although a more true reflection of his season).

    However despite our recent negative/dull tactics we are still leaky, with a manager that is know for his prep?

    More annoying yesterday was the players happy shaking hands at the end whilst and our manager running around shaking anything that looked at him. I really don’t think he understands the basics as well as the detail, by the way did anyone see the Utd players response when the lost yesterday………heads down straight off.

  • Chris says:

    I find it a bit embarrassing as a spurs fan and regular attendee at the lane that fans are crying for AVB s head already. It’s not even Xmas and we have a injury list that is clearly killing us. Get behind the side or sod off down the road where you belong.

    • cookiebun says:

      Oh here we go. Someone who thinks he’s God allfucking mighty telling people they don’t have an opinion. Grow up honey, he’s a fucking failure and papering over the cracks won’t change that. This squad is what he and Levy deemed capable prior to the 30th September. He named his 25 the same way as any other manager did and he is ailing miserably. He has gone on record as saying this team doesn’t need reinforcing in January. He hasn’t go a clue and anne who wants is entitled of their opinion of him.

      • Hot_Spur says:

        It may be what Levy deemed capable but it isn’t what AVB deemed capable. Why do you suppose he wanted Moutinho and Willian? In which levy let him down. So after only 12 games, with a very weakened squad, you already deem him a failure? 12 games is hardly enough to form an opinion, you are clearly prone to knee jerks.

        • cookiebun says:

          Quote (Moutinho and Willian) correction Moutinho OR Willian, he wouldn’t ever, ever have got the money for both. He had success with a team about the same size as Ipswich in Portugal and he had the services of Hulk, Mountinho etc. He didn’t cut it at Chelsea and looked like a rabbit in headlights at interviews. We cannot take the chance of allowing him to change this team to his liking and then get sacked. It would set us back 10 years.

      • Hot_Spur says:

        As for his positive comments about the squad, what do you expect him to say? That they are rubbish like Harry did regarding certain players.

      • Chris says:

        So what would you do? Sack him, bring in someone else who wants to tweak the squad and staff and if that guy does nt get instant results sack him as well?
        And who would you replace him with? Mourinio? Hiddink? Get real.
        Redknapp had 3 seasons I think AVB deserves at least that so stop panicking “honey”. It’s not about stifling opinion it’s about weeding out the noise from the common sense.

  • DJB says:

    HH, I’ll ask you the same unanswered question as I asked you in you last post:

    I see in the last week or so you’ve started to bemoan the strength of the squad and a desperate need of reinforcements in January. Well to coin a phrase you so much love to use against your detractors, how about adding some substance to your comment and elaborating why you think that is?

  • John says:

    On a special note to HH, you deserved any abuse you received regarding “The King”! That gentleman earnt a full pardon a long time ago( in my book) and should be awarded half of the international caps the other defenders got during his tenure.

  • Hartley says:

    Anyone with half a brain, knew that this season was going to be one of transition. We were never going to win the league, a cup would be an incredible achievement, top 4 would be amazing….AVB has got to be given time to put his own team together, at the moment he is experimenting with players and formations and taking it all in. He ain’t no fool and will see that Defoe can’t pay up front on his own, Naughton is useless at left back, Galas and Friedel are done and the likes of Huddlestone, Dempsey and Livermore are back up at best.
    He will know that we need to spend big, first on a striker and second, a creative midfielder.
    Get behind the team, get behind the manager COYS!

    • Essexian76 says:

      Ah,at last a voice of reason-seems supporting the team in these troubled times-is just as bad as supporting them when things are going well-if you try and get a positive out of it-you’re a happy clapping AVB/HH ‘man’ these days-When all I said was That piece of haddock would’ve been fit for Jehovah”

    • John says:

      Hartley, I thoroughly agree with the last line. However can’t help but think you completely contradicted your self by saying “he ain’t no fool”
      and then follow up with the selections he has been making all season as the justification?

    • cookiebun says:

      AVB needs to get the fuck out of WHL before the likes of Bale, Sandro, Vertongen, Llaoris, Ade and Dembele decide that enough is enough. He said on the post match interview yesterday on the BBC that he was proud of the teams performance and they were on top from the first minute to the last. He’s a joke and will destroy the club unles he’s shown the door.

    • LLL says:

      Anyone with half a brain, knew that this season was going to be one of transition.

      Why? Weren’t we supposed to kick on from the Redknapp era? Didn’t AVB himself say that the minimum target he agreed with Levy was 4th? (Don’t shoot the messenger on that one, eh?).

      BTW, please explain what you mean by ‘transition’. Presumably you mean we are changing things – but what things are we changing and what is the eventual outcome?

      I hear ‘transition’ quite a lot. Haven’t Spurs been in ‘transition’ for most of the last 25 years?

      • cookiebun says:

        51 years

        • mystic arnold says:

          Since 2 years after we won the double

        • Hartley says:

          Hmmm….. 5 FA cups, 2 UEFA cups, 1 Cup winners cup and 4 League cups and we haven’t bought any of them… fact since the war only Spurs and Yanited have won at least 1 trophy every decade….Ficklefucker

      • Hot_Spur says:

        AVB may well have agreed 4th with Levy and if that was agreed I would guess that also part of such agreement would be that Levy would get the players AVB wanted. Moutinho and Willian. If levy failed to keep his end up he can hardly expect AVB to carry the can if 4th doesn’t materialize.

        • LLL says:

          You are making stuff up! You have no evidence to support your claim that the agreement was dependent on those players.

        • John says:

          Hot_Spur, Have you not realised your the only one that thinks buying both of those players was REALISTIC. You sound like Redknapp, stick to Football Manager.

        • Hot_Spur says:

          LLL – I’m not “making up stuff” and it isn’t a “claim” if you read my post properly you will see that it is a “guess” that if AVB would agree to top 4, knowing that our most influential player was leaving, and the possibility that VdV may also leave, he would want or even expect they they would be replaced by players at least somewhere towards similar quality. How can you take two world class players out of any team and expect similar results and performances, especially in view of our main competitors having improved their teams whilst ours has get weaker.

        • LLL says:

          If you listen to most opinion, VDV doesn’t count as he barely contributed last season. I tend to agree. I also agree that losing Modric has been very damaging. But I don’t see any evidence whatsoever that AVB had a clause in his contract which said he was allowed to under-achieve if Levy didn’t replace him with Moutinho!

        • 4 Ever Hopeful says:

          Yesterday you said my thesis was just an assumption and I was “talking out of my arse”

          Look behind you.

      • JaySpurs says:

        Completely agree. The only ‘transition’ we needed was moving from 4th to 3rd! It may be ‘only 12 games’ but in those 12 games AVB has revealed himself to be utterly inept tactically and a laughing stock at getting the best out of what most pundits and punters would deem a respectable set of players.

        And what’s in that famous notebook? Waitrose Shopping list? It certainly doesn’t seem to do him any good whilst watching the fricking games.

      • half_baked_spuds says:

        Remember that we finished 4th (twice), 5th and got to a champions league quarter final in the last 3 seasons, so please could someone explain to me what exactly we’re transitioning from and to? Fook me arse shipped 8 goals to man u last season but they didn’t sack whinger. The only knee-jerking I’ve seen is by our pillock chairman. The man should stick to playing russian roulette in his private life, not with our once superb team.
        Anyway we have transitioned; from cream to stale milk.

    • TMWNN says:

      It’s Levy who you should be telling to get behind the team.

    • offtheshelf says:

      Do any of you honestly think that replacing Modric and VDV with Dembele and Sig/Dempsey would leave the team as strong as they were?!!!
      Of course he wanted Mutinho who wouldn’t he is a better player than all three above and would make a difference.
      As for the loss of VDV it has hurt us, how many times at the Lane have you seen us get up to the final third and then go sideways or backwards, VDV used to find space and make himself open in that area, remember goals against the scum and the opener against Inter in the CL.
      Truth be told at full strength we might be as good as the Arse but we are not good enough to compete with the top three consistently through the season.
      Levy knows this and it is why he wants the new ground, what worries me is when we are paying for it will we have the money to spend on quality players, this is why I wanted Moyes for manager, he can keep a team going on little money, then once the ground had been paid for who knows what he could do with big funds behind him.
      AVB sold Levy on his plan, a plan which has always been Levy’s ideal way of running the club hence the continual use of the word project.

    • Chrispurs says:

      I’ll get behind him, if I can push him right out of the WHL front door

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